What accounts for the "abundant energy, determination, and the focus to succeed" of famous politicians, athletes, entertainers, and business leaders? How do they do it, especially when they seem to ignore the "rules" of good health? The Chemistry of Success explores whether these peak performers have some kind of special "chemical makeup" and what we ordinary folks can do to increase the "chemistry of success" in our own lives. Authors Susan Lark (popular women's-health self-help writer of The Premenstrual Syndrome Self-Help Book and The Menopause Self-Help Book) and James Richards identify six chemical functions needed for peak performance and health, such as the ability to regulate acid/alkaline balance, the ability to oxygenate tissues and cells, and the ability to neutralize the chemical imbalances caused by stress. They describe the qualities we associate with peak performers, such as mental clarity, physical vitality, fast recovery time from illness and injury, and the ability to stay calm and centered under stress. Chapters on each chemical function explain what it is, how it is evaluated or measured, and how it relates to each of the peak-performance qualities. They show you how to evaluate how well your own chemical functions are working, and they present a detailed program for improving or restoring them. Besides the long-term program, you get "Peak Performance Tips"--shortcuts to restoring your chemical balance when you need help quickly. This book isn't light reading, but from it you'll learn innovative strategies for health and success. --Joan Price