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Rating:  Summary: A wonderful guidebook for spiritually-minded healers! Review: Dr. Doreen Virtue provides excellent information for those on a spiritual path in her book "The Lightworker's Way." We are able to learn more about ourselves and the spiritual realm by reading of the experiences Doreen had while awakening to her Divine life purpose. There is also a comprehensive guide to conducting spiritual healing sessions, and imperative information on healing your own life as an essential part of healing the world.As a clairaudient, I am able to hear the angels give me specific page numbers to flip to, and they always contain information that is beneficial to my current path. The angels have been having me use this book as a guide and learning tool for several months, and it had been highly beneficial for me. I recommend it to anyone who has an interest in healing themselves, other people, and the planet.
Rating:  Summary: Troubling Review: I just hate to write a review like this. However, this autobiographical story of Doreen's life, sounds more like a recruiting mechanism for more members of the Christian Science Church than anything else. With 33 references to the church in the first 40 some pages, the quotes of Mary Baker Eddy and other church officials, and the concepts and doctrines of the church throughout the book, it seems quite obvious that this book has very little to do with true healing. This is the church that does not permit their members to seek medical care for themselves or their children. To allow a child to die because they "can't hold a point of truth in their mind" is criminal. A 12 year old girl in Phoenix died from a tumor on her leg the size of a watermelon, full of bed sores on her back, with no treatment and only quotes from Mary Baker Eddy for pain relief. Another child was left on the floor with a broken collar bone protruding from his skin, with only a cell phone, while his parents went to work as usual. If you allow your dog to suffer like that, you will be arrested for animal cruelty. Yet this is standard practice with members of this cult. They arrogantly demand that God heal them miraculously. I guess they think that if someone goes through the door of a hospital or doctor's office, that God is then powerless to intervene or help them anymore. The truth is, miracles happen in hospitals all the time, and people get sick because it is part of the human condition. And yes, Doreen, the Master has said, "the healthy have no need of a physician, BUT THE SICK DO." But I guess Mary Baker Eddy knows better. Ugggh! Perhaps there is some redeeming value somewhere in this book. But trying to find that needle in the haystack of Christian Science garbage is quite tiresome. I am profoundly disappointed in Doreen Virtue, and in Hay House for publishing such nonsense.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Insights and Techniques Review: Just what I was looking for! Not only a book about Doreen's life, beliefs and path but also one that shares many effective lightworker/healer techniques that have helped me. Techniques include working on one's own issues and cleaning one's own energy/chakras, centering oneself, the purpose of Creation and the Universe, work with angels, work with spirit guides, mediumship and spirit releasement, working with healing others and healing the earth. Doreen gives techniques on keeping your work pure and making sure you are aligned with Love and Divine Purpose. Doreen stresses the importance of being aware of your ego that may get in the way of your work as a lightworker or healer, and then also offers suggestions on how to overcome the voice of your ego. I cannot tell you how much more pure her teachings are to me only because I have been turned off by some books of those who teach spirituality and healing but whose teachings are tainted strongly with the writers' egos (i.e., religious bias, feminist opinions or just plain self-vanity). This book is for those who want to tap in their mystical powers for service to others(Love) and not for themselves(Ego). This book has taken away my lingering fears about the spirit world, tapping into my personal power and meditating more deeply because I learned about praying to angels and spirit guides for guidance and protection and to create Pure intentions and thoughts. For some time now, although I was not born a psychic, people, even total strangers, would confide in me and I had knack for offering them unconditional love and advice. When I finally fully realized that I had such a gift I came to the knowledge that I wanted to be a healer. Although, I had already been on a path of self-discovery that included meditation, prayer and community service, I did not yet know how to go about the next steps until I found this book. Of course, this book is not an end in itself, and does not pretend to be. It will open doors for you to further your work, creativity and self-exploration. A wonderful "handbook" for those "first-timers" with the desire to serve humankind with their inherent gifts.
Rating:  Summary: Love is love no matter what the book is Review: OK , whoever wrote the review about this being a Christian Science mish-mash needs to check themselves and their info. Those people who left their children in pain were wrong. But CS has helped millions of people understand God's love and healing. Christian Scientists do not demand that God heal them - they understand they are already perfect, whole and complete. BUT people who let their child stay in pain have obviouly not read all of Science and Health because Mary Baker Eddy clearly says that if the pain is too unbearable and you aren't finding immediate relief then you should see a doctor to lessen the pain. Christian Science and lightworking are about understanding that you are already perfect and loved- that you weren't and aren't ouside of God's care. Parents that let their children suffer are wrong because they aren't demonstrating love. But you know what -I was raised a Christian Scientist and I was healed many many times as a child. I couldn't stay with CS but I don't think it's wrong. It's just not right for me. My mom is still a member of the church and you know what, she's had some serious healings and I have never seen her miss work in the past 22 years because of illness. She has never had a cold or flu for as long as I can remember. CS is not a cult anymore than Catholisism, Islam, Shintoism, Buddism, or the Methodist church is a cult. Just because you don't understand something or it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it's wrong. The only time something is wrong is when it is not love based. And maybe you should look up cult in the dictionary- because we should be labeling any organized religion a cult. I'm sorry you've been misled about a wonderful religion. I suffered many years because I didn't understand what CS was about. But I eventually went to a doctor. Most people think I would hate CS but I don't because it taught me that God is Love and I am God's reflection. Maybe some people just can't handle the truth. We're all God's children/reflections, even those we seem to hate. Judge not lest ye be judged. As for this book I thought it was great. It tells of Doreen's life and how she became the way she is now. I realized many things about myself while reading her story. I found it to be very helpful in showing me ways to improve my spiritual life and my relationships with others. She only really talks about CS in order to explain how her childhood was influenced. CS is just metaphysical understanding. Anyone who has studied metaphysics understands that there are some basics that they all share. And no matter what you call it it's still metaphysics. CS is just one facet of a many faceted stone. And Doreen's books are another facet. They all make a beautiful reflection when put together.
Rating:  Summary: What a wonderful book full of light and love Review: Reading this book brought me to a wonderful place in my life. It allowed me to open my mind to a spiritual journey I should have taken many years ago. I knew of my gift for many years, but was not ready to go forward and share it with all those who wish to begin their journey. As an Angel Messenger/Psychic/Medium I have come to know how important it is to open your heart...this book gave me that stepping stone. It is written by Angels for Angels and I know you will not be disappointed when you read it. It changed my life...in such a wonderful and powerful way. Throught his book I also found that I am a healer and am now a Reiki 2 practitioner..soon to be a master.
Rating:  Summary: Within this book is a wealth of information Review: The first half of the book is Doreen's life story. It is very interesting. The second half of the book is about different healing modalities and exercises. The forgiveness exercises I found to be extremely helpful. It seemed that everytime I picked up this book, there was a message just for me in the words... It was so awesome-- like my guides were communicating to me through this book. Overall, it was an easy read and jammed packed with useful information.
Rating:  Summary: Light Work Review: This book is about Light Work. Yes, This book does tell you about Doreen's early years as a Christian Scientist. However, I would not say that it promotes any religion. It promotes love and the readers desire to change their circumstances using Gods love to heal their lives. It offers readers the opportunity to learn how to embrace God as God embraces you. It also teaches the reader how to send healing energy to others and the earth via light work (prayers). Have and open mind and open heart and have a great day:) BLessings
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