Rating:  Summary: All People Who Struggle With Obesety: Read This! Review: I know it's hard to believe, but this plan works. I know it sounds corny, but this book has changed my life. The nutritional "expertise" that has been going around in recent years is based on junk science. They may as well be putting leeches on people. This book, on the other hand, is based on fundemental biology that has been around for a long time if not in vogue. This is a sensible plan that reduces cravings and knocks off fat--period! What makes this plan work is that the carbohydrate addiction is broken and cravings dissappear. I now eat nice filling meals, I never struggle with portions, I no longer experience fatigue, and I have lost 55 pounds in less than 6 months. I even enjoy a nice carbo-loaded desert every day with my "reward meal." You can skip to "The Basic Plan" in Chapter 5 if you want to check it out. Keep up the plan for a few days and your cravings will dissappear.
Rating:  Summary: **UPDATE** Review: I wrote last on June 7th. At the time, I was down nearly 50 lbs. Well, here it is the close of November, I've been on the diet 10 months and I've lost another 20 lbs for a total of 70 lbs!! I've read some of the reviews and I have to say that NO DIET will work unless you discipline yourself to sticking with it FOR LIFE. No one said you need to give up your favorite carbohydrates, but you can never eat them "on a whim" anymore. You have to stop and think before you pick up that Hershey Kiss or munch on a handful of jelly-bellys. When I feel like having a HUGE piece of german chocolate cake for dessert, I just watch the amount of carb I eat at my reward meal. As for the rest of the day, I'm not much of a breakfast eater (never have been) so I just drink a protein shake and that keeps me pleasantly satisfied until lunch. Lunch can be lots of things made up of protein and veggies. I've certainly learned to enjoy all sorts of vegetables and actually crave it over anything else. Bottom line is this, if carbohydrates are a poison to you, and for those of us with bad insulin problems, it is, then face up to your reality. You need to watch everything you put into your mouth that isn't a protein or veggie. Don't shoot the messengers (Drs. Heller and Heller). They just figured out what alot people's weight problem was, and shared it. I'm grateful. I'm not a size 26 anymore, I'm a size 16 and declining. I can shop in "normal" stores and have a much bigger variety to choose from. Give it some time and I assure you, you will become an expert on listening to your body talk to you. And it will tell you how much better it feels! Good Luck and may God Bless you as you continue your battle.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't deserve even one star. Review: My doctor pulled me off of this diet after one month. I followed it faithfully. Even so, I had severe headaches and almost constant hunger. I craved the reward meals. Even though I have problems with insulin, this *life* diet didn't work for me! This book was a complete waste of my money!
Rating:  Summary: Try This Diet, You Only Have Weight To Lose Review: After years of all sorts of diets (even doctor prescribed), I've been up and down. After 7 weeks (today), I've lost 8 lbs. I admit I do not follow the diet exactly. Mainly, I usually eat only 2 meals a day (1 Complimentary and 1 Reward). Sometimes I only eat 1 Reward meal a day. I'm just not as hungry, which truly amazes me. So why haven't I lost more weight? Well, I like a couple of beers in social settings. So I have them, not necessarily as a substitute for a meal, but that's usually what happens. I'm sure I'd lose more weight if I followed the guidelines and had alcohol only with the Reward meal, but I'm satisfied with my progress. The bottom line is that I'm eating a lot less than before, never hungry or craving food, and losing weight (albeit more slowly than possible). I don't feel like a slave to the diet, although I've had to make some adjustments in lifestyle and I eat out a lot in my current living situation. I say give it your best shot, you only have weight to lose.
