Rating:  Summary: Praise the lord and pass the valium! Review: As a Christian mom and wife I just want to say kudos' to Nancy Wilson. Finally someone with the courage to state their convictions.I now realize my place and no longer resent the occasional beatings and continue to pop out offspring like a caged lab rat. Thanks Nancy!
Rating:  Summary: A most excellent book... Review: I enjoyed this book. It provides clear guidelines for what a true woman of God should be like.
Rating:  Summary: A Titus 2 Woman Exhorting Younger Women to Be Godly Wives Review: I find this book helpful in preparing singles (and equipping wives) for the Biblical role and standard of the Christian wife. Nancy Wilson (a pastor's wife) is a Titus 2 woman who has written this book to "encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands" (Titus 2:4-5). She offers scriptural advice for Christian women to be a woman of the Word, one who walks with God, who respects and submits to her husband as the head and spiritual leader of the family (Eph. 5:22-24), content in the assignments God gives them, takes her responsibilities in homemaking, and knows how to encourage and respect their husbands. Other issues addressed are finances, Biblical view of lovemaking, handling criticisms, etc. A book rich with solid Biblical principles.
Rating:  Summary: Its about time! Review: I read this book about a year into my marriage and it truly convicted me! She tells it like it is, no sugar coating the woman's role in a marriage. My husband also read the Federal Husband and it has really helped to shape our marriage. I HIGHLY recommend it!
Rating:  Summary: Not just for married women Review: I read this in a ladies Bible study I attended, and I would highly recommend it for single and dating women as well. As a single woman, it gave me a picture of what I want to be as a godly wife someday, things that I can start working on now. But it also gave me a picture of the kind of man I want to marry while I'm still choosing a husband. I want a man who will step up and be the leader that God calls him to be, not only in marriage, but in a dating/engagement relationship too. Now I understand what that looks like and can be more discerning. Nancy did an excellent job of illustrating what submission does and doesn't look like. Contrary to the smart remarks of a previous reviewer, submission doesn't mean taking beatings and popping out children.It doesn't mean being a doormat or a slave. A submissive wife isn't the same as a controlled wife. Godly submission is out of love and respect, and obedience to God. Control is submitting out of fear, which is definitely not godly. It means helping your husband to be his best, making him look good in front of others, considering his feelings and his desires for things, asking what he wants and doing your best to fulfill his wishes. It's a blessing and a protection, not a curse or a statement of inequality. It's a wonderful book and I would recommend to any woman of dating or marriageable age.
Rating:  Summary: Its about time! Review: Its about time someone stood up and told Christian women what being married to a Christian man ought to look like. It is a life of service, hard work, piety, and submission. There are a lot of books written by Christian women out there about marriage that are just weak coffee. Nancy Wilson is not afraid of offending anyone. She tells the hard truth. My husband thought I would just feel guilty after reading this book because Nancy pulls no punches. However, I was totally inspired to work harder in my home and to love my husband even more. I read this book a few months ago,so I can't go into content. I just want to highly recommend this book to any and all Christian women out there who want strong content and biblical reasoning in their lives.
Rating:  Summary: How Christian women should respect their husbands Review: Nancy Wilson is a pastor's wife and homemaker in Moscow, Idaho. She also teaches literature at Logos School - the premier classical Christian private school in America. This is a collection of her columns for women in Credenda/Agenda - a Reformed, classical Christian magazine. She touches on the themes of respect, contentment, homemaking, and lovemaking in a very straight-forward manner. She is a favorite of Reformed women and conservative Christian home schoolers. The overall message is that of respecting one's husband as one ought, instead of focusing on his problems and shortcomings. She comes from a very conservative Christian perspective, taking the Bible as the literal Word of God and Rule of Life. If these things offend you, don't bother with this book. If these are things you agree with, this book will challenge you in areas of your marriage you never even thought about. I loved this book, although I must admit it convicted me that I need to concentrate more on my own behavior, rather than my husband's.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read For Christian Wives! Review: Nancy Wislon has packed a powerful punch into only 109 pages!! I recommend this book to any wife who wants to learn more about the role God has given her. It is a very easy read and can be read in a day or two. My favorite chapter was the one entitled "Principles and Methods". This chapter alone is worth it's weight in gold! It was like a breath of fresh air for me. A cold glass of water on a hot, sunny Texas day! Nancy is very direct and dosen't hold anything back. I find her style to be refreshing and much needed in todays society where women are only told what they want to hear.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible! Ladies, don't buy into everything you read! Review: Never before have I been so offended by an author. I am a Christian woman, am married, am educated, open minded and have no problem believing what the bible teaches about men's and women's roles. I do have a problem with this woman's negative attitudes and "interpretations" of scripture which are nothing more than opinion.
Come on ladies, aren't we smarter than this? Don't we already know how to treat each other as women; not to "gossip", "give sidelong glances", etc... As I was reading I felt like a high school girl being reprimanded by my teacher. And to think: I was looking for inspiration! Please don't buy this book. Look elsewhere.
Here's a great alternative: Read the book A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Recommend! Review: This book has some valuable teaching about respecting one's husband in the home and in front of friends and family. However, as I felt with Nancy Wilson's other book, there's far too much personal opinion that could leave women feeling guilt-ridden and incapable of being good wives. This author writes with such a forceful, negative attitude toward the average Christian woman that I'm left asking myself whether she has any love or compassion for women at all.