Rating:  Summary: Don't be fooled by a bestselling book Review: Like many of you I read this book with some very high hopes. But it didn't take long for me to come to the realization that this is not a miracle diet. No one is guarenteeing you anything. I did however watch Opera on Thursday to see how many people on the show actually stuck with the program. Most of the audience did stick with it but it were the one's that didn't that I could most identify with. Breakfast seemed to be the toughest for most people including myself. God, who wants to eat eggs every morning. Too much protien is bad for you clear and simple. After reading the latest Suzanne Somers book and the book Sugar Busters I feel that their's is a much easier and healthier plan. At least they incorperate carbs throughout the day. Thank God I can eat cereal, oatmeal, fruit and milk at breakfast which I believe is the most important meal and the one where you should have most of your carbs. You can even eat brown rice, pasta and bread if you wish. Sugar is very resticted but once you've lost the weight you can start incorperating back in in moderation. Who wants all that sugar any way.
Rating:  Summary: BUY BOOK IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE-YOU WILL LOSE PDS Review: This book is saving my life literally. I have been battling weight it seems forever. I tried all kinds of diets (no fat/high fiber) etc and it did nothing. I would strave myself, exercise, exercise and more exercise and nothing. I have been folowing the diet from this book for about 2 weeks now and I am losing, losing, and losing. I was 25 lbs overweight to start with and its coming off. I am eatting more and better than I have in a long time and I'm not hungry. I would have never believed it in a million years until I bought book and found out what was going on with my body. It took me a month of looking in bookstores trying to buy this book, getting put on waiting lists until it dawned on me to check Amazon. I had my book in 4 days and since then my life has been on an upward turn. If I can do this anyone can. Good luck everyone. Buy the book it will be the best money you ever spent.
Rating:  Summary: Finally an answer to why I stay hungry.! Review: I too, saw the story on Oprah, ordered the book, in hopes of a miracle, and wow! It has become one for me at least. In 26 days I have shed 24 lbs. No cravings for any sort of food after three days on the program. I see alot of negative comments about the program, but like most good things, there has to be someone who wont always agree with it. This program, to me, is very easy to follow. If I want the dessert, I no longer have to say "No thank you, I am on a diet" I just say, I would love for you to wrap it up, I will have it with my reward meal later on. And whats so wonderful, the book, along with the Chat room and the website, all help. I have my moral support if things dont go so wonderful, but as the book says, it has to be a complete program. The diet is one step, the others are, realizing that being thinner wont make the whole world a perfect place. You have to learn what is bugging you and how to handle stress as well. I think the book is going to help so many people. The diet is easy, you can have anything you want to eat. And after reading the book, you understand why insulin can make you fat. And just how to control how your body gets the insulin. I would highly reccommend it to anyone craving sweets or breads. You know WHO you are..
Rating:  Summary: Have you ever wondered why the caveman were so strong & fit? Review: The cavemen were so strong and fit because their diets were made up of strickly meat and veggies. There was no sugars or pasta. I think this book really makes sense and it really works! I've lost 10 ibs. in 2 weeks. I've had a ton of energy, lost my cravings, and I have a better outlook on life! This diet is so simple and it's not even like being on a diet. There are also some great recipes in the book. Anyone who tries this plan will see fast, positive results. Make sure that you read the book all the way through so you get all the useful tips. You won't be disappointed! Good Luck!
Rating:  Summary: does this really work? Review: I read this book and saw the thing on Oprah, my friend is doing it and has lost 5 pounds in a week and a half, BUT it sounds like 95% of all the people that love this program have only been on it for 1, 2 and 3 weeks. Not too many people have stuck with it. So...ask yourself can you do this for the rest of your life? Cause as soon as you go off a little here comes the pounds! I tried the Atkin's and there's NO WAY a person could live like that unless you're a caveman! The whole thing sounds like a let down in the long run. I think I'll hang on to my 20 pounds and not freak out.