Rating:  Summary: Complete waste of my money! Review: I tried this diet for over a month. I was very hungry during this time and I experienced severe headaches. My doctor wasn't really happy with me doing this plan and he said in his opinion it was not good FOR ME even though I have problems with insulin. He recommended that I get off this plan and go on the Weight Watchers 1-2-3 program instead. I'm glad I followed his advice! Weight Watchers teaches me about nutrition and portion control, which after all, is what losing weight is really all about. I can eat anything I feel like eating, just not as much as I used to. I've lost 7 lbs. as of this date with no headaches and no hunger pangs. My blood sugar is balanced, because I've cut way down on sugar and processed foods. I don't expect to cut these out completely, because that is not realistic. This book was a complete waste of my money! I wouldn't even award it 1 star if I didn't have to. Since the Hellers are so sure of this book for people with insulin problems, I should send my book to them and get my money back!
Rating:  Summary: Good diet, not so well written. Review: This is the 2nd time I have been on this. The first, for 5 yrs. I truly agree with it. I had lost 35lbs only to have regained about 55lbs back. Due to myself...not so much the diet. I do feel that this is a very great diet, yet hard for me to follow due to the fact that I cannot use sugar substitutes in my drinks and cannot give up sweet drinks! Though I have seriously tried. However, though my husband and I do not faithfully follow every tid-bit of info...we are still loosing. I have just lost about 8lbs in 2wks. My husband has lost almost 15lbs. Because we do not follow strictly, we do fluctuate. It is frustrating as some have stated. I get very tired of eggs with no toast and jelly. I do feel more encouraged now that I have a partner and I am not alone in this. I would like a more complete cookbook for the complimentory meals for ideas. I get tired of trying to manage the diet sometimes. Over-all... I do believe in this diet. I do feel better. Though it does take a serious look and effort. You do need to understand what carbs are and what foods have high carbs. My husband just wants me to tell him what to eat and doesn't really care to put the effort of learning into it. Which is harder for me because I am alone in ideas for food planning. Yet, I feel it is worth it, if I can keep it up and not get discouraged.
Rating:  Summary: Carbohydrate Addicts Diet Review: My friends THINK they know about the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet. They think it is not eating carbs. They feel that this is an unhealthy way to eat. So do I. Our bodies need carbohydrates for so many things, energy being only one. But this book allows, even demands, that we eat carbs. I have found the diet amazingly easy. I wish to loose weight slowly so I don't get saggy skin as well as health problems. I have lost 11 pounds in six weeks and I truly feel that I have fewer cravings for sweet and breads. This used to be a real problem. Try this diet and see if it works for you. I'm VERY happy with it!
Rating:  Summary: To all of the nay-sayers, read this: Review: Don't attempt to pass-on your negativity to those who are looking for something positive in their lives. I read all 240 reviews and was astonished at the STUPIDITY of those who bash CA, Oprah and the readers of these reviews who are looking for honest feedback from those who have been successful (and those who have not). If you read this book, and practice its principles and succeed or fail, please post! We need to know the good and the bad. But don't insult our intellegence by showing your IGNORANCE about a subject that you are not qualified to comment on. I am 5 days into this lo-carb WOL and feel GREAT! I have always exercised 4-5 times a week for 30-45 mins, but never lost weight only slowly gained over the years. After reading this book and looking into my actual eating habits, I was horrified. Chinese several times a week, potatoes, rice, pasta, condiments, sugar in my coffee, sweetened tea, cookies and milk before bedtime...and the list goes on. I have been overcarbing for years! I will post with an update in several weeks. So far, I feel energized and satisfied.
