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Rating:  Summary: Very Basic Review: An introduction to the philosophy and the practice of the Bach Flower Remedies. Dr. Edward Bach (a homeopathic physician) developed his own theory about the causes of disease.
It lists the appropriate remedy for each symptom.
Good as a starting point.
Rating:  Summary: Simple yet effective Review: Dr. Edward Bach, a skilled homeopathic physician, developed his own theory about the cause of disease. Dr. Bach believed that physical diseases begin as an imbalance in the patient's emotional well-being. By attending to emotions and weeding out harmful emotions from the patient's psyche, a healing trend can be initiated that assists the patient in avoiding future physical diseases. Treating emotional states addresses diseases while they are still at the energy level. Dr. Bach believed that the flower essences could even be helpful once disease had progressed to a physical manifestation. The flower essences do not replace other treatments such as homeopathy, but they can assist other treatments by soothing the patient's mental condition and initiating preliminary steps towards healing the imbalance that led to the disease in the first place.This book is filled with wonderful information that the beginner can use to learn to use the flower essences to heal themselves and others. It is the basic text and everyone who is interested in flower essences should have this text regardless of what other texts they own as well. Bach thoroughly explains his theory on the source of disease and then each flower essence is examined, one by one, showing the emotional profile of the patient who would most benefit from each remedy. The system is very simple and can be learned easily by the layman but it is very effective -- only 38 remedies cover the entirety of negative human emotions! Dr. Bach insisted that the flower essences be kept simple because he believed that their simplicity was a key factor of their effectiveness. Treating one's self and others with flower essences is simple to learn but it is also an art that one will spend the rest of their lifetime developing and perfecting.
Rating:  Summary: Simple yet effective Review: Dr. Edward Bach, a skilled homeopathic physician, developed his own theory about the cause of disease. Dr. Bach believed that physical diseases begin as an imbalance in the patient's emotional well-being. By attending to emotions and weeding out harmful emotions from the patient's psyche, a healing trend can be initiated that assists the patient in avoiding future physical diseases. Treating emotional states addresses diseases while they are still at the energy level. Dr. Bach believed that the flower essences could even be helpful once disease had progressed to a physical manifestation. The flower essences do not replace other treatments such as homeopathy, but they can assist other treatments by soothing the patient's mental condition and initiating preliminary steps towards healing the imbalance that led to the disease in the first place. This book is filled with wonderful information that the beginner can use to learn to use the flower essences to heal themselves and others. It is the basic text and everyone who is interested in flower essences should have this text regardless of what other texts they own as well. Bach thoroughly explains his theory on the source of disease and then each flower essence is examined, one by one, showing the emotional profile of the patient who would most benefit from each remedy. The system is very simple and can be learned easily by the layman but it is very effective -- only 38 remedies cover the entirety of negative human emotions! Dr. Bach insisted that the flower essences be kept simple because he believed that their simplicity was a key factor of their effectiveness. Treating one's self and others with flower essences is simple to learn but it is also an art that one will spend the rest of their lifetime developing and perfecting.
Rating:  Summary: Mental and emotional harmony! Review: Have you ever noticed how your mood is instantly elevated when you inhale the scent of a rose deeply and with purpose. The world seems like a better place instantly. Rose oil has a frequency of around 320 MHz. Flowers are beautiful on their own and can lift your mood with their fragrance or with their petals blowing in the breeze in nature. So, what other secrets do flowers conceal? Apparently, they can help us to change our emotional state. The scent of roses is said to dispel anger, or so I have read! In this book, flowers are celebrated as natural healers which can help us return to a healthful state. Our emotions can at times manifest themselves as a health issue and greatly affect our bodies. Dr. Edward Bach (1897-1936) believed that physical illness was a manifestation of emotional imbalance. He believed we can heal and balance the body with nontoxic methods. Some of the remedies include: ASPEN - For fear or anxiety IMPATIENS - For impatience, irritability and nervousness. MUSTARD - Severe depression WILLOW - For neutralizing resentment and bitterness VERVIAN - For tension and hyperactivity or overachieving STAR OF BETHLEHEM - For mental shock There are also remedies you can take for sensitivity, disappointment, muscular cramps, skin rashes, recurrent ailments, critical attitudes and bad dreams. Look into other health remedies like Arnica for injuries, Pulsatilla for nasal problems, Cantharis for cystitis, Chamomile tea for a restful sleep and Gelsemium for flu symptoms. Look for a homeopathic brand called: Oscillococcinum for symptoms of the flu in the winter. The theory is that a infinitesimal amount of a plant substance can stimulate the body's healing defenses. The closer you can match your symptom to the remedy, the more effective it will be for you. I suggest reading other homeopathy books along with this one. I also recommend "Reference Guide for Essential Oils by Connie and Alan Higley" from abundant-health4u.com as they have the best products I have found so far.
Rating:  Summary: A great introductory book! Review: This book is a wonderful introduction to both the philosophy and the practice of the Bach Flower Remedies. It provides a lot of information without overwhelming the reader. The book is arranged in three sections. The first is Dr. Bach's essay entitled "Heal Thyself" which is about how each one of us has the power and is capable of healing ourself, the second section gives a short, useful description of each essence. The third section is a wonderful list of numerous emotional states and the appropriate essence to use for each one. If you're at all interested in learning how to treat yourself using these remedies, this is the book for you. I've had this book for approximately 6 months and it is well worn already!
Rating:  Summary: A great introductory book! Review: This book is a wonderful introduction to both the philosophy and the practice of the Bach Flower Remedies. It provides a lot of information without overwhelming the reader. The book is arranged in three sections. The first is Dr. Bach's essay entitled "Heal Thyself" which is about how each one of us has the power and is capable of healing ourself, the second section gives a short, useful description of each essence. The third section is a wonderful list of numerous emotional states and the appropriate essence to use for each one. If you're at all interested in learning how to treat yourself using these remedies, this is the book for you. I've had this book for approximately 6 months and it is well worn already!
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