Rating:  Summary: Nothing is Wasted Review: At first I was drawn to this book, based upon a recommendation by someone who I most admire. Yet, I had this book for some time before I chose to read it, because I only read a book when I preceive that there is something in the book that fits into what I want to enhance in my life, right now.This week, I found myself asking for a book comparable to "The Power of the Subconscious Mind," and "Open Your Mind to Prosperity." Reading books that teach lessons about the Universal Subconscious Mind, which is what "Three Magic Words" is also about, touch my life so deeply. By the time I have finished reading the book, despite my notes in the margins, I am challenged to describe what I've gotten out of the book. Through reading this book, I have enhanced myself a billion times over, in every page. That I know. B The power of U.S. Andersen's book, has led me to grow beyond my wildest dreams. And I know that I will reread this book, along with the books, referenced in the back of this book. So what are the 3 magic words? Well, that question was always on my mind. And to tell anyone what this author believes are the 3 magic words would not help you - they may even turn you away from reading this book. Because to know those 3 words is to read this book with an open heart, willing to be taught, and knowing that you are safe to explore your mind. As I read this book, I wrote what I thought might be the 3 magic words. My guesses were: 1. Faith+hope+love 2. Big+humble+visionary 3. Memory+reason+imagination 4. Thought+conviction = manifestation 5. Know, learn and build 6. Thought+faith+creator 7. Universal Subconscious Mind 8. I am this 9. Nothing is wasted 10. Interest+desire+aspiration 11. Greatest power= thinking And as it turns out, they are synomous with his message
Rating:  Summary: Nothing is Wasted Review: At first I was drawn to this book, based upon a recommendation by someone who I most admire. Yet, I had this book for some time before I chose to read it, because I only read a book when I preceive that there is something in the book that fits into what I want to enhance in my life, right now. This week, I found myself asking for a book comparable to "The Power of the Subconscious Mind," and "Open Your Mind to Prosperity." Reading books that teach lessons about the Universal Subconscious Mind, which is what "Three Magic Words" is also about, touch my life so deeply. By the time I have finished reading the book, despite my notes in the margins, I am challenged to describe what I've gotten out of the book. Through reading this book, I have enhanced myself a billion times over, in every page. That I know. B The power of U.S. Andersen's book, has led me to grow beyond my wildest dreams. And I know that I will reread this book, along with the books, referenced in the back of this book. So what are the 3 magic words? Well, that question was always on my mind. And to tell anyone what this author believes are the 3 magic words would not help you - they may even turn you away from reading this book. Because to know those 3 words is to read this book with an open heart, willing to be taught, and knowing that you are safe to explore your mind. As I read this book, I wrote what I thought might be the 3 magic words. My guesses were: 1. Faith+hope+love 2. Big+humble+visionary 3. Memory+reason+imagination 4. Thought+conviction = manifestation 5. Know, learn and build 6. Thought+faith+creator 7. Universal Subconscious Mind 8. I am this 9. Nothing is wasted 10. Interest+desire+aspiration 11. Greatest power= thinking And as it turns out, they are synomous with his message
Rating:  Summary: May not be giving the right advice.You need faith with works Review: Before you think this book will give you everything you ever wanted, one should wake up to reality, and realize, at least for me, that this book will not always give you everything you ever wanted. At least financially it hasn't, and I think that that's what most people, including the publisher, want in life (more money). I read this book thinking that "Oh if I read this, and do what it says, then I will have everything I ever wanted." Well I tried it and have had this book for more than 5 years and well I don't have everything I ever wanted. That is a new car, a new house, lots of money in a bank account, or a large income. Well it was worth a try. Well, things take more than just thoughts, I am afraid. It takes action also. He leaves out the works, but I think that it is the works that will actually do it and also do it faster, that is turn your thoughts into reality. Faith + Works = Creation. So either this book is a bunch of bull or either I am not doing something right. The thing I probably was not doing right was leaving out the action or leaving the action to the Universal Subconscious Mind or God as he calls it to bring my thoughts or desires to reality. I thought I could get some unconventional "wisdom" to allow me to make it big but common sense still prevails, that is work hard at a job, save up the money, and invest it or buy things that will increase in value, and don't waste