Rating:  Summary: This book deserves real attention Review: I haven't read the whole book yet, but the author definatly doesn't spend his time trying to say his book is not (propaganda). Because somewhere in the book you realize you are starting to believe what he's saying, because he's forming arguments that get you thinking about the things he says you should think about.This book is a perfect example, and an example in itself of what it is and how well propaganda really works. This books is thoroughly entertaining except for the fact that it's mostly very wordy, so, sometimes you have to get through the dry spells. Go read it!
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC! Riveting, hypnotic, empowering and unforgettable! Review: I've waited two years (YEARS!) for the revised edition of this book to finally (FINALLY!) be published. The first edition was the best book I read that entire year. This new edition looks even better. The new section on the four strategems of persuasion is alone worth pure gold. This is a riveting, mind-expanding, even freeing book. Read it to protect yourself, and read it to persuade others in an ethical way. A true masterpece...
Rating:  Summary: The authors educate the reader . Review: If you want advice on how to be an effective and honest communicator, Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson have written an entire book about it, Age of Propaganda: the everyday use and abuse of persuasion (265 pages. W.H. Freeman and Company). Pratkanis and Aronson give their own accounts of how propaganda impacted their childhood. Aronson recalls how he felt about the "evil Germans" and "sneaky Japanese" while growing up in the 1940s. Pratkanis lost his naïveté when the Watergate scandal broke. He would later come to the realization that all politicians lie and cheat. The two authors attempt to educate the reader regarding propaganda and persuasion. Their goal is have the reader able to identify devices used, what makes them effective, and how to counteract their effectiveness without becoming a pessimist. All the chapters were enlightening; some stood out more than others and were able to give good "heads up" advice. The authors give the reader the inside track on how advertisers promote their products, a "buyer beware" sort of infomercial. Companies use words such as new, quick, easy, improved, now, suddenly, amazing, and introducing to sell their products. The authors further expose merchants by explaining how they make certain brands more accessible than others by placing them at eye level. Additionally, the consumer is informed that ads using animals, babies, or sex sell the product more successfully than advertisers that use cartoons or historical figures. The buyer is also cautioned on how merchants place products at the end of a supermarket aisle or near the checkout aisle; this strategy catches the consumer's eye and lures them into the "I gotta have it, can't live without it" frame of mind. The authors introduce the reader to a sociologist named David Phillips; the sociologist has made predictions which have been startlingly accurate. For one of his predictions, he had gathered information regarding deaths, which occurred after heavyweight championships. His research uncovered this information: homicide rates rose significantly after 3 to 4 days following a fight. He was also able to conclude that the victims were similar to the fighter beaten in the bout. For example, if a white male was beaten, then murders of young white males increased. The same was true if it was a black opponent. Many people believe the media plays a role in the actions of some people, but no thought is given to how a boxing match could have such an impact on the homicide rate. This study is eerie, yet fascinating. Pratkanis and Aronson inform the reader that instilling fear is often the way we are persuaded to act on an idea. Life insurance agents use fear in order that we purchase policies to "protect our loved ones." Doctors use fear to insure that we take out medication. Even dentists show graphic pictures of rotting teeth so that we will floss and brush daily. The book was informative and enlightening. It makes one stop and think about how society is constantly being persuaded to think and act the way we do, in a conformist mode. The authors accomplish their goal by enabling the reader to identify devices used and either "go with the flow" or "not be taken for a ride."
Rating:  Summary: the name says it Review: Okay, so this book is all about propaganda and how its bad and stuff, I think this book is propaganda too because of course it woiuld use examples that would prove its point. I think its ironic that a book about propaganda isn't without it itself. I read this other book by this PR guy called MIchael Levine that I tought was so much cooler called Guerilla PR Wired. Age of Propaganda is entertaining but I wouldn't really use it for anything other than that. Or maybe if you had to write a report on propaganda or something.
