Rating:  Summary: This book will give you freedom Review: A true follower of God has no need for such titles as Christian, Moslem, Hindu etc. This book has made me realize that your spritual nature is infinite and boundless and to confine it to one religion or viewpoint other than God's universal truth is to deny it of its essential nature. If you are a follower of any of the major religions of the world, gaining a understanding of the concepts and truths in this piece will give you more than enough tools to overstand any and all of the concepts of your current religion. This book will not only open the way for you to realize your true spritual nature, but it will also act as a guide to any and all situations you may encounter in life, not by givng you some obscure proverb or story to read but by giving you the neccessary skills to find answers to your problems through spiritual growth. This book may be a hard read for those new to Ra Un Nefer Amen's writings so I suggest reading his book "Tree of Life Meditation System" a landmark in and of itself to gain a good foundation of the concepts introduced in the Metu Neter. Start the path to true spritual cultivation by ordering this book now.
Rating:  Summary: This book will give you freedom Review: A true follower of God has no need for such titles as Christian, Moslem, Hindu etc. This book has made me realize that your spritual nature is infinite and boundless and to confine it to one religion or viewpoint other than God's universal truth is to deny it of its essential nature. If you are a follower of any of the major religions of the world, gaining a understanding of the concepts and truths in this piece will give you more than enough tools to overstand any and all of the concepts of your current religion. This book will not only open the way for you to realize your true spritual nature, but it will also act as a guide to any and all situations you may encounter in life, not by givng you some obscure proverb or story to read but by giving you the neccessary skills to find answers to your problems through spiritual growth. This book may be a hard read for those new to Ra Un Nefer Amen's writings so I suggest reading his book "Tree of Life Meditation System" a landmark in and of itself to gain a good foundation of the concepts introduced in the Metu Neter. Start the path to true spritual cultivation by ordering this book now.
Rating:  Summary: Six Stars!!!! Electrifying.... Review: Buy this book (and every book by this author) now and share it with everyone that you know.Upon hearing of this book and its contents I could only be skeptical in the face of statements like "goes beyond anything I have ever read" and "puts Cheikh Anta Diop under the table". However, not since the Autobiography of Malcolm X, did a book leave me so speechless, hold me so spellbound and actually move me to tears. This is the first book that I have ever read, after having read, Budge, Breasted, Karenga, Schwaller de Lubicz and other, that allowed me to see why Ancient Egyptian civilization is the most studied and influential civilization in recorded history. It will no doubt take 25-100 years for those who are truly seeking a spiritual revolution and means of changing our lives, to realize that the release of this information represented a turning point in human history. Amen, among those in the know, is without question an extraordinary force of Nature. One of the greatest books ever written.
Rating:  Summary: dick is it? Review: dick, yur parents gave you the right name. lmao There is no difference between natural and supernatural its just a matter of how ppl perceive. There are a lot of things on earth that can solidify the possibility of fairies and whatever else. Ra is just touching on what has been obvious for him, nothing that is said by Ra is new. Well, maybe his sphere system, well, to me anyway. I reccomend Muata Ashby's work for those who cannot understand Ra Un Nefer Amen's approach.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating!!!!! Review: For those who aren't familiar with Ra Un Nefer Amen(R.A. Straughn), he was formily a member of the Rosicrucian Anthroposophic League. He founded The Ausar Aset Society in New York in 1975. I can't find a lot of info regarding his character and personality, I don't even know how he looks like, but he is undoubtedly a pioneer in the study of ancient Kemetic Religions and helping Nubians reconnect with their Egyptian roots. I remember seeing this book in a bookstore in and was fascinated by it. I've read books dealing with Egypt through a scientific/archeological standpoint, but never from a person spiritual standpoint. The author does make a lot of good points, but I disagree with some of what he says. I'm not saying Ra Un Nefer Amen is wrong, he is just going by traditional Kemetic understanding, which is fine for those who are "purest" or "conservative Egyptian Orthodox". For example, Ra Un Nefer Amen probably doen't know who the Ogdoad really were, or even the full OVERstanding of Tehuti. Well, according to Neter: A'aferti Atum-Re, also known as Dr. Malachi Z. York (Amunnubi Rooakhptah), the Neteru were not mythological, but real individuals who ruled during pre-dynastic times, long before King Menes, because in Manetho's original list of Pharoah's, he records that 7 deities ruled Egypt for 12,300, the first Pharoah being Ptah, who ruled 9,000 years, Ra for 1,000, Shu for 700, Geb for 500, Osiris for 450, Seth for 350, and Horus for 300 years. The second dynasty being ruled by Thoth, Maat, and 10 others, who ruled for 1, 570 years. The third dynasty consisted of 30 demi-gods ruled for 3,650 years. If this sounds to far-fetched, you got to remember that this is similar to the Sumerian list of kings in which the Anunnaqi rulers reigned for 100s of years each. These Neter were beings from other star systems who civilized man. Dr. York says when you mention Tehuti, he means Al Kadr, also known in the Bible as Melchizedek, the Master of the Green Light. Thoth is refering also Zoser, who was responsible for creating the science of alchemy and along with Imhotep used the science of levitation to build the Step Pyramid of Saqqarah. Both Djoser and Imhotep were masters of the Higher Mysteries and elevated to the level of Neteru, along with Tehuti. People like Thothmose (Moses, Moshe, Musa) and Abraham( Ab=heart, Ra=sun, ham=black) were initiated into this Order, Moses was taught under Thoth and got the laws of the Torah out of Mysteries. For more info read my review of Metu Neter Vol 2
Rating:  Summary: A Real Big Eye Opener Review: I haven't even finished reading the book and I am just filled with joy and happiness over the insight of the grand picture and scheme of what I really am the SELF. This book brought an overstanding in which now I read scripture from KJ bible with a better understanding. All the conflicts in the scripture begin to make sense. I highly recommend this book for those who really want to know the real scheme of things.