Rating:  Summary: It's the beginning... Review: This book is really about FOOD COMBINING and moderation of high glycemic (sugar) foods. For additional information in a very simple-to-understand book [only 60 pages], get "Food Combining : A Step-By-Step Guide (In a Nutshell, Nutrition Series)" by Kathryn Marsden. Very healthy and I know...I'm an insulin-dependent diabetic who has lost weight and thrived on a food combining lifestyle. The trick to knowing if a diet is healthy is...if a diabetic can do it, anyone can do it! And...if it's not healthy for a diabetic, than it's probably not healthy for anyone. That's because an ordinary person's body works naturally; we have to mechanically work with our bodies to make them work naturally. Kathryn Marsden is wonderful and she's very gentle...no restrictions on calories or amounts for most folks. That's because you'll be so satisfied and energetic, you won't have cravings or even want to overeat. Try it!
Rating:  Summary: Read the entire book before you claim it's a hoax. Review: I too saw Oprah on October 4 and bought the book immediately. I read it and followed it. In one month's time, I have lost 13lbs (avg 2-3lbs per week). This program works when done properly. What bothers me is all of the negative comments that are completely untrue. The Hellers are not condoning a high fat diet. They are not promoting "binge" eating. They are not endorsing a "one-size-fits-all" diet. This program was specifically designed for people who have an addiction to carbohydrates. When followed properly the dieter will see the desired results including: 1. loss of hunger that drives people off their "one-size-fits-all" diets 2. weight loss 3. lower cholesterol levels 4. more energy 5. freedom from yo-yo dieting 6. joy in learning it's not about will power. If a person is not addicted to carbohydrates, they may see success with this plan and possibly with other plans. Of course everyone has to make their own decisions regarding health and fitness. Addicted persons CANNOT lose weight and heal their emotional wounds - weight and image related - on a carbohyrdate-rich eating plan. This program is empowering to the carbo addict in more ways than one. And if I'm not mistaken, Oprah did not TELL anyone to do this. She merely stated that she would give it a try for a month along with whomever wanted to in the audience (and watchers). That is NOT the definition of "endorsing a program". It is obvious that some people who have "reviewed" this book, COULD NOT HAVE READ IT.
Rating:  Summary: I Believe God sent this book to me. Review: I read this book and started the program 5 weeks ago. I am 23.5 pounds lighter and feel great. I don't struggle, I don't crave,and I eat when I am hungry - all the foods I love (in balance). It has changed my life. I will stay on this program forever. My doctor and my husband's doctor both approved this diet. His blood sugar has dropped by half and his doctor dropped his diabetes medication by half. About 1/2 of our church is now on this program and losing wt, easily and happily. We have ordered 30 books for our friends and neighbors and are about to order 20 more! Thank God for Drs. Heller. Write me if you want to ask me any question about this.
Rating:  Summary: This book is the answer to my weight problem...I'm sure Review: Until I read this book, I thought I was the only person in the world with this addiction to sweets and breads. I have only been eating this new way for about 3 weeks, and already feel sooooo good. I do have a couple of question though, and would appreciate some help from any of you. First, I only need to lose about 10 pounds, so do I need to do anything differently, like watching my fats or calories more closely? I have heard that it is almost impossible to lose those last 10 pounds on this diet. I hope not! Also, I do want to be a part of the on-line support group...how do I become a part? The first book claimed we could have no snacks at all and this one claims it is OK. Does this mean that I can lose just as much if I go ahead and eat the snacks? Please e-mail me if you can help.
Rating:  Summary: What a great book and program to follow Review: I have tried many diets; The Atkins (which was way to extreme for me), Weight Watchers 123 Success (which I did reach a desirable weight I felt good about, but I gained it all back once I went on the maintenance). This book was really inspirational in that it let me know how my body reacts to certain foods. I have been on the diet for two weeks now and by the second day was noticing the cravings had stopped and my energy level is up. I can get so much stuff done in the evenings thanks to the Hellers. I recommend this book for anyone that is willing to admit they have and addiction to carbohydrates. It really does work and it lets you eat everything you want. There is no "Will-Power" involved because you body doesn't need all that food once you start the program. I have around 20lbs to loose and am well on my way. Thank you Hellers for going on the Oprah show and making me aware of my addiction and what I could do for it