If you don't know how to tie a tie--or pretend you don't--obtain this book posthaste. The Chic Simple folks have once again produced a classic, stunning collection with gorgeous color photographs, perfect problem solvers, and helpful resources, including the Web site addresses for everyone from Adidas to Waterman pens. They show you the essentials for preventing Monday morning "I have nothing to wear to the office" panics, the basics for a camping trip, and the perfect shoes to wear with a tux. Can you mix a tattersall shirt with a checked tie? What does tattersall look like, anyway? Have no fear, it's in here. This book will help you create a sensible, organized wardrobe that'll keep you prepared for any fashion situation, from a job interview to "casual day" at the office to the golf course. The book is especially suited for men who hate to shop because they have no idea what they're doing. How do you spot a good-quality dress shirt? Look for at least 14 stitches to the inch on the placket. What to wear for a nice slimming effect? Try a suit with a tailored vest. How do you take care of leather shoes? How to pack a suitcase so your clothes don't come out looking like crepe paper? Chic Simple Men's Wardrobe tells you.