your money on things that won't benefit you in the short term or long term. Because once you have the money, then you can either buy or make your dreams real. Most people nowadays will buy things rather than make it on their own, either because they don't have the equipment, or the experience or the know-how to make a car ,for instance, on their own. One thing I can say after reading this book and keeping this book for over 5 years now, is that you need money to make most of your dreams come true or you have to have the intelligence and the energy or power to help you, and since we don't live in the age of slaves who will help you build something or do something, it will take money. So the biggest question is, and one in which I was hoping this book would answer for me as it states that it will give you everything you ever wanted including answers about how to make money, is 'how is one going to get the money needed to get everything you ever wanted?' The only things I can come up with, and I did not even need the book to know this, are five things. (1)Work for it at a job (whether low paying or high paying or commission) (2)Borrow it (which means you have to pay it back and usually with interest) (3) Receive it as a gift (which you have no way of controlling or usually knowing), (4) Luck (winning something, such as the lottery, in which the probability is usually harder as the amount goes up), or (5) Invest in some stock which goes up in value (this usually doesn't happen overnight and usually takes years but it beats a bank account especially if you don't have much in it). (1) and (5) are the best choices, work for the money and invest it in some good stocks or mutual funds. Invest intelligently by picking good stocks from good companies that will be around for several years and in which you believe or know that their service or products will be around for the next few years. The other choices are either too slow or may even never occur and leave you in a vulnerable position. (1) and (5) gives you more control. There are a lot of things in this book that he talks about which I don't think I have enough room to talk about (max. 1000 words) But some of the things he says are like that "We serve best by creating things rather than competing." To me those two things typically can't be separated. You can create something like a car but if you want it to do good against other products in the future you have to compete and improve your product rather than just say that it's good from the beginning, otherwise we might still be driving a Model T after 80 years instead of a Lexus. The only time you can say I don't have to compete is if you have a monopoly on it and no one can else can make that same product, which I believe the government would call an anti-trust, which I believe they consider illegal. In order to create something you usually need the know-how or education or experience and the materials. Competition just gives us the motivation or a drive to do something or to improve on something which we might not have if we don't compete, so I don't see why it's as bad as he says it is. The other problem with me reading this book, is that since the author passed away I was not able to contact him by letter, and so I was not able to clear up some things with him. I was concerned that I might have misinterpreted some of his stuff and so maybe that was the reason why I was not getting everything I ever wanted in life as it clearly says on the front cover of the book. I kind of understand what he is talking about now, but I think I would have understood sooner if I was able to speak with someone who was an expert on the book.
Rating:  Summary: A truly life altering book! Review: I first read this book in 1987. A friend gave me this book when I was in a deep depression, actually seeing myself in a glass coffin with dirt falling on me. I felt so hopeless and so very lost and alone at that point, I even contimplated suicide.
This friend also encouraged me to record a tape of all the meditations that are at the end of each chapter and play it back to myself each night. After all, who is the person each of us REALLY listens to?....ourselves, of course! I spoke slowly and distictly, in a soft tone and recorded all 12 meditations on one tape. I made the tape after completing the book which only took a day and a half to read, it was like manna from heaven....literally. I played this tape each night on "continuous playback" for myself, letting it fill my mind all night long with its truth and power.
The long and short of it my friends, is that I drew to me the love my life within 2 weeks and married him 90 days later. I drew to me prosperity and an abundance of love, health and peace seemingly overnight. Plugging into the Universal Mind is all one needs to do to achieve a wonderful life. Yes, it takes a commitment of will and after reading this book, you will see that your path is lighted with the first step. Take it now, order one today and you, too, will be transformed...for this book will awaken your spirit and you will undoubtedly remember who you really are! Namaste.
