Rating:  Summary: Reference vs Learning Review: As a student of Sifu Shum for 10 years, I can verify that the contents of this book are verbatim for the lessons learned studying at Ying Jow Pai in New York City. Having said that, it should be obvious to any serious student that you will not learn a martial art by reading a book. You need to have a good teacher, and you need to practice constantly and diligently. Books such as these are for reference, to make clear and correct what you would learn from a legitimate teacher. The opponents' distance is for clarity of technique, not to demonstrate an actual attack. Comments from some other reviewers indicate they don't know the difference between learning a technique and actually using one. Eagle Claw locks are devastatingly effective, but are also difficult to learn to use effectively. In my years of training in NY, I have both used and seen used the techniques described in this book, and they certainly work. Sifu Shum is very careful about what he releases with the Ying Jow Pai name attached to it, and this book is a perfect example of the quality he demands from his students and the care he takes in disseminating the system.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Facts Review: As a student of Sifu Shum, I can verify that these are all real and core techniques of EagleClaw. This book stipulates what sifu has always taught his students. There are no secrets just practice. Releasing this book just verifies that sifu does not hide techniques or teachings and wants Eagle Claw to be understood and flourish.
Rating:  Summary: Secrets of Eagle Claw Kung Fu Review: Eagle claw kung fu has always been known for its grabbing techniques and this book is revealing to some extent. It would be even be better to share the remaing grabbing techniques in another book. Leung Shum Sifu might want to think about sharing his expertise on this style of kung fu through a series of books.
Rating:  Summary: It's me again from TX Review: I did not know what I was getting when I bought this book. I was looking for practical self defense and was hoping discover new and effective techniques. I bought this book as soon as I could, but I was disappointed with it. I'm sorry if I upset anyone. I was surprised to get the responses I did. I did not know that it was reference for beginners(from my understanding). I was misled into thinking it was something else. I only know kung fu from what I read, there are no schools where I live. I want to thank you all for clearing this up and letting me know what eagle claw is really like. The book is interesting, but like you said, it is complicated and I need a teacher. I realize that eagle claw really is good, like I first thought before I got the book. It probably just takes quite a while to develop the skill to make it useful in a fight. I don't doubt that Master Shum is a skilled fighter. I've seen on TLC what some kung fu masters are capable of after years of training, especially their chi. I have the Bruce Lee attitude to take what is useful and reject what is useless. The book didn't have a lot that looked useful. For what the book really is I give it five stars. I had trouble saving and lost a review, so I wrote two more just in case. That's why there are two bad ones.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book about Eagle Claw Review: I have been training Eagle Claw Kung Fu for 6 months now and I must say that if you are looking only for self defense techniques then you are missing the point. I believe kung fu is much more than that. It gives you excellent health, and peace of mind. But in order to use the techniques you must be willing to work hard for several years. Hey good things do not come easy in life unless you are really willing to undergo the hardships. Master Leung Shum is wise not to share specific and/or very dangerous techniques with the general public for obvious reasons, but he does give a general idea of what Eagle Claw is. This book has increase my motivation to work harder and eventually master the system. Thank you master Leung Shum!
Rating:  Summary: GrandMaster Shum - A Traditianal Kung Fu Sifu Review: Master Shum has been my sifu for almost 10 years. I was shocked to read the comments of two of the readers of his book who feel the information is useless or worse. As others have mentioned it takes time and effort to understand and apply this or other martial arts. The list of forms that starts on page 63 should attest to the depth of this style. I would point the reader to locks #17 and #19 to demonstrate the obvious effectiveness of these techniques. As Sifu Shum always says "form is form and fighting is fighting". Forms as demonstrated here in the form of the 30 locks are static representations of one possibility of how to use the techniques in a real situation. You need to take the time to explore the possibilties for yourself and make it part of you. This like other styles of kung fu has many subtle aspects to it. Some techniques may not be obvious to the untrained eye. No one book can do justice to this or most other styles without proper instruction, training and personal effort.
