Rating:  Summary: The Universe Has Changed! Review: 'member how surgeons scoffed at the idea of washing their hands, and 'engineers' scoffed (before the Transistor Age) at electronic crystals? Well here we go again Mr and Mrs. Scoffer---Parasites are the Storm Troopers,the Evil Spirits, the Fly in the Ointment of our HEALTH!Clark boldly goes where (few) men have gone before. I researched her work, and although she is not alone, others like her have been censored by the scoffers.Clark has 100 case histories that defy healthy skepticism, and pave the way towards what I believe to be the point in all her books:SELF HEALING.This book is as complete as any book should be that makes such a profound claim: diagrams, explanations, case histories, equipment, alternatives, recipes, sources, etc.,.Life has in it a cure for HIV/AIDS, its unbelievably low cost, and can soon be in your hands to benefit you and those you love the most. Please own this godsend!
Rating:  Summary: To the above critics of Mrs. Clark...with love Review: After reviewing the 2 above attacks on Hulda Clark, it is clear that one of the following scenarios are the case:1) unintentional disinformationist.........2)intentional disinformationist =)I actually laughed after reading the 'critique' entitled "hogwash". It makes for a combined comical & disturbing notion that someone,somewhere, somehow.... could be that ignorant :-o. As one who has been raised to know what goes on, people such as this are easy to dismiss as 'not well' and unfit to have their opinion looked at with a straight face. There are professonals to do the job pal.. while it's good that you're not at that level....in my humble opinion....you still...for lack of a better word.... suck¿"I would never reccommend this to my patients"....WE KNOW . The ability to think really does feel good... it may behoove you to take that challenge-you ARE somebody =)As far as the research by this author goes, I am making it a top priority to get the word out to absolutely everyone. Flyers, posters, bumper stickers(that can be conveniently placed on telephone polls, medical buildings, hospitals, laundry rooms, the foreheads of MDs,etc) and to ceo's and owners of the pharmeceutical companies who murder our children and profit from disease itself, and our congress who funds the one organization that covers up their crimes against humanity, the Food & Drug Administration. THANKs HULDA.Ty w w w . b a n k h o n e s t y . c o m
Rating:  Summary: This book can save your life Review: I have spent best part of the year studying the work of Dr Clark as detailed in her books. She is undoubtably one of the most sincere people I have come across. It is relatively easy to get hold of one of the electronic zappers that she recommends but clearing up the toxins in your environment, body products and even processed food will not be easy. The zapper works on the principle that we are negatively charged and the parasites are positively charged so as long as the zapper is pumping out positive charge ( have your zapper checked periodically on an occiloscope at an electronics shop.She gives you step by step instructions to do all these things and she does seem to be able to save the lives of terminally ill patients if the Good Lord is willing. The case histories in her book on Advanced Cancer are very impressive and even medical tests and x-rays are given and explained in three hundred pages. Mark my words this lady will get the Nobel prize for medicine but it may take a while! Liz Miller, Health Practitioner (homeopathy, Bowen therapy) 10 years experience
Rating:  Summary: Revolutionary Read Review: I REPEAT, God bless you my sweet woman for you have provided a remedy to the world's largest disease. I should have known that it would take a smart woman to solve the riddle of life. Your altruistic outpouring will be enjoyed world-wide. To know that the cure is inexpensive and nonpharmaceutical, is a joy. I read the 2003 version of your book. It is truly sad that the naysayers could think of nothing else to do with themselves but pollute the reviews of your books. Rest assured that those among us who see through their charade could care less what they have to say. One needs only to speak to some of the people you have cured or otherwise cleaned up their health through your advise. No one on the planet earth has explained the science of the digestive track and workings of the body and its organs as well as you have. Even I, a laywoman could follow your instructions. I don't have the disease but I sure intent to practice some of your preventive health features to avoid parasites, worms, and other microscopic organisms. So my dear lady, thank you millions, no trillions. I have given this book the highest rating I have ever given out, which is 5 stars and I truly hope everybody on the planet reads it and implements the instructions. Smiles, Beverly C. Sanders
Rating:  Summary: The views expressed in general Review: I've just started reading the book and I must admit that I never read a book like this all my life. It's one of its own kind and I'm so impressed to hear the author expressing her views without fear of being victimised. This is the information the average person would like to know and has been held back by the so called professionals. It is very well true that the traditional ways of curing diseases and looking after ones health are now looked down upon by the mordern authorities and this has resulted in millions and millions of people falling on the death trap as a result of ailments that can be managed or well treated.
