Rating:  Summary: Mr. Right Is Out There Review: -How do you find him? This is a difficult question for many people, but especially so for most gay men. The author, Dr. (Professor) Kenneth D. George starts by telling the reader not to internalize society's homophobic messages that gays are "sick, deviant or abnormal". Gay men are entitled, in fact, empowered to have a workable LOVING relationship with another gay man. As Marianne Williamson says in her new book, Enchanted Love, we must "Prepare to BE the beloved". As a gay doctor writing for gay men, Dr. George gives expert advice on doing the real work of discovering who we are, and what our strengths and weaknesses are before venturing on to discover "Mr. Right". In a step by step, easy to understand plan (with DO-ABLE exercises and activities), Dr. George leads the reader through the mostly NOT so painful process of discovering what he needs to know about himself before he can enter into a LOVING RELATIONSHIP with another gay man.This is not a sex manual, although there is a chapter the reader will not want to miss --- on sex. Using actual people, the author explores the entire spectrum of the "do's and don'ts" of gay relationships. With chapters such as "Being Emotionally Intimate", "Becoming a Male Couple" and "Negotiating and Resolving Differences", be prepared to be challenged. If you are a younger gay man, this book will guide you in getting started on the right foot. If you are a mature gay man (what can I say?), then this book will help you see just what you might do differently as you FIND "Mr. Right". There is little room for failure here. Dr. Kenneth D. George is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and runs a private practice in psychotherapy, working with gay single men and gay couples. It has taken many years for him to write this little book. He's been busy finding his own Mr. Right. He and his partner, Christopher Beck (an artist) have found each other. They celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary by enjoying a cruise on the Queen Elizabeth II --- a GAY cruise. In their vows to each other ...well, I'll let you read that for yourself. Charlie Perkins
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Right Is Out There Review: -How do you find him? This is a difficult question for many people, but especially so for most gay men. The author, Dr. (Professor) Kenneth D. George starts by telling the reader not to internalize society's homophobic messages that gays are "sick, deviant or abnormal". Gay men are entitled, in fact, empowered to have a workable LOVING relationship with another gay man. As Marianne Williamson says in her new book, Enchanted Love, we must "Prepare to BE the beloved". As a gay doctor writing for gay men, Dr. George gives expert advice on doing the real work of discovering who we are, and what our strengths and weaknesses are before venturing on to discover "Mr. Right". In a step by step, easy to understand plan (with DO-ABLE exercises and activities), Dr. George leads the reader through the mostly NOT so painful process of discovering what he needs to know about himself before he can enter into a LOVING RELATIONSHIP with another gay man. This is not a sex manual, although there is a chapter the reader will not want to miss --- on sex. Using actual people, the author explores the entire spectrum of the "do's and don'ts" of gay relationships. With chapters such as "Being Emotionally Intimate", "Becoming a Male Couple" and "Negotiating and Resolving Differences", be prepared to be challenged. If you are a younger gay man, this book will guide you in getting started on the right foot. If you are a mature gay man (what can I say?), then this book will help you see just what you might do differently as you FIND "Mr. Right". There is little room for failure here. Dr. Kenneth D. George is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and runs a private practice in psychotherapy, working with gay single men and gay couples. It has taken many years for him to write this little book. He's been busy finding his own Mr. Right. He and his partner, Christopher Beck (an artist) have found each other. They celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary by enjoying a cruise on the Queen Elizabeth II --- a GAY cruise. In their vows to each other ...well, I'll let you read that for yourself. Charlie Perkins
Rating:  Summary: Yes, it can be done! Review: A lot of useful info in this book for any gay man. Well written and easy to understand. Nice to have around too, when you need a reminder or review :)
Rating:  Summary: Very helpful... Review: A lot of useful info in this book for any gay man. Well written and easy to understand. Nice to have around too, when you need a reminder or review :)
Rating:  Summary: This book is masterful Review: As a MFT in California I have found that the information contained in this book is the most encompassing collection of good useful advice that I have ever found. He touches on so many things that are important to gay male relationships. His advice is helpful and complete. I found the checklists and exercises easy and helpful. This book can really orient you to successful relationships.
Rating:  Summary: This book is masterful Review: As a MFT in California I have found that the information contained in this book is the most encompassing collection of good useful advice that I have ever found. He touches on so many things that are important to gay male relationships. His advice is helpful and complete. I found the checklists and exercises easy and helpful. This book can really orient you to successful relationships.
