Rating:  Summary: It Still Isn't Helping Me 2 Years Later Review: I read this book 2 years ago and gave it a review then. Now, two years after my mother's death, I picked up the book, hoping maybe I was harsh becaues of the trama of the life changing event. Honestly, re-reading the book brought out the same pain I had felt. Apparently, people are being helped by it, but I found more hurt than help.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent treatment of a very personal situation Review: I lost my mother when I was just 13 years old and although it's been 16 years, I still feel the loss every day. Like the author, I had an overwhelming sense of grief in my mid-twenties. I mean it was like I was newly bereaved again. I would come home and cry. Or I would dream about her for consecutive nights. I am so glad that Ms. Edelmen took on this topic. Intellectually, I knew that I wasn't alone, but I am the only one in my immediate circle of friends whose mother is deceased so that makes for awkward moments on Mother's day and other holidays. Of course the sympathetic ones want to be a sort of replacement, but that's not what I want. I want my actual mother, my nurturer and my friend. It's so hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced this loss, especially since I am an adult now. I remember that shortly after mom passed some callous relative actually had the nerve to tell me, "Life goes on." As if I didn't know that already. As if it were that simple.Thank you Hope, for helping us motherless daughters understand that the impact of this loss can be lifelong. I've long suspected that the absence of my mother has affected my intimate relationships and even my relationships with other females. It's one thing to feel something intuitively and quite another to see that someone else has not only felt that same way, but has researched it. I'm still reading this book, but I felt so strongly about it that offer up my heartfelt thanks right now. This book is a blessing, and not just for daughter whose mothers are deceased. Hope also addresses women who have been abandoned ny their mothers and those who have never known their mothers.
Rating:  Summary: motherloss beyond death Review: Motherless Daughters is a book I have longed to find. Even though motherless is explained through death, all aspects of mother loss such as abandonment and neglect are discussed. The book is truly helping me face the pain inside as I dealt with abandonment while a child and now, as an adult, deal with the recent death of my mother. A terrific book for anyone who has felt any form loss in their mother/daughter relationship.
Rating:  Summary: Find yourself in this book: An affirmation of your loss Review: I don't know if Hope Edleman could ever really fathom the good she has done through writing this book, and how she has brought such beautiful purpose and meaning to her profound loss. What an amazing tribute to her mom. ---------- I was 11 years old when my mother, Linda, died suddenly from a brain aneurism. She was only 45 years old. Not a day in my life has passed that I don't miss her immensely. At the age of 18, a week before my high school graduation, I found myself grieving for my mom more than ever. I was watching morning tv as I was preparing for school and saw Ms. Edleman discussing this book and I knew that I was meant to read it. I can hardly put into words just how powerful Motherless Daughters has been in my own efforts to cope with life after losing the most important woman in it. Motherless Daughters is the closest written expression you will find of understanding the depth and breadth of the loss of a mother. I was amazed to read about the experiences of others with similar and even unsimilar circumstances and discover how much I shared with them in their feelings of loss. Feelings you may not have even experienced consciously are brought to light and put into words when you never knew it could be. You will find yourself in this book time and time again. Motherless Daughters has an extraordinary way of affirming the reader and bringing comfort to the child that continues to grieve within, no matter how many years you have lived without her. The daughter learns that contrary to societal's response to the death of her mom, that it is so natural for her to continue grieving for her. This realization meant so much to me as I still deal with the impact of my mom's death. I am 23 and 12 years have passed since, yet I still often find the emptiness of losing her overwhelming. My book is now tattered and worn from all the marking of pages and underlining and loaning out to people I knew could benefit from reading it. So many of my friends that have lost their moms have bought their own. Just reading it was not enough. I completely understand. I have read and reread my own copy several times and each time, it has new meaning to me. I don't necessarily recommend giving this book to someone who has just recently lost their mom, however. Its purpose really serves best after some time has passed. Not to mention, I think to give this book to a daughter some months or even years after the loss helps her to remember that you empathize with the loss she still feels though it may go unspoken, and most importantly, you have not forgotten her mother's life. That's the best gift of all.
Rating:  Summary: Motherless Daughters is a Must Read! Review: My mother died after a long battle with cancer when I was 13. I'm now 18 but the affects have definately not gone away. In fact, they're just beginning. My sister gave me Hope's book and I felt I had something to connect with. High school can feel awfully lonely with nobody to relate to. It was nice to hear other's stories and perhaps get an idea of what is still to come and try to avoid making mistakes in relationships just because of one event. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is close to a motherless daughter just because it so closely relates to what that person is going through and give them a better understanding. Moms and daughters would probably get a lot out of it just so they can realize what a special bond they have and make the most of it. A definate tearjerker, but very helpful none the less.
Rating:  Summary: Well researched and Well written! Review: Hope Edelman did her research and it pays off. A wonderful read based on true accountings of the mother-daughter bond or lack of. Statements are supported with actual case studies. An interesting read for all mothers and especially motherless daughters. Women with a mother may grow to appreciate her more and those without may feel less alienated and alone. A must read for all mothers!
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Hope Review: I lost my mother when I was 19. Someone gave this book to me a few years later. I think the most important thing I learned was that I was not crazy for missing her so badly for so long. People used to say get over it, but this book let me know that you never get over it, you just learn how to cope. It let me know there were other people who felt the same way. It has been almost 10 years since she died and I still pick up my book to be reminded that I'm not alone.
Rating:  Summary: A "motherless daughter" comforted Review: When my mother died unexpectedly during my adolesence, I was grief stricken. I had no comfort and no answers. When I decided that I needed to find myself and find answers I turned to this definely written book. The book is absolutley amazing, covering every scenario possible. Along with others sharing their memorable experiences, a section is dedicated to further explaining every situation imaginable. No matter what age you were, or how your mother had passed on, the book gives detailed descriptions, suggestions, and comfort. After reading this book by Hope Edelman, I felt as though I was no longer alone. I had began to feel less confused and less terrified of my grief. My questions were answered and I became more prepared for what lies ahead of me, for there is no other experience more emotionally traumatizing than that of a parental loss. Especially a mother's, it is true that there is no love like that of a mother's love. I have read many other books that deal with the loss of a parent, but still have not found anything that nearly compares to Motherless Daughters.
Rating:  Summary: Best resource on this topic Review: I lost my mother before I really got the chance to know her, and my life has been shaped by the loss (and it's effects) ever since. Until I found this book, I felt like the things I was going through were abnormal and best left unexplored. Hope Edelman brings together the viewpoints of women who have lost thier mothers at different points in life and reveals the common pain, growth, and grief that we all share. This is a sensitive, well-written, and well-researched book which I can't recommend strongly enough for not just every "motherless daughter", but everyone who knows one.