Rating:  Summary: Become an open-minded sceptic. Review: In Dr. Clark's latest publication on hiv she has presented a little "experiment" that can be "verified." See what you think of her latest "Biochemistry Lab Manual."(copyright 2000.) Dr. Clark states that snails are the actual host of the pathogen that secretes the hiv virus. It is the Fasiolopsis buskii. She has found that you can culture this virus in an aquarium simply by feeding the snail(and its hiv secreting fluke) with any fish food that is contaminated with benzene. Benzenes affect on our immune system(and the flukes as well) is swift and debilitating. It allows a molecular peptide called "hiss-siss"(abbreviated name) to dissapear. This peptide prevents viral integration and disintegration with our genes. Benzene also wipes out our "ack-muramyl" peptide. This prevents viral replication. So basically benzene prevents these 2 peptides from existing and in turn allows viruses to multiply and visit our genes. In the fluke parasite(on the snails) the multiplying and visiting virus happens to be hiv(actually the live protein 24 strand antigen.) This active "p24 antigen"(live hiv) can be verified by modern day ELISA immunology testing. So basically, grab an aquarium, some snails, benzene polluted fish food or corn meal and culture your own hiv! So why all the hype. Well in 1963 the drug company Burrows/Welcome(now Glaxo/Welcome) designed a cancer chemo-therapy drug. It was the most expensive investment of its time. Unfortunately it was extremely toxic to the immune system and was discontinued. It was basically a death sentence. So how does one get rid of this drug after shelving it all this time. Manufacture a monkey scam and bingo! Hiv, the killer human virus. Dr. Clarks book will inform you of the coincidences and the puzzle will become much clearer! What was the name of this deathly cancer drug turned miracle aids treatment? AZT.
Rating:  Summary: Revolutionary Read Review: It has been many years since I read this book, after I read one of Dr. Clark's other books on curing cancer. I had cancer, and used her ideas to complement my chemo. I am cancer-free still, over eight years later. Although I cannot prove that the herbs helped me, I truly don't believe I would be alive today if I had not found Dr. Clark's books. I started a website to tell others about the books, and one of my acquaintences who had been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS told me he was having phenomenal results by following Dr. Clark's suggestions, in addition to other things he was trying at the time. I won't tell you here what herbs Dr. Clark suggests because it is best to read the books and get a "feel" for what she says yourself. That is why she calls it "self-health," because she believes most of us are intelligent enough to try to help ourselves and take responsibility for our health. At the very least, it is a facinating read. My husband built the "zapper" for me with parts that he found at Radio Shack. By the way, my website is called Health-Hut. I cannot post the url in this review, but invite you to visit and read more about this book there, along with the disclaimer. If you are reading this because of a link from our site, thank you for visiting. Your friends at Health Hut.
Rating:  Summary: Hogwash! Review: It is a travesty to believe that someone outside a scientific background could even suggest a cure / treatment for AIDS that would eradicate it from a human body. It is also alarming to me that a publisher would use such a lack of scrutiny as to allow this kind of garbage to be published. Unbelievable! I have cared for so many patients with HIV / AIDS in my profession, and would NEVER suggest this kind of diatribe for them to read. False hope, unfounded and unsupported references, and puregarbage is what this book holds. Look for the next book in this series: "UFOs and Aliens - living with us at home."
Rating:  Summary: Food for Thought - Course of Action? Review: It is clearly a highly controversial issue... HIV, AIDS, Parasites, Herbs, and "electroshock" therapy! Dr. Hulda Clark has been dismissed as a charlatan, a con artist, and a quack, but there is a HUGE world wide following of her practices and methods. While I do not have first hand experience with either HIV, or cancer, I did purchase the Cure for All Diseases, the Cure for All Cancers, and the Cure for HIV/AIDS out of both curiosity, and the desire to maintain an open mind and informed opinion of the alternative therapies in question. After reading most of the Cure for All Diseases, I would say that much of Dr. Clark's work is rooted in firm scientific reason and simply explores pathways of healing that no longer seem in "vogue" in a todays highly clinical and "drug-happy" medical society. I cannot recommend that someone suffering from HIV/AIDS quit their medications and immediately jump both feet first into this methodology. I CAN recommend that anyone who recognizes the value of natural healing and alternative medicine to STRONGLY consider SUPPLEMENTING their current course of treatment with the steps outlined in the book. If anything, the basic methods of preventing re-infestations and cleaning your environment will support better immune function.. and, who knows?! Some may experience a decreased or zero count viral load as a result of the combined therapies.. I will all of you reading this the best of both worlds, but please make an informed choice and be open to non-traditional medical doctrines.. Much of what we know of medicine, and many of our most potent "drugs" are developed ot derived from traditional medicines and plants. Peace.
Rating:  Summary: Food for Thought - Course of Action? Review: It is clearly a highly controversial issue... HIV, AIDS, Parasites, Herbs, and "electroshock" therapy! Dr. Hulda Clark has been dismissed as a charlatan, a con artist, and a quack, but there is a HUGE world wide following of her practices and methods. While I do not have first hand experience with either HIV, or cancer, I did purchase the Cure for All Diseases, the Cure for All Cancers, and the Cure for HIV/AIDS out of both curiosity, and the desire to maintain an open mind and informed opinion of the alternative therapies in question. After reading most of the Cure for All Diseases, I would say that much of Dr. Clark's work is rooted in firm scientific reason and simply explores pathways of healing that no longer seem in "vogue" in a todays highly clinical and "drug-happy" medical society. I cannot recommend that someone suffering from HIV/AIDS quit their medications and immediately jump both feet first into this methodology. I CAN recommend that anyone who recognizes the value of natural healing and alternative medicine to STRONGLY consider SUPPLEMENTING their current course of treatment with the steps outlined in the book. If anything, the basic methods of preventing re-infestations and cleaning your environment will support better immune function.. and, who knows?! Some may experience a decreased or zero count viral load as a result of the combined therapies.. I will all of you reading this the best of both worlds, but please make an informed choice and be open to non-traditional medical doctrines.. Much of what we know of medicine, and many of our most potent "drugs" are developed ot derived from traditional medicines and plants. Peace.