Rating:  Summary: Entertaining wisdom in a small book. Review: This book was a great read. Alain de Botton shows what some of the greater thinkers had to say about everyday pains which all of us endure at some time in our lives:Socrates on ridicule from the masses. Epicurus on the pleasures of life. Seneca on frustration which leads to temporary anger and being at peace with things you cannot control. Montaigne on inadequacy (the title of the chapter), but really the value of a simple life, and the frustrations that lead to denying a picture of the whole individual which includes the rational and the physical such as farting, and sex. Schopenhauer on the illusion of love and the causes of rejection. Nietzche on the obstacles between us and our goals, and living a full and invigorating life. Each chapter presents a theme, e.g. love lost, and a philosopher. What that philosopher had to say about the subject and the life of the philosopher and how that philosopher met with that difficulty. Scattered throughout are some nice photos and illustrations that help to emphasize the point and keep the book light. I would say nearly every page had a nice juicy quote worthy of remembering that was written either by the philosopher or by Alain de Botton. I particularly like the first 2-3 chapters where Botton summarizes in bullet form the guidelines to 'think rationally' according to Socrates, or Epicurus steps to discover if you believe that a desire is necessary for happiness. The biggest surprises for me was the chapter on Epicurus and his recipe for happiness. I have been told by all my teachers that Epicurus was a 'party animal'. And that is all that was said about Epicurus. On the contrary, this chapter presents Epicurus as probably the first scientist for happiness; happy-ology. The chapter of Nietzche was maybe my least favorite, mainly because I don't entirely agree with Nietzche. That great happiness is accompanied by great sadness seems quite in doubt to me. That someone living a good, happy, properous life is evidence that that person must have gone through pain is again doubtful. Look at all the rich kids. I think Nietzche should have read Socrates. Or, maybe the first chapter of this book! You can read thousands of pages of these philosophers works and thousands more on their biographies. Then think for hours to distill these philosopher's viewpoints. Save yourself the hours. Botton does that for you here. This book is a great place to start on philosophy. Personally, I would start with Seneca, since I seem to have roughly the same viewpoint as he does, and all the philosophers in the book refer to him. (Except for Epicurus and Socrates who lived before him.) The back of the book describes this book as a self-help/philosophy book. I'm not sure I would call it a self-help book. If a long love of mine suddenly decides to leave me, I don't think knowing that Schopenhaur would tell me that "well you probably would have had ugly kids, so don't feel bad" will help any. Instead of self-help, replace that with humor. The book is light, filled with wisdom, plenty of facts, and for me, lots of laughs. Time well spent, indeed.
Rating:  Summary: A neat intro to ethics and moral phylosophy Review: What a treat! Everyone who enjoys independent thinking and has a self-depreciative sense of humor will enjoy this read. In addition, being a parent of a high-school student who is, sort of, like, into phylosophy, I am going to buy this book for my son because it is a very engaging way to introduce him to several important thinkers. And I believe that De Botton's quirky lexicon can stimulate my son's vocabulary growth. My only reservation is De Botton's baroque-like excessiveness, which, of course, makes his prose immensely flavorful but, at times, it gets difficult to stay focused and not get swayed by his verbal ornamentals.
Rating:  Summary: what a wonderful surprise Review: Great little book. Explorations into applicable aspects of 6 philosopher's works and ideas. Didn't pretend to discuss everything about Socrates (or any of the others), a task which could only properly be done in several volumes on each. Instead made focused explorations into each philosopher discussing just one theme, such as anger, love, joy, satisfaction, etc. Marvellous foray into philosophy, beautifully and skillfully written.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: This book was full of good advice for many of life's common problems as given by a selection of great philosophers made easy to grasp by Alain. Some of it is funny. The book is easy ro read and can be read in less than a week. Some memorable advice presented is that pain in life is useful and should be use as a stimulus for accomplishments instead of being disregarded. Be ready for any disconfort since anything bad is possible. We should examine common held beliefs for their validity and not take something as true just because many people believe in it.
Rating:  Summary: Philosophy to make us feel better Review: The Consolations of Philosophy - Alain de Botton offers consolations for several everyday problems through a simplified voices of great philosopher. Those are: 1. Socrates - Unpopularity Socrates, a man popular for being unpopular, says that popularity has nothin to do with truth or error, instead we should be concern with reasoning instead of major opinions. 2. Epicurus - Not having enough money Not having enough money doesn't mean that we're not happy. Money only buys a safety net for it. Happiness is friendship, freedom, and thought. 3. Seneca - Frustration That frustration leads to nowhere. Instead we better of endure and accept frustration 4. Montaigne - Inadequacy No need to discourage and instead do something about it. 5. Schopenhauer - A broken heart By telling the life story of Schopenhauer, who grief most of love. 6. Nietzsche - Difficulties Nietzsche says that only through difficulties one can reach fulfilment It's a light reading of philosophy to makes us feel better. The language is simple and thus great as an introduction to philosophy.
