Rating:  Summary: This is it! Review: I'm telling you, this works! I am the word for word definition of a carb addict...and if you follow this PROPERLY, it does work. But what is more important, is that you don't feel hungry, and after just a VERY SHORT time, the cravings I had all day for carbs went away. (I'm talking 2 days or less.) Don't get me wrong, I look forward to my reward meal dessert. But virtually no cravings. I am very happy to have found this book & without hesitation, recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: it works! Review: This works. I promise it does. If you have (or have not) tried everything else, do this one. Do it exactly as it says and it will work. I first saw them on Oprah. Having never loved fruits, I thought finally something I can do. But I loved cake, cookies, cereal, you name it. If bread, rice or potatoes were made of it, I ate it. Which is why I weighed 190. When I first started the plan, I felt just a tad bit lightheaded. Not a dangerous lightheaded. Just like I was missing something. Like a hangover. Which is exactly what I had, a cookies, cake, ice cream, carbohydrate hangover. By Day 3 though, the strange feelings were gone and so were 2 pounds. I lost 20 pounds quickly and it STAYED OFF. I wasn't hungry either. I ate full meals. Even large Sunday dinners as long as my plate had those 1/3 portions. I ate to lose!!!! It works. The surprising thing was my previously high blood pressure dropped to normal. And my blood levels were the best they had been in years. Even my doctor said, what have you been doing! Do it. Then keep doing it, okay? It will work for you. It's not about counting fat grams. If that worked, Americans would be slim. We've all counted enough fat grams to last several lifetimes.
Rating:  Summary: Where has this been all my life??!! Review: All my life I have eaten carbs, carbs, carbs! I never "crave" meat or vegetables, just all kinds of carbs. I didn't even eat fruit. (I still don't & it's ok). I read this book & have been following the program, (which each person can individualize for themselves), and I have already lost 6 pounds! I have only had the book for a little less than 2 weeks. The 1st day was the "toughest" as far as cravings go. But I have been doing great since then. No more late night candybars, PB&J sandwiches, or HUGE bowls of cereal. I am so happy that I have found this book, I am sending a copy to everyone I love for Christmas!!
Rating:  Summary: Great Idea Review: I thought this book was a great idea but, my experience of it was that it is just toooooooooo hard. I'm the kind of person who does eat a lot of vegetables already but, I was sick of the sight of salad in no time. In the future I may try a variation of this diet as some of the ideas are good but, I very much doubt that I'll do it the way they tell us too here... just too too hard!!
Rating:  Summary: No, thank you! Review: I had high expectations of this book, but it did not live up to any of them. A reward meal?! Please! And all that mumbo-jumbo about eating your food in thirds and finishing dinner within an hour. Any book promising you you can eat anything you want for your 'reward meal' is a bunch of hokey-pokey. Oh, and not only can you eat anything you want for your reward meal you can go back for seconds, provided you again divide it into thirds. Again, I say PLEASE! I've been fighting the battle of the bulge all my life, but one thing I know for certain is that in order to lose weight you cannot magically make calories disappear by eating foods in correct proportions. I showed that part to my husband and he had a good laugh. Save your money or buy a low-fat cookbook instead.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, an eating plan that will work! Review: I've tried them all, from Weight Watchers, Physician's Weight Loss, SlimFast and Metabolife to the Body For Life program. Nothing worked. I'd lose the weight, but when I just couldn't deal with the programs any longer - BAM! - the weight came back and so did a few more pounds on top of that. I found this book, started reading it and realized that I was a carb addict. It's easy to follow, my cravings are almost nil and I don't feel like I'm being deprived of any of my favorite foods. I highly recommend it to anyone who - like me - heads for the cookies, cakes, chips, etc. regularly.
Rating:  Summary: Has helped me TREMENDOUSLY! Review: Don't think of it as a diet - it's a whole new approach to eating and nutrition. Now that we know - or should know - that the so-called low fat diets have a tendancy to actually make people fatter (but not always - depends on your body!), the low-carb diet is finally, after 25 or more years, being taken seriously. A friend of mine tried many diets over the years, and this is the one that has allowed her to lose weight, and keep it off, and reduce her desire to eat. I went on this diet, have lost 25 pounds in 6 months, and now I, too, have no desire to snack during the day like I used to, I eat less at meals, and I feel just as full as I ever did before. I feel better, too. I grew up with a regular Wisconsin-style diet of starch, starch, starch, and sugar sugar sugar (lots of bread, potatoes, root vegetables, and my mother was an incredible baker, so lots of cinnamon rolls, cookies, cakes, pies...yum!, but not good for me) - and even though I ate that diet for 36 years, I have just about no desire to go back to it - not a "gosh, it made me heavy, so I don't want it" desire, but my body *itself* doesn't want all that stuff any more, and I don't even think of eating that stuff any more, except as an occasional treat. IGNORE ANY REVIEWS you read here that give this diet low scores. The truth of the matter is, this diet is not for everyone. With diabetes in my family, and doing some serious thought about my past food habits and reactions after eating, etc., I gave it a try since it seemed to fit what was happening to me. Thankfully, I was right, and this is for me. There's always a chance that your body IS NOT the type that will deal with diet, and you might very well NOT get any weight loss from this. If so, chalk it up to God's infinite variety of body types, and don't blame the diet. The people who rate this low, for the most part, are people for whom this diet did not work (or they didn't do it properly). And remember, don't think of it as a diet - it's a whole new approach to eating and nutrition. For me, and for many others, this is the new approach to thinking about nutrition and how we feed our bodies we needed.