Rating:  Summary: BEEN THERE DONE THAT Review: This is the second review I have written about the program. The first one was glowing. In order to clear my concience I need to write an addenum. I too was sold on this diet. Hook, line and sinker. I did it for about 9 months. The first month I lost about 5 pounds, and felt great. The next 8 months I felt great, but didnt lose one more ounce. I was convinced that I was plateaued, but 8 months? I think more than anything I wanted to believe that I could achieve permanent weight loss having my "cake and eating it too". I wanted to believe this so desparately that the months passed by so quickly that I had not even noticed. After a few weeks of this program I became OBSESSED with the reward meal. It wasn't an actual craving, but just something I couldnt stop thinking about. I would plan it the night before. Initially my reward meal was dinner. Then it moved to lunch and before I knew it I would eat it at breakfast time because I just could not wait. Eventually I started having 2 reward meals. After reading all the other negative reviews I have to say that I am in agreement. Eating eggs and bacon is wonderful, once in awhile. I could eat oreo cookies every day and not get sick of them, but bacon and eggs I cannot. In my struggle to control my cravings I became obsessed with something else....my reward meal. I replaced one obsession with another. Yes, I do have a problem with carbs, yes, I do love sweets and sometimes have a hard time stopping once Ive started, but in truth the CAD is just another fad that will eventually go away like every other fad. What I and everyone else needs to do is find a way to manage my cravings, not control them. Control is something I will never have over food, alcohol, drugs, or any other pleasurable addiction. If I did not manage my alcohol intake I would have a problem with that too. Thankfully I don't . Yes, I crave cheesecake. When I do "reward" myself with it once in awhile I appreciate how wonderful it really is. When I try to trick my mind and body into "control" then I am only fooling myself. 6 years ago I weighed 130 pounds. Now I weigh 210. Pretty shocking. After years of triend every stupid diet, and they are stupid, I just gave up. One day I was told low fat, then it was high fat low carb, then it was...well, you get the idea. I had become so frustrated with diets and different philosophies of weight "control" that I forgot the simple "diet" that allowed me to maintain a weight of 130 pounds for 2 glorious years. I listened to my instincts. I ate fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and ate fats spareingly and I exercised regularly. I want that magic pill. I will always want it and yearn for it, but folks it doesnt exist. We all know the answer. Please do as I do and stop looking for magic and stop being fooled, because when you watch a magic show you will realize that it is all just smoke and mirrors.
Rating:  Summary: Verbal Diarrhoea Review: The only thing which impressed me about this book was the speed with which Amazon.co.uk delivered it to me. It is written in the style of advertising promotional material such as Reader's Digest might release. More than once I found myself saying, "For Goodness sake, get on with it"! It's main reason for suggesting the diet is (as I understand it) to combat a condition known as hyperinsulinemia but rather than explain what hyperinsulinemia is and then list the problems it can cause, the authors choose to produce a succession of problems and then explain the same things about hyperinsulinemia under each of them. They also constantly repeat the symptoms of "carbohydrate addiction". The kindest interpretation I can put on it is that they are trying to reassure some readers but they sure bored the pants off me. I feel that this may be a deliberate ploy either to bulk out the book or to provide some self aggrandisement. Over half the book is comprised of low calorie recipes and the rest could be condensed to the authors' test to see whether you suffer from (yes, you've guessed it) hyperinsulinemia (aka carbohydrate addiction) and their programme with its options. Ok, a few success stories do help to reassure you but this book does not just labour the point, it gives birth to quins. The diet itself may be fine but, despite the claims that it is "easy" because you do not have to measure anything, I suspect that it is as difficult to follow as any other. I would like to expand on this point but I believe that I would transgress the rules and start to give away part of the "plot". Suffice to say that I think counting carbohydrates would be easier and also give greater flexibility. I am glad that I decided to order three books on the topic of low carbohydrate diets as, I believe, it has given me a more balanced perspective. The other books I ordered (unfortunately, not from Amazon) were Dr. Atkins' Revolutionary diet plan and "Eat Fat, Get Thin" by Barry Groves. I have yet to finish Dr. Atkins' book but so far it is a better read than this book but suffers from some verbiosity in that Dr. Atkins insists on telling you what he is going to tell you. Barry Groves book is the slimmest of the lot and is very much to the point. Barry is just a guy who realized that he was fat and decided to do some research into why. I am prepared to go along with the basic low carbohydrate diet (this is day one and I am still feeling full from 2 meals) because I have seen too many people fail (including me) on low fat diets but please Drs. Heller do something about your writing style.