Rating:  Summary: This book changed my life! Review: Reading about Pam and Peggy's adventures made me realize that even though I was not born organized, I too could have a clean home, with the right tools. The Slob Sister's official Web site is at: http://www.shesintouch.com -- I've met so many sidetrackers like myself at their discussion boards!
Rating:  Summary: Changed my life! Review: Really and truly, this book has improved the quality of my life tremendously. Written by the chronically disorganized, for the chronically disorganized, this book hits right at the heart of the problem and gives actual step-by-step advice for turning it around. Would you believe that I have both of my kids in bed by 9:00? That all the dishes are washed, the laundry is folded and put away, that the dog's been walked, the bills are paid and I know precisely how much money is in my checking account? I kid you not. Read this book, and you too can be sitting at the computer at 9:30 writing book reviews for total strangers . . .completely guilt free!
Rating:  Summary: Fantasy not reality Review: The elaborate systems of index cards, family motivations etc., promoted in this book will be of no use to the chronically disorganized. We organizationally-challenged can't follow routines and systems! That's the problem! And devising another system isn't going to help us. While it is reassuring to learn that many people are struggling with the same feelings and situations which result from chaos and disorganization, and this book will provide immediate, although temporary, enthusiasm and hope for the organizationally-challenged, the solutions offered will not result in any long term, or even significant, improvement in our lives. Unfortunately, the excitement created by the possibility of FINALLY making sense of the chaos of our homes is not enough to impose and maintain order simply by means of using index cards. People like us have wasted time and money setting up these types of schemes, only to experience failure and frustration again and again, because ultimately they don't work. One cannot change innate behaviors with a package of index cards. This book offers just another superficial non-solution to a deeper problem.
Rating:  Summary: WORKABLE CLEANUP PLAN FOR CHILDREN Review: This book has an uncomplicated, fun game to motivate children (and parents) to put away their things. I won't delineate, but this chapter alone is something I've been searching for for two years. I can do this!
Rating:  Summary: WORKABLE CLEANUP PLAN FOR CHILDREN Review: This book has an uncomplicated, fun game to motivate children (and parents) to put away their things. I won't delineate, but this chapter alone is something I've been searching for for two years. I can do this!
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as the first book, but has some good points Review: This book has most, if not all of the same stories the first one did, and assumes you have read the first one (for example, this book mentions colored index cards, but only the first book, Sidetracked Home Executives, tells you which color to use for what). Use white cards and just use a colored dot or sticker, or not.The big difference is that it puts several jobs per room on one card, instead of each job having its own card, as in the first book. You would no doubt come around to doing this eventually just having the first book as you fiddle with the system. As to the "infraction game" (leave stuff out, have to pay to get it back), I don't see it working for some or even many families, just as allowances don't work as a chore motivator if children are smart enough (or jaded enough) to see that someone will eventually feed the dog, even if they don't, and I doubt that some parent will make their child pay to get their homework back if it gets left on the kitchen table. The book is okay, but definitely read at the library before you buy it. You might like it better than the first one. I did not get much out of the Buzz Word cards, for example. I do like it better for the streamlining of the original system. As others have said of both books, their time estimates are 'way off. Something you don't want to do ALWAYS takes longer to do than you think it will. Leave off the time estimates and just think, "This job first, do not stop till it is done. On to the next one." I think the system works better for you this way. You can also adapt this system to a To Do List, or even put it on your computer or handheld if you wish. Sidetracked Home Executives is the better of the two books, imho.
Rating:  Summary: These ladies changed my life. I can't thank them enough! Review: This book is hilarious and helpful to anyone who struggles with chronic chaos and a cluttered house. The book and the support found on their website has literally changed my life. They offer hope and understanding for those of us who tend to get "sidetracked" -- and a practical way to get started. You owe it to yourself to try this, especially if traditional organizational books have failed you. You won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: A funny look at being disorganized. Review: This book was definitely worth reading. There are a lot of good ideas for getting rid of the clutter along with making life easier when it comes to cleaning and the bonus of a good laugh.
Rating:  Summary: Hillarious, motivating, encouraging, simple. Review: This book was tons of fun and incredibly motivating. It's easy to implement! I would love to email the authors and also find out about their seminars. I happen to live in their area. Please help me get in contact with them.
Rating:  Summary: Funny, practical, and full of hope. Review: This book was written by two women were self admitted -over the top "SLOBS", and who learned to transform their lives, and offer a simple plan on you can do the same. They write with a sense of humor, hope, and "been there, tried that" approach. Even if you don't take their practical suggestions, the attitude they impart is well worth the price of the book - to lighten your heart and mind about the "mess" in your life.