Rating:  Summary: A few concepts in this book Review: Describing an image links the visual part of your brain to the linguistic part, causing an increase in synaptic connections. We learn best when we balance mental input with output. For example, a good conversation is better than just talking or just listening. You learn alot more when your mind actively organizes, instead of passively reading. So take notes and write a brief review of what you have read; if you make a habit of just that, you will get smarter. I don't know about "Image streaming", but several other concepts in this book are very valuable.
Rating:  Summary: Raising Your IQ Requires More Work. Review: Hello everyone, I truly believe that you can raise you IQ but it requires a little more work than Mr. Wenger suggests. His book I think is very important for it suggests a method that if used correctly may help people increase their IQ. Here is my method:
1. Obtain a book named "How to Solve It" by George Polya (ISBN 0691023565), it contains great advice on how to go about solving nearly any type of problem, the ideas are a little abstract and sometimes difficult to apply. Don't just skim the book, do every single problem in the book.
2. Obtain a book named "The Art and Craft of Problem Solving" by Paul Zeitz (ISBN 0471135712), this is the best book on problem solving. It will teach you how to think so you can solve nearly any type of problem. Don't just skim the book, do every single problem in the book.
3. After you have gone through those two books, obtain a book named "Giant Book of Mensa Mind Challenges" (ISBN 1402710496). Solve every single problem in the book, go through the problems until you can solve any variation of the problems in a reasonable amount of time.
4. Use Mr. Wengers image streaming technique, but instead of thinking of random "virtual worlds" in your head, focus on a Mensa problem and image stream your manipulation of its solution in your head. Do this until you can solve nearly any Mensa problem completely in your head never opening your eyes and writing something down.
If you follow these 4 steps I guarantee that you will increase your IQ.
More advice on how to increase your IQ:
1. Obtain a memory improvement system by Harry Lorayne
Use it to memorize as many solutions to Mensa problems as possible, when test time comes and you notice a similar problem, it will be as easy as cake.
2. Obtain or take part in a speed reading course, this will greatly facilitate reading the Mensa problems, also you can easily read more books on solving Mensa problems.
3. Though research shows that Gingko Biloba alone does not increase mental ability, it does increase blood flow to your brain, so what you do is take a slow release Iron supplement (read the label don't over do it). The gingko runs more blood to your brain and the extra iron allows more oxygen to reach your brain cells increasing their efficacy, allowing you to think faster. Combine this with gotu kola. You should take the gotu kola every other day and the ginkgo twice a week. Drink coffee as often as possible. All of this is like nitrous injection or supercharging for your brain.
Rating:  Summary: You can get smarter Review: I am compelled to write this review to aid potential buyers who are on the crux of making the decision on whether or not to purchase this book. It is not a panacea, but an excellent starting point in learning the procedures used by highly regarded, recorded "geniuses" in history. As I have gone through and practiced some of the concepts such as "Image Streaming", "Freenoting" and "PhotoReading" I have found that indeed, my subconscious thoughts and memories have indeed started to surface when I need them most. This is from one week of practicing. I have also found my self-awareness and skills of observation have additionally been improved. This book is a guide that aids people in improving their overall mental performance and creativity, and experiencing the rise in confidence and self esteem. The melding of the "Socratic Method" of thought and the visualization techniques indeed has some great side effects. I find that my intuitive processes that always guided me to my right answer in any situation, are sharper, faster and have surfaced more often. I also understand why I have felt far less creative over the past number of years, and even why I was an average academic achiever regardless of the fact that I had scored over 140 on IQ tests as a child, and was always in the top 1% of children on accumulative learning tests. This is also a great book to own if you have, or are planning to have children in the near future and want your kids to be creative and happy, without using knowledge force feeding/funneling techniques pervasive in today's academic/learning environments. It will keep them from feeling the lack of self-esteem symptomatic of poor academic performance.Please feel free to visit Win's site at www.winwenger.com. Know this: Much of what is in this book is on his site, so this is not some gimmicky cash grab by the authors. Win is very likely a well-intentioned person just trying to make a difference in peoples' lives. I firmly believe this. Thanks!
Rating:  Summary: the self improvement bible!!! Review: I bought this book several years ago and I still refer back to it often, it has become a classic in my home and in my consulting business. I have Image Streamed regularly and have seen improvements in virtually every area of my life. Not to mention it is FUN and relaxing! And the chapter on techniques for children alone is worth the money.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to enhance their creativity and access the dormant areas of their mind.
