Rating:  Summary: I'm not as crazy as I thought I was! Review: Lately I've been worried about misusing words. For instance, I described a painting as having an architectural theme rather than an agricultural one. I make this kind of mistake frequently and have been mortified. It never occurred to me that my estrogen levels could be the culprit in my memory loss. After reading Dr. Warga's book, I have had my levels checked and adjusted. Menopause and the Mind is almost a blueprint for menopausal sanity. It's very easy to read, frank and informative, and lets women like me know that there is hope and that we are not alone. I have bought this book as a gift for a friend who turned 50 and she insists that it is one of the best gifts that she has ever received.
Rating:  Summary: This is a wonderful book! Review: The absolute best book I have read about how estrogen affects the brain during menopause. I never realized how my brain fog and problems with spelling and memory were directly related to low estrogen levels.
Rating:  Summary: a must read Review: This book was excellent in helping me understand what was happening to me. It did not do a very good job of covering treatment options. I read Menopause for Dummies which didn't cover my symptoms as well as this book did, but did an excellent job of covering the treatment options.
Rating:  Summary: a must read Review: This book was excellent in helping me understand what was happening to me. It did not do a very good job of covering treatment options. I read Menopause for Dummies which didn't cover my symptoms as well as this book did, but did an excellent job of covering the treatment options.
Rating:  Summary: Non-Hormonal Alternatives Review: This wonderful, sanity-saving book DOES offer a lot of non-hormonal alternatives for dealing with perimenopausal mental fogginess. The fogginess can be very frightening, and because I had breast cancer I'm not a candidate for HRT - I can't even use soy products. I thought I was doomed to several years of confusion, memory & vocabulary loss. Dr. Warga's book not only explains the medical reasons behind all of the symptoms, but also shares coping strategies other women have developed to deal with these symptoms. The fact that the symptoms go away was the best news of all. GET THIS BOOK! It's reassuring and informative.
Rating:  Summary: Book should be retitled Review: to "Estrogen and the Mind". Claire Warga does an excellent job of compiling the data and cases describing the very real symptoms experienced at this time of life for many women (not all women). Unfortunately, she immediately defaulted to estrogen as the SOLE cure - natural or synthetic. What about the other hormones that decline at this time of life? Why has there not been research on the effects of progesterone and the mind? Research is primarily funded by pharmecutical companies and they hold no patents on progesterone - surprise. We get only half the story with this book. Now most current research has debunked that estrogen is the cure for Alzheimers.
Rating:  Summary: Book is a few days late and a few dollars short Review: Unfortunately, this book is an example of the fast-moving world of menopause "facts" as recent studies now show estrogen drugs worsened the condition of Alzheimer's patients. This book is one of many of its type that sells a lot of promising anecdote, but is little more than a badly disguised pharmaceutical advertising piece for failed drugs like HRT. Today's science, as shown in the Preliminary WHI study Warga talks about, is finding HRT far more harmful than helpful now that it is finally getting tested against a placebo. This book is for the bargain bin only as badly out of date today (6/14/2000). One year on the market and it has already been discredited by more current research. Save your money. And keep up to date on this issue with better and more current research and less drug industry hype.
Rating:  Summary: This book saved my life! Review: Wow! I'm 47 and was convinced I had early onset Alzheimer's because 3 or 4 times a day, I find myself using bizarrely wrong words ("wishbone" instead of "washcloth"; "plane" instead of "phone"). Dr. Warga's is the first book to point out how very, very common this is for women in perimenopause (pre-menopause) and that it doesn't get worse -- in fact, these symptoms usually stop when you've achieved actual menopause (because, as I understand it, it's not the estrogen loss that causes this syndrome, it's the wildly fluctuating estrogen levels of perimenopause that cause it). If you're a pre-menopausal woman who is experiencing mental fog, forgetfulness, word misusage, etc., you HAVE to read this book. It will allay your fears about Alzheimer's, etc. It has literally saved my life and my sanity! Thank you, thank you, Dr. Warga, for writing this groundbreaking book.
Rating:  Summary: This book saved my life! Review: Wow! I'm 47 and was convinced I had early onset Alzheimer's because 3 or 4 times a day, I find myself using bizarrely wrong words ("wishbone" instead of "washcloth"; "plane" instead of "phone"). Dr. Warga's is the first book to point out how very, very common this is for women in perimenopause (pre-menopause) and that it doesn't get worse -- in fact, these symptoms usually stop when you've achieved actual menopause (because, as I understand it, it's not the estrogen loss that causes this syndrome, it's the wildly fluctuating estrogen levels of perimenopause that cause it). If you're a pre-menopausal woman who is experiencing mental fog, forgetfulness, word misusage, etc., you HAVE to read this book. It will allay your fears about Alzheimer's, etc. It has literally saved my life and my sanity! Thank you, thank you, Dr. Warga, for writing this groundbreaking book.