Rating:  Summary: Much more restricted even than the original "Carbohydrate Ad Review: True carbohydrate addicts are rare. I was convinced I was one. However, for health reasons I stopped eating potato chips, popcorn, and glutenous grains altogether, which by default led me to do without refined sugars. The above mentioned were the food items I had found myself bingeing on, which led to my weight gain. I had a hard time following it. In the original (CAD) zucchini and eggplant are ok vegetables for complementary (non-reward) meals. But in this book, lifespan program, zucchini and eggplant are banned, except at reward meal, claiming they "cause cravings". At the so-called reward meal, unless you eat like a horse, your carbohydrate portion is extremely restricted. To eat all the carbohydrates you want, (let's say for example, two pancakes with fruit on top), you'd have to eat that "eyeball size" (not weight) in meat and vegetables! So you're basically getting very little of not only "bad carbs" but GOOD carbs like wild rice, lentils, nuts, squash, carrots, etc. There has got to be some balance! I can easily give up cookies, and such, forever, and not care, but to banish some of these good foods to "reward meal only" is beyond ludicrous, for me. This book was a good start to teach me how to portion control my food. But I had already given up food that was causing the cravings. And it wasn't carrots! I was very very enthusiastic about it at first, but please, give it several months before you declare it the answer to all your life's problems. I still use SOME of this as a basic guideline, but I've increased my personal list of allowed vegetables in the complementary meals, and occasionally added some fruit. To follow this diet as prescribed in the book is just way too harsh, and I used to live with eating disorders. I daydreamed all day what I wanted to eat at "reward meal", but even then 3/4 of your reward meal, PLUS salad, is to be foods on the "craving reducing" list, which I had already spent the entire day eating.
Rating:  Summary: A Solid Program for Weight Loss with Other Benefits Review: The difficulties of "dieting" or changing one's eating habits is that it either requires a radical change in eating habits or following a complex program that is wholly unnatural. Programs which require precision measurement or rigid routines usually fail because the follower fails to incorporate them into their daily life. Fortunately, this program is simple in concept and execution. After reading the book and putting its basic principles into practice for just a few days, I discovered that the program delivered on its promise of weight loss, but more importantly, weight loss without thinking or struggle. The Lifespan program is not a "magic pill" or panacea that will solve all of your weight and nutrition problems in one quick fix. Rather it is a balanced program that enables the follower to eliminate the sources of cravings which ultimately lead to weight gain. Unlike other programs which eliminate certain food groups, the Lifespan program emphasizes moderation and balance, then explains how to eliminate the "insulin-based" cravings which can exacerbate those cravings. One does not eliminate anything from one's diet in total. The program shows you how to cultivate moderation in diet as well as appropriate timing (for example, have dessert every day......just have a little) which allows you to naturally become more physically fit. I lost quite a bit of weight and, while I have put back a few pounds, it has been during those times when I have strayed from the principles of the program. As soon as I get back on track, I achieve positive results. There are some significant side benefits as well. In following the program, I have found that I have a lot more energy and clarity of mind. I also find that I sleep better when I follow the program. I usually refer to the book about once a week or so just to stay on track. The program may not be the answer for everyone, but from my personal experience, it has certainly worked for me.
Rating:  Summary: Don't get caught up in age, just try it! Review: You don't have to be over 40 for this to be the plan for you. I started it in my 20's as recommended by the PCOS organizations to improve my cycles in order to conceive. I lost 20# in the first 4 months(I know, some would consider that slow, but when you're not depriving yourself, it feels great!), started ovulating in a reasonable amount of time(on Clomid but considering I was ovulating late even on that, with this program I was able to move it to a more reasonable time period, unheard of for one cycle to the next with Clomid) and finally got pregnant. I'm now using it to lose the baby weight and feel more energy again. Amazing what normalized insulin levels can do. I also don't get the 4 times a week migraines I used to have and had to take heavy duty drugs to prevent which weren't even as successful as this program. You don't have anything to lose, so just try it! By the way, the Hellers are real down to earth people. I've met them and they don't share themselves like this just for money, its a labor of love for them. Since this was published their research found that if you wait 5 minutes between bites, its essential for many people to wait at least 90 minutes for the next meal to eat again. For an updated book, check out the Carbohydrate Addicts Healthy Heart Program. And remember, as Dr. Rachael says, "Its not your fault!"