Subtitled A Passport to Adventure, Discovery, and Growth, this little pocket book is full of traveling insights--from the philosophical to the practical, the poetic to the possible. An experienced traveler who has journeyed to 52 countries on six continents, author Steve Zikman is also the coauthor of the forthcoming books Chicken Soup for the Traveler's Soul and Chicken Soup for the Outdoor Soul. "Beyond its refreshing and revitalizing qualities, travel has the unmatched capacity to be a wellspring of self-discovery and personal growth, a path to ourselves," Zikman writes in the introduction. In more than 100 short inspirational essays with titles as varied as "We Trust Our Intuition," "In the Heartland of Our Confidence," "Romance," "Travel Is Ageless," and "Conversation," his thought-provoking ideas and useful observations are applicable whether you're planning a weekend outing, family vacation, or solo business trip. Related quotes from fellow travelers such as Mother Teresa, Anaïs Nin, John Steinbeck, and Ralph Waldo Emerson add interest to every page. --Kathryn True