Rating:  Summary: A real GrandMaster writing for real students Review: Master Shum is the teacher of my teacher's teacher, and I have had the opportunity to assist two seminars by him. He is a real fighter and a very traditional teacher. This is probably what the other people criticize from the book, the traditional focus. The book is not a self teaching manual, nor a complete guide. The book is useful for whoever is interested in learning about the history and features of Eagle Claw, for the current students and for real students of other Chinese styles. Learning Kung Fu is not as learning other martial arts, Kung Fu has a tradition and Master Shum follows strictly this tradition, therefore the forms are taught the way they were designed, though the real application will vary. The angles and distances in a form are different of an actual fight, as the form is designed to train the reactions, the stances and the timing. Eagle Claw is so subtle, that without a teacher you won't be able to apply it. This book is just a reference, but don't think that without a proper guide you will learn a kung fu system.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Superb Traditional Chinese Martial Arts Review: Previous reviewers who criticize this work based on their perception of impracticality have essentially missed the author's point. Martial arts literature does not have to present itself as a 'cookbook' in order to be useful.Anyone who has had more than a casual introduction to martial arts understands that Leung Shum is one of the most knowledgeable masters of traditional Chinese kungfu in North America. The system he has studied for most of his life--Northern Eagle Claw (Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai) kungfu--is legendary for it's devastating effectiveness, and is respected as one of the most comprehensive fighting systems ever devised. Anyone claiming this system as ineffectual has simply misunderstood the methods and aims of traditional training. As pointed out by other reviewers, this work is not intended to serve as a technique-by-technique how-to, or as a catalog of "quick n' easy" self defense scenarios. Instead, it provides a solid, encyclopedic reference to some of the core principles ("secrets" if you like) of the Eagle Claw system. Also, the book does not serve well as an entry-level text. The reader should have at least some background in, or strong desire to understand traditional Chinese martial arts.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book by an excellent teacher Review: The author of this book, Leung Shum, is a true master of Eagle Claw kung fu. He is the inheritor of the style, so the aunthenticity and quality of this book is of the highest standard. The reviewer who keeps writing the same bad review over and over again obviously knows absolutely nothing about kung fu. He doesn't realize that the techniques in this book are the beginners training techniques of a complex kung fu system, not simple self-defense moves. This reviewer says "the locks are too complicated to use in a real fight". Some of the techniques are complicated, and they require lots of practice. But after they are mastered they can be executed in a split second by a skilled martial artist. This what separates martial arts from self defense; self defense is simple and easy to use, while martial arts are very complex and take many years to master. Marial arts can only be learnt directly from a master, people who think they can read a book and suddenly be able to use the techniques in fighting do not understand martial arts. The reviewer also says that kung fu is only for looks. It is understandable that someone would say this because the movements in kung fu are often very unsusual, and look as though they have no value as a fighting technique. This is part of the mystery of kung fu, in reality every movement is a powerful fighting technique. The book is well made and the pictures are of high quality. A person cannot learn kung fu from books, but this book is very good for getting familiar with authentic Eagle Claw, studying the comlicated techniques of this style, and learning the basic priciples of this style. The book also includes the 108 locking techniques of Eagle Claw, which have previously been kept secret for many years. I would recommend this book highly to anyone interested in learning about this style. It is rare that such a distinguished master such as Leung Shum writes a book, most books written on the subject of kung fu are written by unqualified masters.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book by an excellent teacher Review: The author of this book, Leung Shum, is a true master of Eagle Claw kung fu. He is the inheritor of the style, so the aunthenticity and quality of this book is of the highest standard. The reviewer who keeps writing the same bad review over and over again obviously knows absolutely nothing about kung fu. He doesn't realize that the techniques in this book are the beginners training techniques of a complex kung fu system, not simple self-defense moves. This reviewer says "the locks are too complicated to use in a real fight". Some of the techniques are complicated, and they require lots of practice. But after they are mastered they can be executed in a split second by a skilled martial artist. This what separates martial arts from self defense; self defense is simple and easy to use, while martial arts are very complex and take many years to master. Marial arts can only be learnt directly from a master, people who think they can read a book and suddenly be able to use the techniques in fighting do not understand martial arts. The reviewer also says that kung fu is only for looks. It is understandable that someone would say this because the movements in kung fu are often very unsusual, and look as though they have no value as a fighting technique. This is part of the mystery of kung fu, in reality every movement is a powerful fighting technique. The book is well made and the pictures are of high quality. A person cannot learn kung fu from books, but this book is very good for getting familiar with authentic Eagle Claw, studying the comlicated techniques of this style, and learning the basic priciples of this style. The book also includes the 108 locking techniques of Eagle Claw, which have previously been kept secret for many years. I would recommend this book highly to anyone interested in learning about this style. It is rare that such a distinguished master such as Leung Shum writes a book, most books written on the subject of kung fu are written by unqualified masters.