The authors bill it as a "truly epic journey": the voyage from pregnancy through a lifetime of parenting twins. Perinatologists Connie L. Agnew, M.D., and Alan H. Klein, M.D. (also a pediatrician) incorporate a winning combination of helpful facts, educated opinion, and candid roundtable discussions--a combination that nicely maps the journey's first course for expectant parents of multiples. Those readers familiar with the ever-popular What to Expect When You're Expecting--a mainstay for first-time parents--will be delighted to see a similar format employed here. The pregnancy and birth chapters break down into chunks of gestational weeks, outlining basic fetal development, mom's changing body, and special "transitional" issues common to each trimester. These chapters are further enhanced by pencil illustrations of the mother's pregnant body (with a peekaboo view of the developing twins) and roundtable discussions involving the authors and a panel of twins' parents. The book's second half delves into getting through that first, tough year. While ample information on labor and delivery overlaps both halves of the book, this second section spends more time focused on the growing babies and the challenges new parents face in their relationships with their children and with each other. Again, the roundtable discussions prove quite valuable; it's always nice to read encouraging words from those who have lived through preterm delivery, sleep deprivation, and older sibling regression. Growth charts and a helpful resource guide of organizations, periodicals, and retail outlets round out the package. --Liane Thomas