Women having difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term will gain much wisdom from this book. Basing her program on the mind-body connection, author Niravi Payne has developed a therapeutic program for connecting with one's inner self to uncover the reasons behind fertility problems. In a nutshell, that means that women who can't conceive may not want to conceive in the first place. They may have other psychological barriers to conception, such as feeling that their partner isn't right for them, or ambivalence over what they see is a trade-off between motherhood and their career. "Emotions, whether conscious or unconscious, provoke physical responses," says Payne. She says that the most sophisticated fertility treatments in the world won't help women whose infertility is purely emotionally based, but for women who are using in vitro fertilization and other high-tech treatments, her program will greatly enhance the chances of conception. (While she's helped hundreds, if not thousands, of women become pregnant, she doesn't reveal the percentage of her patients who've successfully given birth. She says that all her clients are given a new ability to heal themselves, which makes the process of adoption and other parenting alternatives--including the choice of not having children--easier to consider for those women who eventually come to terms with their infertility.) Because the emotions that affect fertility have roots as far back as childhood, Payne's program--a "healing journey"--is very thorough and requires a great deal of self-exploration and analysis. What are your attitudes toward childbirth? How has your past molded your present? Have you fully mourned for past abortions, miscarriages, or stillbirths? How have repressed emotions contributed to your infertility symptoms or other female health problems? While Payne's book focuses on women's fertility, she also includes information about how the mind-body program can apply to men. She also includes copious recommendations for additional reading and resources for biofeedback equipment, lists of holistic medical doctors, and addresses and phone numbers of foundations and associations for further help and support.