Rating:  Summary: Fact and Fiction Review: ...The book provides an excellent description of the salient facts surrounding the downing of TWA 800. It builds on the work of numerous private researchers and completely puts to rest the government's explanation for this crash. It would have been a superior book had the authors ended it with a final chapter dealing separately with the two principal theories concerning the question of 'who' caused this crash, i.e. terrorist versus friendly fire. Unfortunately the authors attempted to incorporate both theories into their final chapter with the use fictional dialog. I trust when the paperback edition of the book is released the fictional chapter will have been removed and that I will be able to recommend this work without reservation.
Rating:  Summary: Eye Opening Account of TWA 800 Investigation Review: A well written documentation of fact and logic that undeniably points to terrorist activity long before 9/11, and the government's complicity in an unmoral coverup. A big thank you to the authors who put a lot on the line to reveal the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Another Smoking Gun Review: Cashill's and Sanders' book utilizes a lot of information that has already been published by most of the main internet researchers (Donaldson, Goddard, Hull, and Shoemaker) in their websites on the internet. The work of these researchers is definitive in proving that one or more missiles brought down TWA 800. There appears to be general agreement among them about what happened even while they still disagree about who fired the missiles. Donaldson and Hull believe that a terrorist attack was involved while Goddard and Shoemaker favor a friendly fire accident by the United States navy. However, I doubt that any of these researchers would support the thesis that a terrorist 911-type attack on TWA 800 by Islamic terrorists flying an airplane bomb resulted in it being targeted by naval missiles. Indeed the authors appear to have combined the EgyptAir 990 crash with the demolition of the World Trade Center into an explanation for the demise of TWA 800. Apart from the final chapter the book was gripping in its factual and logical analysis and I would have given it five stars if the authors had come down on either one of the generally accepted explanations of this crash, namely that TWA 800 was brought down by a missile attack initiated deliberately by terrorists or accidentally by friendly fire. Before reading their book I had already concluded that the FBI/NTSB explanation of an exploding fuel tank from an ignition source that could not be found combined with an airplane climbing several thousands feet after its nose had come off and that over 700 eyewitnesses were mistaken about what they saw, was not a tenable explanation for the U.S. government to offer to the families of those who died in this incident. The evidence disproving the government's position is well documented in the book while the explanation that the authors offer is not.
Rating:  Summary: Tiresome conspiracy book Review: Disappointing, unclear and generally confusing when it comes to an argument for who did it if a center fuel tank explosion wasn't what brought the 747 down.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book, Wrong Ending. Review: First Strike provides an excellent synopsis of the TWA800 crash investigation and its cover-up and proves beyond any conceivable doubt that the crash was caused by missiles and covered-up by the government. Unfortunately in the last chapter the authors stray from fact to fiction with less supporting documentation for their theory than the NTSB has for the 'self exploding fuel tank'.Chapters 1-13 cover some well-plowed ground as the authors recount all the problems with the investigation. These included the withholding of 750 eyewitness interviews by the FBI, the disappearing evidence, the explosive residues, the red herring dog training exercise, the found, then missing and then found again Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder, the spurious zoom-climb and the CIA video, the persecution of alternate voices and the continuous stonewalling by the government in releasing data under the Freedom of Information Act. Most importantly, they do an excellent job of tracking the evolution of the 'message' from the early days in 1996 until the public hearing in August 2000. By juxtaposing the early media reports from insiders pointing to a missile and away from a mechanical cause with the final NTSB position that 'there is no evidence of a bomb or missile, so it must have been a mechanical cause', it is very clear how the investigation was manipulated. The last chapter is simply unsupported by the evidence. For more information try a Google search on "TWA Flight 800 Investigation".
Rating:  Summary: First Strike is superlative Review: I could go on and on about the work of Jack Cashill and James Sanders, but I'll cut right to the chase. Upon receiving First Strike, I couldn't put it down. And since I've finished it I can't stop talking about it. It is without a doubt one of the finest books I've ever read and the thoroughness with which it is researched and documented is above and beyond reproach. Reading about James and Liz Sanders and the fight they put up against our government made me proud to be an American, and I will recommend this book to everyone who has an interest in knowing the truth about this tragic, horrible story and a dark chapter in the history of our government. First Strike is a superlative book and a worthy addition to my bookshelf. I intend to share its contents with everyone. Kudos to Jack Cashill and James Sanders.
Rating:  Summary: A fusillade of facts ... now what? Review: I don't know if their theory holds up, but one thing I can say - the abundance of fact and eyewitness testimony the authors cite do reveal a startling confluence of incompetence, political calculation trumping honesty, and seemingly purposeful mishandling or concealment of inconvenient data on the part of the Clinton administration ... the sum total of which might explain the former president's incessant, wrongminded bloviating during this time of war on terror: once more, seeking to lay the blame on someone else. Also troubling is the failure of the major newspapers to ask hard questions, interview relevant witnesses and experts, and apply more skepticism to the proclamations issuing from the administration - a failure not likely to redeem their image as the bastions of leftism. Their sloppy journalism has allowed a selfish delusion to be perpetrated on the American public until now. From the first interview until the last, many of knowledgeable witnesses with military experience, from the first surprising fact until the final revelations, you will be shocked at how much was kept hidden from public view in our present age of information. What you make of these facts is up to you.
Rating:  Summary: Selective outrage Review: I wonder how many of the people who get up in arms about this airline accident get up in arms about the United State Navy shooting down an Iranian civilian airliner, then lying about it, then decorating the murderers who gave the order to shoot and the order to lie about it? Not many, I bet. I suppose some of you call yourselves Christians, too.
Rating:  Summary: Pluasable - Possible Review: If you have ever wondered about the circumstances surrounding the downing of TWA Flight 800, this book brings up some rather scary scenarios. The authors work together to show the amount of circumstancial evidence that compiled together seem to point to the obvious. But you will have to read the book to find that out. I have a lot of questions though. Why was the point to suppress this information if true? Why is an investigation not in the offing? Look at the book American Jihad, it states much the same about the US not exposing what was terrorist activity, simply calling occurrences criminal activity. This book is well researched, footnotes are easy to follow and they have some done a lot of work to bring together this information. You need to tell your friends about this book. Whether true or not, what happened that day? Did we get the full truth?
Rating:  Summary: TWA Flight 800 Revisited Review: Impressive example of investigative journalism; it may well emerge as one of the most important and influential non-fiction works of recent years - a 'must read' for all who are thoughtfully concerned about the plight of our Nation. This well-written book presents solid evidence of official reports that were conveniently 'lost' and others quietly withheld; eyewitness testimonies that were distorted or ignored; consistent failures to honor legitimate FOIA requests for relevant information; and significant suppression of vital evidence - even its theft, destruction and 'rearrangement' to fit the account being fed to the public. All the while the major media looked the other way and busied itself silencing anything other than the fabrications being presented by complicit government investigators. Understandably, government investigators who generated the fictional 'official' report or who were otherwise involved in the related cover-up of the facts documented in this book will not appreciate public disclosure of the evidence they worked so hard to conceal. Predictably, some may even attempt to "save face" by continuing their embarrassing cover-up; however, under the spotlight of the authors' overwhelming and irrefutable evidence, such attempts will emerge as sheer comedy, and a feeble, pathetic comedy at that. Great book! Can't say that I "enjoyed" reading it, but that is only because the implications of its contents are so deeply disturbing. Too bad Amazon's rating system only reaches to "5"; this book definitely deserves a much higher rating.