Rating:  Summary: Compassionate, insightful, practical, helpful Review: It is said that no loss in life affects us as deeply and profoundly as that which we experience when a child of ours dies. Whether the child is a 6-week-old embryo, a 39-week-old fetus, or a grown adult, the mother or father in us feels a sadness that is hard to understand, describe, or come to terms with. Making the decision to try again can be courageous, impetuous, desperate--and a supreme physical and emotional sacrifice. This book can help make the decision informed.Many books are available for people who are pregnant, who want to get pregnant, or who are grieving the loss of a baby. This book is different because it focuses on that fragile period between having lost a child and the decision to, and the act of, trying to become pregnant with another one. Instead of glossing over or whispering about death, this book faces this common experience head on, offering both compassion and practical information and advice about why this happens and how to go on from here. The personal accounts of the several women and men who went through miscarriage, stillbirth, and early infant death are especially helpful, because readers can understand that this experience is not uncommon--even though their emotional response to it may be unique. I wish this book had been available when I lost my first baby at 12 weeks into the pregnancy. It would have helped me get through the five months of grief, anger, resentment, guilt, and shattered trust and self-confidence that followed. I plan to give copies of this book to friends, and I strongly recommend this book to anyone who wants to try again.
Rating:  Summary: Good, But Just One Caveat Review: Like the other reviewers, I agree that this book has a lot of very good information about losing a baby and trying again. However, after my 2 miscarriages I have become extremely sensitive and emotional about the issue of abortion/terminations. When I read in this book about a woman who had chosen to abort because her baby had Down's Syndrome, I felt like I'd had the breath knocked out of me. It shook me up badly and made it difficult to focus on reading (I finally just set the book aside). So, if you, like me, are very hurt by and sensitive to references to abortions, be aware that there are a few mentions of it in this book. However, if you're *not* bothered by references to abortion, I can recommend this book without reservation.
Rating:  Summary: very helpful Review: My husband and I were told at our first prenatal visit (10wks) that we had lost our baby. One week out I was hungry for information on why this had happened to us. Having no friends that had been through this experience I looked to books. This book was great. I was able to see that all of my feeling were all right there in front of me and even some other feelings that I might experience down the road. This book was more helpful that others since it was well written for all stages of pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and infant death. Other books that I purchased did not make me feel that my loss was as important as those whose baby had died in their arms after nine months of pregnancy.
Rating:  Summary: Someone understood Review: One of the most difficult things about losing a baby through miscarriage or stillbirth (I've been through both) is dealing with the insensitive comments of friends and family members who simply do not understand the depth of your grief about the baby who died, or the extent of your anxiety as you embark upon a subsequent pregnancy. It was wonderful to stumble upon a resource like "Trying Again" that acknowledged my emotions and provided me with detailed answers to all the medical questions that were troubling me during this difficult time in my life. This book is truly incredible and I highly recommend it to other bereaved parents.
Rating:  Summary: Great relief - addressed all of MY questions plus more Review: This book did not make me feel like I was overreacting because I "only" had a miscarriage, something that I wish my doctor and her staff hadn't done. Instead, it addressed all of my concerns, like what is the chance this will happen again. And the beautiful thing about the book is it provides ALL of the necessary tips for conceiving even while I'm am still busy healing. So, I feel like I have something positive to set my sites on when it is time. I started reading this book absolutely hopeless and have ended it feeling blessed that I had the little bit of time that I had being pregnant, without any of the guilty feelings. I realized I had done everything I could have to prevent this from happening. Honestly, I would recommend this book to anyone trying to conceive, not just people who have lost a child. I wish I had this information when I was going into this pregnancy. This book is 100% grounded in fact, which was very reassuring. Absolutely priceless to my husband and I.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book Review: This book has in print every thought that I had after my miscarriage. I found it very comforting to know that it was not only OK to be having the thoughts and feelings I was having, but that others felt the same and I wasn't alone. It gives you valuable advice and things to think about before you decide that you are ready to start trying again.
Rating:  Summary: Compassionate, gentle, and reassuring Review: This is the first review I've ever written for Amazon.com, although I often shop here. I felt compelled to write because I felt that a recent review totally missed the mark about this wonderful book. The authors have done an incredible job, in my opinion, of balancing information with emotional support. They include quotes and stories from dozens and dozens of parents who have been through the death of a baby and who have somehow found the courage to try again. (BTW -- I didn't take "trying again" to imply a previous failure at all. To me, it merely refered to trying to conceive after a loss. I didn't find the title offensive in the least.) And as for the reviewer's comment about the book being potentially offensive to a pro-life reader, that comment is totally off the mark. There are one or two stories of women who made the heartwrenching decision to terminate, but there is never any attempt to say that this is the right or wrong decision. I thought the authors were very balanced in their discussion of this difficult and emotionally loaded issue. I would urge other readers to try not to be put off by this single (and I would say unfairly harsh) review of this book. Trying Again has been a huge blessing to me during a very difficult time in my life. It makes me sad that another reader fails to appreciate what a wonderful gift these authors have given the world in writing this book.
Rating:  Summary: Great reading Review: Very helpful book. Made me feel hopeful. Answered a lot of my qyestions.