Rating:  Summary: Instructive and entertaining Review: Peoples' data-processing capabilities are limited. In the information-dense world people are unable to critically review all the information they receive. In order to be adequate to the situation, they resort to so-called heuristics, simple cues or rules for solving the problem. Heuristics are based on peoples' previous experience in similar situations. Although relying on heuristics is sometimes a useful way of dealing with the onslaught of the decision-rich environment, basing our decisions primarily on heuristics can present some problems. First, heuristic cues that we possess may be false. Furthermore, a rule may be appropriate in certain situations but be misapplied in others. Another serious problem is that heuristics can be easily faked and manipulated. Knowledge of heuristics enables propagandists to control peoples' course of action. The authors did a research of propaganda techniques and set four stratagems of persuasion: 1. You create favorable climate for the massage (called pre-persuasion). You subtly outline what picture has to be drawn in the end. Here you decide what way thoughts and perceptions of the audience will be shaped and channeled. Having established right basis for further discourse you secure the results you seek. At this stage you should identify some statements as axioms, i.e. 'what everyone takes for granted' and 'what everyone knows'. You attribute labels (positive or negative) to objects of further discussion, put black-or-white colors in non-disputable way. You use generalities to depict the situation - they are usually so ambiguous that you may change their meanings in the future. You use rumors and gossips. 2. You create a 'source credibility', i.e. establish a favorable image in the eyes of the audience. The message must come from 'experts' or 'unbiased' and, of course, personally attractive communicators. Try to switch on the self-persuasion mechanism of the audience. 3. You create a message that focuses the target's attention and thoughts on exactly what you want them to think about. Research has identified at least five conditions that are likely lead to heuristics. Heuristics are most likely to be used when people do not have time to think carefully about the issue, when they are so overloaded with information that it becomes impossible to process it fully, or when they believe that the issues at stake are not very important. Heuristics are also used when people have little other knowledge or information on which to base a decision and when a given heuristics comes quickly to mind as they are confronted with a problem. 4. You create an emotion of the target that will help you channel thoughts of audience in right direction. Fear appeals are most effective when they raise high levels of fear and suggest a doable and effective responses (the authors also explain why sometimes fear does not work). Guilt: once we are filled with guilt, our thoughts and behavior are directed towards ridding ourselves of this feeling that's where propagandists take advantage of us. Feeling of obligation and indebtedness: large initial request and immediate concession by the requester invokes the norm of reciprocity -we concede. Feeling of commitment based on our desire to be self-consistent. For example, to 'soften up' the target you make him involved in a much smaller aspect of the action. This serves to commit the individual to 'the case'. Once people are thus committed, the likelihood of their complying with the larger request increases. Another way is to show uniqueness of the offer (scarcity sells). Use the 'minimum group paradigm': You are on my side (never mind that I created the terms); now act like it and do what we say. Etc. The book can be used by target audience to learn persuasion techniques and withstand or organize propaganda tricks. The book is entertaining, rich in vivid examples, and ... has everything to be a success in conveying authors' ideas. Instructive. Great read overall.
Rating:  Summary: What the media, gov't., and big biz don't want you to know! Review: Reading this book brought to mind a famous quote by Daniel Webster. It goes something like this: "If all my possessions were taken from me, with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of my words, for by it I would soon regain all the rest." If you're interested in learning more about the power words and their ability to pursuade and influence, this is absolutely required reading. The authors refer you to dozens of modern day examples and scientific studies - showing you what techniques work, and why. Many of the most effective secrets of persuasion used by government, corporations, and perhaps even your boss, are all revealed. Be forewarned, however: You'll never look at a TV commercial, newspaper, magazine, or public official the same way again (I hope). Read it, and spread the word.
Rating:  Summary: What the media, gov't., and big biz don't want you to know! Review: Reading this book brought to mind a famous quote by Daniel Webster. It goes something like this: "If all my possessions were taken from me, with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of my words, for by it I would soon regain all the rest." If you're interested in learning more about the power words and their ability to pursuade and influence, this is absolutely required reading. The authors refer you to dozens of modern day examples and scientific studies - showing you what techniques work, and why. Many of the most effective secrets of persuasion used by government, corporations, and perhaps even your boss, are all revealed. Be forewarned, however: You'll never look at a TV commercial, newspaper, magazine, or public official the same way again (I hope). Read it, and spread the word.
Rating:  Summary: Bent to the Left Review: The book on propaganda is itself propaganda! While it does a decent job exploring the subject, the examples used by the authors illustrate their strong liberal bias and thereby dilute the credibility of the book. Rush Limbaugh is not the most successful talk show host on radio, but rather the "thrice married Rush Limbaugh". The examples of the Clintons were so glowing that they leaned towards apologetics. Too bad. I found myself looking for the next spin throughout the book. This subject above all needs to be explored in an unbiased manner, and deserved better treatment than that.
Rating:  Summary: the name says it Review: This book was a real bother! I usually read a 300 page book in about two hours and am used to reading through them quickly and getting onto the next one. This book was so fascinating that I slowed down to make sure that I got every bit of information out of it that was available. This book should be required reading for everyone who wants to know how they are being influenced by the marketing people, unscrupulous sales people, cult leaders, governments and others promoters of influence. It is a thorough course in how to spot an attempt to manipulate you and how you can analyse the situation to see if it is really something you want or not. It has some of the most complete advice on how to examine an item and how to respond of any book on influence that I have read. On the "A" list of must-read books.
Rating:  Summary: Great book, one of the best on influence Review: This book was a real bother! I usually read a 300 page book in about two hours and am used to reading through them quickly and getting onto the next one. This book was so fascinating that I slowed down to make sure that I got every bit of information out of it that was available. This book should be required reading for everyone who wants to know how they are being influenced by the marketing people, unscrupulous sales people, cult leaders, governments and others promoters of influence. It is a thorough course in how to spot an attempt to manipulate you and how you can analyse the situation to see if it is really something you want or not. It has some of the most complete advice on how to examine an item and how to respond of any book on influence that I have read. On the "A" list of must-read books.