Rating:  Summary: A great Lifestyle Program that is simple to follow and WORKS Review: I read The Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan program about 4 months ago after stalling on another low carbohydrate program. It was fantastic. I loved their use of the word addict, it is so true.The other thing I really liked about the plan was it's simplicity. Other low carbohydrate plans can be complicated and intimidating, especially for people new to the concept. I have since given a copy of the book to 2 friends and my mother and recommended it to several others. IMPORTANT: You must read the entire book before you begin. There is a lot more to the program than what to eat when.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent way of life! Review: The Heller's have hit upon something that is wonderful and they are sharing it with the world! People seem to think that if they are not following the high carb diet, they are doing something wrong! This is not true. What all the diets fail to tell you is NOT ALL DIETS ARE FOR EVERYONE! If you are severely or even mildly addicted to carbohydrates, this way of life is for you. Not only does it address the weight loss aspect, it makes you feel terrific. You suddenly have no cravings. You can walk through the grocery store and not fill your cart with everything in sight. Additionally, I'm a vegan and have been following this way of life for 8 weeks. It is easy to follow and the results are tremendous. No other "diet" has such a support system - not even Weight Watchers!
Rating:  Summary: After following this plan for two years... Review: ...I was really interested to read the negative remarks of people who have not read the book. Those of us who actually HAVE read it will tell you that this is a balanced, healthful eating Way of Life. This plan has allowed me to lose 40 pounds and keep it off for a couple years now. This plan is not "low carb;" I have carbs every day. A healthful way of eating? I have fresh vegetables at every meal. As for starving my brain?...I work as a college professor and writer, and do not feel brain-starved in the least. Is the Reward Meal a gluttonous pig-out? No, of course not. But last night I ate salad with real blue cheese dressing, prime rib with sour cream and horseradish, fresh green beans with almonds, and for dessert a piece of carrot cake with cream-cheese icing and a few cookies. I had big portions of everything, not mouse portions. Today my scale is down another half a pound. Let's see WW do that! My recommendations...READ the book before you judge it, and then try the eating plan. As they say, nothing succeeds like success.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding--the only cure I've ever found for my overeating Review: Unbelievable how my entire life has been mis-spent trying to decipher all the different diet plans. Eat this, don't eat that, low-fat, etc., etc., etc. This book is amazing--it teaches you that you CAN eat it all--and still lose weight--and LOSE the cravings FOREVER!!! Being a complete chocoholic my entire life had led to an 18 lb. gain after years of struggling with the same 5-10 lbs. I was completely miserable. After a few months on the plan, I learned that I can have my cake and eat it too--and I'm back into a very comfortable size 8, my moods and my energy level are completely better, and this is a plan I can live with FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!! Can't thank the Drs. Heller enough!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Oprah's influence will cause this to skyrocket Review: When I first heard of this book, I was excited and couldn't wait to try it. The general principals seemed right on track. However, I think many will find, as other readers have said, that it may be too restrictive. There is, though, a lot of scientific research behind the Glycemic Indexing - I would suggest people get information from the Glycemic Indexing Research Institute of Washington. They have been studying the effects of the differet levels of insulin released from every imaginable food, and have a guide to follow. The guide is less restrictive than this book, although the idea is the same - when insulin is released in your system, it causes both fat storage and a dramatic increase in your appetite. It seems SUGAR turns to fat, not dietary fat in to body fat. I've heard of a new program that follows this guideline, and I intend to incorporate some of the Hellers points with the Glycemic guide. At least this book answered the question - why do I feel more hungry before lunch if I've eaten breakfast, than if I did not?
Rating:  Summary: Don't get too excited about the "reward" meals! Review: Despite the "reward meal" thing, I found CALP is to be a much more restrictive plan than the authors would like you to believe. I was on it for 9 weeks and it was a waste of time with very little weight loss even though I believed I followed it religiously. I've heard that when people like me who have more than 60 lbs to lose cut way down on carbs, they see results pretty quickly. And all I was hoping for was only a pound or two a week. But during the 9 weeks, I kept losing and gaining back the same 3 pounds over and over again. Asked other CALPers on the e-mail list and here's some of the suggestions: "Take chromium." "Cut down even more on carb." "Eliminate dessert from your reward meals." "The foods you're eating contain MSG. That's why you don't lose." "Cut down on cheese." "You add too much milk to your coffee" "Don't eat broccoli and tomatoes, they contain too much carb." Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. This is no magic plan, folks. There's always a catch somewhere and you're the one to blame for the lack of weight loss. If you want to jump on the plan, because the "reward meal" concept appeals to you, please know that in order for the plan to work for you, you won't always get to eat what you hope to eat on this plan. That's all I can tell you. I now have switched to Weight Watchers and cut way down on refined carbs and sugar. I've lost 24 pounds since mid-July and I've credited my success partly to CALP which has taught me about insulin control. However, controlling your carbs won't work for too long unless you learn to watch your portions as well. CALPers may say that by dealing with the cause of your cravings, you won't have to worry about portion control. I found that to be untrue. And watch for the 1/3 ratio of your "reward" meal, don't expect to eat a piece of chicken and a piece of chocolate the size of that chicken. In CALP language, that's WAY overcarbing. Try this program if you think it will help you, but don't get too excited about the reward meals. When you hit plateau, they'll tell you to cut down even more on carbs. Next thing you know, you're doing Atkins or Sugar Busters and wondering where's the "reward" in your "reward meals".
Rating:  Summary: the only diet that worked for me Review: This diet is wonderful - the only diet that has worked for me. I read the book, and followed the diet. In three months I lost 25 pounds! If you're not sure, check out their website and take the Carbohydrate Addict's self test. Then read the book!
Rating:  Summary: Check with your Doctor Review: As a Doctor I strongly advise that you do not untake this diet without first contacting your own doctor. THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!!!!! Serious medical side effects might occur.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing new under the sun. Review: The basic facts of how starchy carbohydrates affect blood sugar levels are quite correct. However, jumping from that to calling it an "addiction" is faddish and not scientific. ANYONE who eats a lot of starchy carbs will have insulin pouring into their system. And that will leave you sluggish and hungry. But that cycle does not qualify as an addiction. People simply need to stop eating so much starchy foods and eat vegetables with a better glycemic index, along with protein in their meals and snacks. Body builders have known this for years. I have heard Arnold S. mention this many times on television over the years. I think body builders know a lot more about eating clean and healthy than do doctors or most of these certification companies or this author. Please, state the facts about food chemistry without adding the smoke and mirrors.
Rating:  Summary: A good first step Review: The Lifespan program is a good first step towards gaining societal acceptence that certain foods can indeed be addicting. It is informative and reads quite well. But it lacks any significant advice on dealing with the emotional connections to overeating. Furthermore, their concept of rewarding your body with the "addictive" substance, flies in the face of reason. You can't reward an alcoholic with a beer, and expect them to stay sober, so why reward myself with the very foods I binge on?? It doesn't work for me. I've found that the books Anatomy of a Food Addict, and, Chocolate is My Kryptonite: Feeding You Feelings/How to Survive the Forces of Food, both do a more thorough job of incorporating the concepts of addiction/recovery with a successful food plan