Rating:  Summary: A BOOK THAT SAVED A LIFE Review: I've been on CALP now since the day it was published. I have found being on CALP I no longer have cravings for food between meals. This too me is nothing short of a miracle. I got the book and it opened my eyes to so many new things. It literally changed the way I think about food and dieting. All that knowledge I thought I knew about dieting was turned upside down that day. I learned more from CALP than I had gained from all my dieting experiences combined. It showed me how dieting shouldn't have to be a struggle or a fight to stay in control and that 75% of the population heavy or not suffers from a hormonal imbalance called Hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia is simply put is an addiction or sensitivity to carbohydrates. Well I will not even begin to tell you what I thought of all this. But I can tell you what I did think you couldn't print here. I thought this was just another diet book with the claim to have the all the answers on losing weight. Something happened. The more I read, the things Drs. Heller spoke about in their book, things started to make sense to me. I no longer thought this was one of "fad" diet books. But I did still think "This is to good too be true." "There's no way you can eat like this and lose weight." I also remember thinking that Drs. Heller's program went against everything I have ever been told about dieting and I mean everything. Since 1996 I still follow the program to the letter. I have been steadily losing weight ever since. Every so often I wonder if someone is going to wake me up and I'll find this has been nothing more than a dream.
Rating:  Summary: Changed my life forever Review: At 51, I had totally given up on all diets. I stumbled across this book in 1998 and it revolutionized my life. I have lost over a hundred pounds, and am in control of my eating for the first time in 40 years. I will eat this way forever, and happily. I find it interesting that since the Oprah show, so many people have suddenly showed up here to give it a bad review--and then recommend their own books. It seems that many people reviewing it have their own agendas. My agenda is this: if you are addicted to carbohydrates, as I am, I would say try it. You will be amazed at the joyful change in your life, and your weight loss.
Rating:  Summary: This book has added years to my life and life to my years Review: Within two weeks of following this plan my blood pressure dropped from 170/108 to 120/80. I began to sleep better and woke up refreshed. My stamina, energy levels and mental acuity all improved dramatically. The mild siezures that I have had since adolescence greatly decreased in number. From being at a point of desperation and wondering why there was no help for me I have gone to a more hopeful and healthy life in every way. On top of all that I am free from the horrible food cravings that I have always lived with. Sometimes I forget to eat. This book is a miracle for people like me.
Rating:  Summary: Easiest Diet I've Ever Been On! Review: I Love this way of life. I have been overweight/dieting since I was eleven years old and my Dr.(?) put me on amphetemines. I have been the brunt of peoples cruel comments and low self esteem that comes from being an overweight child. I have tried every diet imaginable and struggled with each and every one of them, only to gain everything back, and then some. This is the first diet that addresses the why and how and offers a solution that you can follow for LIFE!. the Hellers deserve a medal for the work they have done. They are an answer to many peoples prayers. My cholesteral has gone down eating this way. I have lost 34 pounds and feel great! I can't say enough about how teriffic this plan is!
Rating:  Summary: This WOE(way of eating) will vastly improve many lives! Review: This WOE of eating will change the lives of many. I have tried them all and this is a lifestyle(that I love) not a DIET!!!!
Rating:  Summary: This book and it's program has saved my life!!! Review: The Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan program has given me my life back. I was tired all the time and gaining weight even though I was eating less. I found out I could eat more and loss weight. The roller coaster ride of carb binging is over for me, I eat only when I am hungry and am very satisfied for hours afterward. I eat real food!!! Not processed, measured and bad tasting "fake" food. I promise that this way of eating will change your life as it did mine. I was a size 16 at 5'3", I'm now a size 8 and I feel fantastic!! Good Luck to you on your Journey to a healthier and happier life!!
Rating:  Summary: This way of eating has changed my life 100% in just 4 week! Review: As a Vegetarian I had gained over 200 pounds within the past 11 years. I thought I was eating healthy consumming the usual recommended Vegetarian diet consisting of legumes & grains (as well as green veggies, cheese, tofu, meatless soy products, etc.). I had a huge fondness of chips, diet sodas, ice cream, chocolate and anything else high carb! Although I am certainly not a veteran at this new way of eating, I can certainly say this program has changed MY LIFE 100% in just 4 weeks! I began reading CAD a little over 4 weeks ago, I was sceptical at first, but once I committed to the program, I found my weight dropping at a rate of 4 pounds a week! I am morbidly obese weighing 408 lbs. When I started the Drs. Heller program I was 429 lbs! I exercise & eat healthy including a well balanced reward meal (using the 1/3,1/3,1/3 guidline provided in CALP), plus I have eliminated artificial sweeteners and caffeine from my beverages outside my Reward Meal. I know that as long as I eat within the boundaries of CAD/ CALP which is basically 95% of all meals, I can have whatever I want the remainder of the time! Talk about having my cake and eating it too! The Drs. Heller are passionate as well as COMpassionate. They are kind, loving, and extremely knowledgable. The fact that Dr. Rachel Heller lost over 200 pounds and KEPT IT OFF for the past 15 years AND Dr. Richard Heller ALSO lost weight on this life plan, is proof enough that this way of eating works! Most importantly, I myself knew I had something other than a weight problem. I KNEW something else was wrong with me. I KNEW I HAD A PROBLEM, AN ADDICTION - to carbohydrates . It was not simply and addiction to food! Until I read the Heller's books, I lived my life in a carb addicted "fog". My doctors told me it was not the carbohydrates, but it was what I was putting on my carbohydrates! So all this time I had a plate of spaghetti with a little bit of sauce. Bread with no butter, Bagel with low fat cream cheese, etc. I should have listened to my body a long time ago! Thankfully, we have Drs. Heller to guide us OUT OF THIS CARB ADDICTION! They have changed my life completely! I owe the weight of the world in gold to Richard and Rachel Heller! Please try this program! It works for me!
Rating:  Summary: Keeps the cravings at bay Review: I once had a friend who lost a great amount of weight. She said her secret was eating only 3 meals a day. Easy, I thought. Not so easy - I could NOT eat only 3 meals a day. The cravings were too strong. After reading this book, I now know why. I was eating too much sugar and starch in general. This program is very balanced with protein vegetables and carbs, but eaten in a way that does not support cravings. That alone makes following the plan SO much easier than any other plan I have tried. Btw, this is NOT a hi pro or low carb diet per se. It is truly a craving reducing, well balanced way of eating. It makes sense and is livable through a lifetime. Name 5 other "diets" that can say that and mean it! Works for me. Makes sense.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent resource for carbohydrate addicts! Review: The Heller's have done a huge amount of research in putting out this book. This includes the "real-life" results of those of us who use this way of life and swear by it. Since beginning this program in May of 1999, I have lost almost 45 lbs, have tripled my exercise tolerance, have halved my cholesterol and triglyceride levels and feel the best I've felt in years! I truly recommend this book for those who have a carbohydrate addiction and want to learn how to control it.
Rating:  Summary: A straightforward plan that works! Review: Back in April I was looking for a simple plan to help me lose wight safely and permanently. After reading the Hellers' book I knew this was the best way for me. Since then I've lost 50 pounds and feel better than I have in years! Thanks to the Hellers for showing me the way.