Rating:  Summary: Philosophy Made Easy Review: "The Consolations of Philosophy" contains 264 pages. It posses six chapters of phosophers living in the antiquity age to philosophers living in the late 1800's. There are six philosophers for six "psychic ailments" of the mind. Socrates leads the way in chapter one on unpopularity. Socrates teachs what is always popular may not always be right. Alain de Botton the author does well at portraying this while at the same time synchronizing the idea with the actual life of Socrates. In chapter two Epicurus is introduced and avaricious desires are attacked. This chapter starts with an acquisition list of happiness for rich people. This list lists nine exorbitant acommodations. The Epicurian philosophy goes well with the theme of "not having enough money" teaching one to live without the luxuries of life. At the end of the chapter another acquisition list is presented with a list of five inexpensive items needed for happiness. Chapter three deals with Seneca and frustration. Seneca was the personal tutor of Nero, hence frustration was to follow. One interesting quote given in this chapter goes as follows "The wise man is self-sufficient... if he loses a hand through disease or war, or if some accident puts out one or both of his eyes, he will be satisfied with what is left." "The wise" are also told to meditate on death and loss which is not just a Senecan philosophy but is taught else where such as the Samura writings. Alain de Botton does an exceptional job in this chapter stating time and time again that Fortune can not be allowed to get the best of us. Chapter four "Consolation for Inadequacy" had the under tow of Montainge. Montaigne's dark humor or bluntness can relieve most inadequacies of the mind. I believe the vast majority of the public needs to read this chapter. "Upon the highest throne in the world, we are seated, still, upon are arses." -Montaigne. Chapter five "Consolation for a broken heart." At first I could not see how heart and Arthur Schopenhauer could be in the same book let alone chapter. It seems Schopenhauer may of had a heart in all that melacholy he lived in. He stated that falling in love was natural even if two people had two totally different personalities. To Schopenhauer love is only biological and still an error nevertheless. This chapter was laced with mediocrity at best. Even after reading this chapter I don't believe Mr. Schopenhauer was the best canidate to speak on the subject of love. The sixth and final chapter "Consolation for Difficulties" bestows the reader with Friedrich Nietzche. A perfect canidate on the subject of difficulties. Nietzche had many interesting quotes on the subject. Dying at the early age of 55 only intensified his exhaustion from "fighting" the mountains (difficulties). Here again Alain de Botton does a good job at yet another consolation for another "psychic ailment." Overall this is an interesting book on philosophy. I do feel Alain de Botton strayed away from the subect at hand too many times. However if the reader can ignore these stray lucubrations the book will turn out fulfilling for the novice as well as the professor.
Rating:  Summary: fast reading Review: very insightful and thought provoking. highly recommend. helps to understand yourself and your existence more clearly.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent introduction to thinking of various philosophers Review: This is an excellent, understandable round-up of various philosophies, analysed and summarised. What makes the book particularly impressive is the way de Botton takes the various philosophies and explains how they can improve our outlook of life. Everything is soundly explained in a quirky, distinctive writing style to make them understandable for anyone, and it provides a good introduction is you are new to philosophy. Highly reccomended.
Rating:  Summary: Erudite Whimsy & An Insightful Light Read Review: Alain de Botton has written another book in his trademark style -- kind of a combination of erudite whimsy, like Woody Allen with a classical education. In this book, he consoles the poor, unpopular, frustrated, inadequate, lovelorn, and those facing difficulties with lessons from Socrates, Epicurus, Seneca, Montaigne, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. This is not a somber, rigorous philosophical text, and it doesn't pretend to be; it lightly touches on the works of some of the heavyweights of philosophy, and it provides some entertaining insights. Overall, I thought it was a light, enjoyable read. If you haven't read any of de Botton's other works, read "How Proust can change your life" first (I believe it's slightly better), then if you enjoy that, continue on to this book.
Rating:  Summary: Clear, Concise, and Helpful Review: Stay ten feet away from this book if you think philosophy is a sacrosanct subject that can't be joked about. De Botton brilliantly juxtaposes serious text with photographs and diagrams that, by their very simplicity and obviousness, lighten the mood. I snorted when I reached the example of the "inebriated amateur potter" on pages 30-31. The humor is definitely quirky and you have to be willing to accept it for what it is. There is not a single sentence of this book written in jargon; any reader can appreciate its clarity and wit. It features entertaining biographies and a few philosophical lessons from six philosophers: Socrates, Epicurus, Seneca, Montaigne, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. The second, third, and fourth were my favorites. Epicurus valued material pleasures but nevertheless counseled that, as long as we have food and shelter enough to survive, we should be contented. Seneca observed that we cannot control our own destinies and that life does not distribute pleasures and pains fairly, and warned us not to be surprised or outraged when disaster strikes. Montaigne pointed out that our minds are not in total control of our bodies, so, for example, if your sexual performance is not as vigorous as desired, you do not have to be ashamed but rather can openly admit that your body is being noncompliant with your desires. These are all useful gems of wisdom. And from "The Consolations of Philosophy" we indirectly learn that humor is a kind of consolation, too.