Rating:  Summary: Almost zero effect Review: I purchased this book almost seven months ago and have followed its teachings to a T. I am displeased to report that I have experienced no significant increases in my IQ, memory, creativity, or any other mental faculty that this book claims to improve. I would like to stress, though, that I feel Dr. Wenger's intentions are genuine and that there probably are people who have experienced marvelous gains of mental ability through his teachings. I am not one of them, and that is why I tossed the book in my garbage this morning. I will try The Memory Book next and report back on that.
Rating:  Summary: A very interesting and fascinating book Review: I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in ways to improve ones intelligence. The book is very interesting and fascinating to read. I found myself being skeptical of some of the author's techniques but everytime that happened I would read more and find more and more concrete information supporting such techniques. The author uses a ton of great examples and touches on so many different techniques. After reading the book I have researched some of the techniques and found that they are supported by many other "accelerative learning" groups. I also followed up on prelimary studies referenced in the book and they do in fact check out. I also followed up on the effects of music on intelligence and it also checks out. In addition the very premise of the author's theory about pole-bridging - a technique used to create associations between all parts of the brain and therefore increase intelligence, is exactly what learning music does. It has been proven that children who learn to play an instrument and read music score exceptionally higher on SAT's, etc. than those who don't. The reason is because reading music uses the eyes, pattern recognition, timing, touch, listening and feedback. All different areas of the brain. It is these complex associations which allow someone to problem solve with ease. If you find yourself saying that the techniques in the book are ridiculous then you don't have an objective open mind. Everyone though the Wright brothers were wasting their time trying to fly. The very idea of a spherical earth was met with laughter and embarrassment. If you can think outside of the box then you will love this book.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of my money Review: I've been image streaming since November of 2003. I recently took an I.Q. test and compared the results to an I.Q. test I took prior to starting. My I.Q. score indicates that my intelligence has not increased at all. To anyone interested in buying "The Einstein Factor", I warn you that it is a gimmick. I have been image streaming for 15 minutes a day for the last 7 months and have not felt any increase in my mental capabilities. Also, Win Wenger states that your I.Q. will increase by twenty points after a few months...This can't be true because of the fact that a jump in I.Q. from 140-160 is much higher than a jump from 100-120.
Rating:  Summary: Worth it's weigth in gold! Review: Inside each of us is an Einstein waiting to get out, the only problem is how to release this massive potential. Win Wegner and Richard Poe have given the perfect book to help you accomplish once was once an impossible task. Follow along in the 300 pages and you'll find yourself looking at your potential in a whole knew way. What this book gives you is the tools, from the image streaming to self-reinforcement to instant replay to the eight steps of sound interpretation, you have all the tools you'll need. Both authors have taken the complex and simplified each step of the process. You will have to practice each step in order to get better, but the mystery is now over. The book has well written and well researched directives and the authors make it easy to follow along. Also included in this book is the Photoreading whole mind system, I have reviewed that book as well. This is a highly effective technique for liberating your speed-reading potential. Overall this book can and should help everyone. , you'll be hard pressed to find a better method - well done!
Rating:  Summary: I'll make this easy for you Review: Let's be honest with ourselves. If you have to read a book on how to be a genius, you're not a genius and never will be. Get over it and move on with your life. There are very few geniuses in this world. Most people you think are geniuses are just very smart people - not true geniuses. A true genius, for example, is William Sidis. Einstein may have been a genius - maybe not. Same for Newton and Feynman.
Anyway, this book has interesting ideas to expand your mind/think a little differently and that's about it. It won't make you a genius, that's for sure.
Rating:  Summary: Great title Review: The author tried some experiments within a process caled image-streaming. A dubious measure of IQ both before and after indicated that an increase of 1 IQ point per hour was yours for the taking if you applied the technique. I guess the authors are pretty confident that most of the potential audience are pretty thick since average to 'gifted' is just 30 hours away and genius levels of IQ are just 50 hours of this technique away. Sounds about right, yes? Frankly there's nothing wrong with image-streaming - it's an interesting technique and you're likely to enjoy a number of the exercises in the book. BUT - they aren't going to make you as smart as Einstein nor are the purported levels of IQ gain likely to occur. If it really happened as suggested don't you think you would have heard about it somewhere other than on the back cover of this book? Please Mr Wenger, prove me wrong and reproduce the results in controlled tests. With calibrated tests? No? Says a lot really.