Rating:  Summary: I AM (not) GOD. Review: I would like to start by saying this is an excellent book. I am not going to give it away what the three magic words are, but I am going to tell you this. Everything you need to succeed is in this book because everything you need to succeed is within your midst. Read this book and learn how matter, time, energy, space is shaped by willpower.
Rating:  Summary: Great Introduction to Vedic wisdom Review: I've read them all, listened to them all, and seen many live. But U.S. Anderson's philosophy is the pinnacle in metaphyical studies. Very similar to the work of Ernest Holmes, the Science of Mind founder (Do not confuse with Scientology, they're apples and oranges). Each chapter builds on itself as you beg to know the 3 magic words. He doesn't reveal them 'til the end, but you'll most likely figure it out somewhere along the way. There are meditations at the end of each chapter as well. With no disrespect to Chopra and Dyer, (whom I love), they scratch the surface, where Anderson brings you to the core. This is very deep stuff, but once you get it...fireworks will go off over your head, not a lightbulb. If you practice these principals with massive faith, your life will have no choice but to change for the better. You cannot stop it. I said it was the bible, because you will highlight and pull quotes from it every single day. Simply awesome. Let me also add that if you couple this belief system with Effortless Prosperity - a life changing book written by Bijan Anjomi, the rest of your days will be enriched a thousand fold.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book with an open mind Review: Over the years, I have read numerous books on achievement and fulfilment and as a result, I have picked up bits and pieces of absolute truths along the way. I was drawn to this book as a result of hearing that one of the most recognizable and successful self-help leaders of our era was influenced tremendously by these three books: "Think and Grow Rich", "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting" and "Three Magic Words." That is the order I read these books in, and "Three Magic Words" tied everything together in a beautiful harmony of the absolute truths I was searching for. I highly recommend this book to anyone who can give themselves the gift of keeping an open mind while reading it. If this is your first metaphysical self-help book, you may benefit from reading the other two books listed above first, as I did. Being formally brought up in the Christian Church, I can understand how it can be difficult to accept new ideas that seem to initially be "outside" of the boundaries of some organized religions, and social hypnosis doesn't seem to help either. But now I see the whole truth, the absolute truth - and a what a wonderful truth it is!
Rating:  Summary: Read this book with an open mind Review: Over the years, I have read numerous books on achievement and fulfilment and as a result, I have picked up bits and pieces of absolute truths along the way. I was drawn to this book as a result of hearing that one of the most recognizable and successful self-help leaders of our era was influenced tremendously by these three books: "Think and Grow Rich", "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting" and "Three Magic Words." That is the order I read these books in, and "Three Magic Words" tied everything together in a beautiful harmony of the absolute truths I was searching for. I highly recommend this book to anyone who can give themselves the gift of keeping an open mind while reading it. If this is your first metaphysical self-help book, you may benefit from reading the other two books listed above first, as I did. Being formally brought up in the Christian Church, I can understand how it can be difficult to accept new ideas that seem to initially be "outside" of the boundaries of some organized religions, and social hypnosis doesn't seem to help either. But now I see the whole truth, the absolute truth - and a what a wonderful truth it is!
Rating:  Summary: Three Magic Words Review: The is the most amazing book I have ever read! While it is dated, the principle espoused by USA is even more provable by science today. Furthermore, USA's 3 magic words have the potential to bring you everything you ever wanted. Life will never be the same for you after reading this most amazing book. Sincerely, Gary B. Green JP ...
Rating:  Summary: Loaded with wisdom Review: The title doesn't nearly tell the story. Don't be confused with the word, "magic." This book has wisdom and revelation on every page. I am convinced the writter of this book understood what prophets of old were trying to tell us. After reading this book I had clarity on who I am and Whose I am. Read it, too, and you'll experience the connection and come to know unity.