Rating:  Summary: This book is not very helpful Review: Being a gay man, I found this book well written with insightful exercises, stern advice, and help. Yet, the one thing this book fails in setting forth is the myriad of gay men out there. Unless another gay guy is actually performing the same approaches as you in garnering a long-term relationship, the contents within this book are useless. Gay men, almost intrinsically by nature, are predominantly promiscuous, failing at ever attaining and nurturing something meaningful or ever-lasting. Gay relationships are not like their heterosexual counterparts of growth, success, stability, and true equal partnership. Instead, its based upon looks, financial opulence, and the hopes an open relatiopnship will definitely happen after the initial "romantic" spark has long flickered out . . . I commend the author for his analytical and structural prose. He makes a bold attempt at telling the reader what to do and what not to do -- such as accepting a guy with set attributes, like smoking, and not aiming for changing such characteristics. However, to assume and bestow credibility that other gay men out there yearn for a committed relationship (especially in this information age of "online gay bars" like personals and "chat"-rooms) and how to go about it is an actual disregard to a reader's integrity at best.
Rating:  Summary: Gay Men Won't Abide by This! Review: Being a gay man, I found this book well written with insightful exercises, stern advice, and help. Yet, the one thing this book fails in setting forth is the myriad of gay men out there. Unless another gay guy is actually performing the same approaches as you in garnering a long-term relationship, the contents within this book are useless. Gay men, almost intrinsically by nature, are predominantly promiscuous, failing at ever attaining and nurturing something meaningful or ever-lasting. Gay relationships are not like their heterosexual counterparts of growth, success, stability, and true equal partnership. Instead, its based upon looks, financial opulence, and the hopes an open relatiopnship will definitely happen after the initial "romantic" spark has long flickered out . . . I commend the author for his analytical and structural prose. He makes a bold attempt at telling the reader what to do and what not to do -- such as accepting a guy with set attributes, like smoking, and not aiming for changing such characteristics. However, to assume and bestow credibility that other gay men out there yearn for a committed relationship (especially in this information age of "online gay bars" like personals and "chat"-rooms) and how to go about it is an actual disregard to a reader's integrity at best.
Rating:  Summary: What is it that you REALLY want??? Review: For one, when I read a book and it changes my life I want to pass it on to my friends. If that is any inclination how this book possessed me, you should know that I have bought 5 other copies for friends. This book is beyond what words on this screen can say. Words that fit; Enlightening, Challenging, and Comprehensive. Not only will you reinvent yourself but you can completely outline what it is that you are looking for, in a healthy relationship. Being broken up recently from a relationship, that I should not have been in, this book helped me realize that the person I was with was Mr. Wrong and the only thing standing in my way from meeting Mr. Right, was myself...and the fact that I did not want to let go. Please take the time and read this book. It will help you... This is not only for the single crew, if you are in a relationship it will make you evaluate whether or not you are with the right person. I would love to recommend this book to anyone I date prior to officially starting the dating process...:-)
Rating:  Summary: Quite Helpful Review: I bought this book because I am currently in a relationship - and I don't know what I'm doing. I was hoping this book would help me understand why I'm having problems with the perfect boyfriend. Well, this book helped a little but not much. It really is meant for those that are single and looking for Mr. Right. There are many activities that the author wants the reader to do to help him understand himself before he goes galavanting off into the next relationship. The book offers good advice, but I think the activities are kinda cheesy. One activity was to go to a restaurant by yourself. Now, I can see going to a diner by yourself for a quick meal, but the author was talking about a real restaurant. You're supposed to "date yourself." That's just silly if you ask me. I would rather go out to dinner with a friend, someone to talk to. It's important to feel comfortable with yourself, but most of these activities seem to taken right out of a text book without much thought about how practical they really are. The books strong points, though, are in the text. It talks about keeping the sex great in a lasting relationship. It even talks about those that want to have open relationships and the possible benefits or consequences of that type of relationship. The book hit every point one could think of about the area of dating and relationships. I plan to hang on to this book for when my boyfriend and I break up (I see the end approaching). Maybe it will be of more use then. Until then, this is not meant for couples. It is meant for single people and I highly reccommend it to those that don't understand why they can't find a lasting relationship.