Rating:  Summary: Too much superstition !!!!!!!!! Review: I read this book 1 year ago and 1 year later it is still mumbo jumbo. If you honestly believe that by offerings alms to invisible sky fairies and images of ancient gods then you most certainly qualify as a wacko. In all Honesty blacks need to stop joining cults & listening to cult messages as contained in books like these. Nevertheless, I must stress the point of Naturalism over Supernaturalism. Wishful thinking,hopes of gaining some mystical power, and going to heaven or hell is just unreasonable and silly. What blacks need to subscribe to is "Atheism". This is the only resonable world-view that we can start to think and act for ourselves. If anyone is interested in some real study go read George H.Smith (Atheism the case against God); Michael Martins (Atheism: A philosophical Justification); Norm R. Allen (The Black Humanist Experience & African-American Humanism [Note:These are 2 seperate books]). (...)
Rating:  Summary: 7 years studying this book Review: If you want to communicate with God and the Ancestors, if you want to know what to do and how to do it according to God's plan... The Metu Neter opens the way to creating a framework for your life based on the revealing of God's instructions for you personally. Using the Kamitic mandala, the Tree Of Life, to allow you to categorize/organize all of your life's events/creations into a system that shows the interrelationships between all of existence. By having an objective means to communicate with God that is not dependent on the interpretation of symbols, dreams, clouds, for which there is no fixed set of definitions, you can find for yourself an enlightening portion of what God put you on Earth to focus on. It is in part the science of how to control the mind, how to cultivate understanding, how to cultivate the Spirit on its many levels. Often chanted is the African maxim that in every aspect of life there can be no conflicts with the other aspects without mentioning any system that explains how this was accomplished. Cosmologics/Cosmogony/Mandala. The Tree Of Life as an image sums up thousands of years of cross-disciplinary research by the Priesthood of Kamit. Propagated by the ignorant and by deceivers is the falsehood that there were rival belief systems in Kamit. Like any subject, God was metaphorically broken into component parts and specialists in particular areas developed to study these aspects. For your medical theories to be integrated with your family with your religious with your social with your governmental with your business your warfare with your economic with with your legal theories requires holistic right-brained thinking ALONG WITH lots of people to do the research necessary to confirm these relationships and put it into practice in living itself. Ultimately, the draw for me when I initially read THE BOOK was that it is scientific in its approach to God/religion. It's not 'faith' based or dogma. The same way in mathematics/hard sciences that you follow a set of instructions and get reproducible results is the same way that the Kamitic religion was made. This book details part of the Kamitic system for understanding God and creation, understanding that eventually each individual person must have direct experience of God without intervening authorities. This has far reaching implications.....
Rating:  Summary: consciousness evolution Review: It is rare time indeed when you can find a book of honest science cocerning human evolution .The reading of this book alone thrusts your consciousness into new depths of your true identity as a HUMAN, reading this book 3 times the book will begin to become yours . METU NETER is a key deeper into the spiritualality of all spiritual practices as it is the base chronologically, of all spiritual traditions . If you can overstand this of the past you will be ahead of youe time for the future . Good-luck my family as you can feel the world is begging for your evolution offering the most bountiful of gifts to you the Human Child of Heaven and Earth . Relax in your travels .
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT BOOK - BAR NONE, PERIOD!!!!!! Review: Ra Un Nefer Amen is THE Authority on the true understanding of Religion, Spirituality, and God. Forget what you've heard. Take leave of the false "Religions". Do yourself a favor,read this book, and, for the first time in your life, discover for yourself what REAL Religion, REAL Spirituality, and the REAL ONE TRUE GOD is.