Most of us think about our careers as destinations: We'll know we've made it when we have the great job title, the successful franchise, the country-club membership, the bestselling novel. But few of us really understand the path from here to there. Hence, the adage that success is a journey. The process is what counts, because without it you'll never reach the destination. The steps one takes during that process aren't always apparent, though, and that's where this book will prove invaluable. Jeffrey Mayer states that ambition should be matched to written goals. (Sure, it sounds corny, but if you don't understand what you want well enough to put into writing, how can you create the strategy to get those things?) Likewise, your plan of action for reaching those goals should be in writing, too. But Success is more than an exercise in making lists. Mayer gives concrete tips, such as ways to unclutter your life (right down to what kind of file folders you should use to organize your papers) as well as how to become more effective in your daily work and make and keep friends who can help you throughout this journey. Even if you're not particularly ambitious, Success might just motivate you to become more so; Mayer's advice on becoming better at what you do could help open entirely new career paths. --Lou Schuler