Victoria Moran wasn't always as slim and serene as she appears now. For 33 years, she "lunged" at food, bingeing and dieting, rarely losing weight for more than a few weeks at a time. Then 18 years ago, she adopted the principles of self-acceptance, self-nurturing, and spirituality she describes in this book--and lost 60 pounds for good. She learned to live without obsessing about either weight or food, relying on "grace and good sense." Moran's 101 "simple secrets"--each two to three pages long--are sometimes obvious, sometimes provocative, sometimes profound. Some, like "accept yourself today," "walk more," and "get a support system" seem self-evident, but Moran digs into the psychological components that might be holding you back. A few seem unusual, such as "in the beginning, eat out" (reason: when you eat in a restaurant, it's clear when the meal is over) and "visit an art museum" (to recognize the beauty of voluptuous women). Moran's style is warm, welcoming, and strong, like a good friend who has found the answers you seek and won't let you off the hook. Highly recommended for emotional eaters who are ready to change the behavior and attitudes that are stopping them from reaching their goals. --Joan Price