Did you know that women can orgasm in 10 different ways, and a man in 7 different ways? A new book from sex educator Lou Paget is always a delight. Her frank, positive attitude and sprightly style make her books a pleasure to read. Her other books have focused on the total sexual experience--this one zooms in on the "Big O": orgasm. Of course first you have to understand how your body and your partner's body function sexually, how to build seduction and foreplay into your lovemaking (no matter how long you've been together as a couple), the importance of communication, and myths you need to dispel, so don't expect a whole book of lovemaking technique. In chapters 5 (women's orgasms) and 6 (men's orgasms), she gets to the techniques: lots of them, and clearly illustrated with line drawings. Paget also includes spicy and amusing facts, such as, "Back in the Middle Ages, straight pubic hair was a sign of too much masturbation, which presumably accounts for the wide popularity of miniature pubic hair curlers at the time," and "In 1930 there was a nude indoor bicycle race in Paris in which each woman's goal was to be the first to orgasm from rubbing on the seat." Lou Paget is also the author of How to Be a Great Lover: Girlfriend-to-Girlfriend Totally Explicit Techniques That Will Blow His Mind and How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure: Totally Explicit Techniques Every Woman Wants Her Man to Know. Though some information from earlier books is repeated in this one (who minds a reminder about our differences, or an illustration of Ode to Bryan, AKA the Penis Samba?), most is new, or presented in a new way. You'll enjoy The Big O--and so will your partner! --Joan Price