Rating:  Summary: A Personal Book... Review: ...Bound to annoy those who want a nice, squeeky-clean image of martial artists as saints and quiet, tea-sipping old men. Smith is highly experienced, he unlike most of those writing today, has really 'been around the block', so to speak. I certainly don't agree with all of his opinions, but that doesn't diminish the value of this book to me. I rather wish more martial artists of experience and repute would dare to publish their honest views, prejudices and all, and stimulate some honest discussion and debate in the martial arts community.P>The book itself is a nice hardbound affair printed on quality acid-free paper. The photos are a nice sepia tone, a cool departure from the usual stock fair. Agree with him or not, Smith's works make for interesting reading. Are you really looking to become a well-rounded, educated martial artist? This book is one you can't do without. There really is something for everyone in here.
Rating:  Summary: A Personal Book... Review: ...Bound to annoy those who want a nice, squeeky-clean image of martial artists as saints and quiet, tea-sipping old men. Smith is highly experienced, he unlike most of those writing today, has really 'been around the block', so to speak. I certainly don't agree with all of his opinions, but that doesn't diminish the value of this book to me. I rather wish more martial artists of experience and repute would dare to publish their honest views, prejudices and all, and stimulate some honest discussion and debate in the martial arts community. P>The book itself is a nice hardbound affair printed on quality acid-free paper. The photos are a nice sepia tone, a cool departure from the usual stock fair. Agree with him or not, Smith's works make for interesting reading. Are you really looking to become a well-rounded, educated martial artist? This book is one you can't do without. There really is something for everyone in here.
Rating:  Summary: interesting read, but too venomous for beginners Review: A nicely done commentary on a wide spectrum of martial arts and matial artists. Readable, entertaining, and generally well written, it fills in a lot of gaps left by the rosy and sometimes illusionary portrayal created by such periodicals as Black Belt Magazine. I especially enjoyed Smith's narration on the Helio Gracie vs. Masahiko Kimura match. Writting before the appearance of Sakuraba who single-handedly ended the myth of Gracie invincibility, Smith's unapologetic criticism of the Gracies frequent refusal to admit having been defeated despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary was timely and overdue. I would, however, point out that Smith seems to be unaware of the difference between fact and his personal opinion, most notably his disparagement of Bruce Lee. I'm not a fanatical Bruce Lee fan, but giving credit where it's due, Lee's notoriety was based on a lot more than just good press and comercialization. In the Bruce Lee video biography "The Curse of the Dragon," Hayward Nishioka related how Lee quickly and seemingly without effort defeated him in a friendly match. In judo, Nishioka was a multiple A.A.U. national champion and a Pan American Gold Medalist , a level of competitive success that Smith himself never came close to achieving in his own judo career. Other tradionalist masters (Balck Belt Hall of Famers, both of them) who have acknowledged Lee's superiour abilities are Wally Jay and Jhoon Rhee. Smith's depricating and pejorative comments about Lee probably arise from Lee's loud and open contempt of the tradional schools of martial arts (of which Smith is definately a member) rather than an acurate perception of Lee's abilities. So while this book has a lot to offer, don't take it as gospel if you're new to the often jealous and spitefully envious world of martial artists.
Rating:  Summary: OFTEN OPINIONATED GOSSIP, BUT STILL A GREAT READ Review: A nicely done commentary on a wide spectrum of martial arts and matial artists. Readable, entertaining, and generally well written, it fills in a lot of gaps left by the rosy and sometimes illusionary portrayal created by such periodicals as Black Belt Magazine. I especially enjoyed Smith's narration on the Helio Gracie vs. Masahiko Kimura match. Writting before the appearance of Sakuraba who single-handedly ended the myth of Gracie invincibility, Smith's unapologetic criticism of the Gracies frequent refusal to admit having been defeated despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary was timely and overdue. I would, however, point out that Smith seems to be unaware of the difference between fact and his personal opinion, most notably his disparagement of Bruce Lee. I'm not a fanatical Bruce Lee fan, but giving credit where it's due, Lee's notoriety was based on a lot more than just good press and comercialization. In the Bruce Lee video biography "The Curse of the Dragon," Hayward Nishioka related how Lee quickly and seemingly without effort defeated him in a friendly match. In judo, Nishioka was a multiple A.A.U. national champion and a Pan American Gold Medalist , a level of competitive success that Smith himself never came close to achieving in his own judo career. Other tradionalist masters (Balck Belt Hall of Famers, both of them) who have acknowledged Lee's superiour abilities are Wally Jay and Jhoon Rhee. Smith's depricating and pejorative comments about Lee probably arise from Lee's loud and open contempt of the tradional schools of martial arts (of which Smith is definately a member) rather than an acurate perception of Lee's abilities. So while this book has a lot to offer, don't take it as gospel if you're new to the often jealous and spitefully envious world of martial artists.
Rating:  Summary: Martial Musings Review: Almost anyone interested in the history and development of the Asian martial arts in Europe and North America during the twentieth century should find this book a peach; the exceptions will be those who dislike writers who state their opinions bluntly. The photo selection is first-rate, the factual content is sound, and the text reads like a series of letters from Bob Smith. (Not Mr. Smith, the martial arts instructor, but Bob, the guy who helps site shelters for bluebirds.) The sections on judo -- easily a third of the book -- burn with the gem-hard flame of "A Complete Guide to Judo" (1958). The chapters describing Mr. Smith's many notable friends -- E.J. Harrison, Donn Draeger, Jon Bluming, Bill Paul, Zheng Manqing, Ben Lo, Rose Li, and others -- sparkle with insight. And if you read between the lines, then you should find a wealth of how-to, including how to spend life breathing free rather than on your knees and truckling. Major themes include: * Love (Agape rather than Eros, mind you) is a key to happiness. What blocks most of us from understanding that is ego, which in the martial arts is frequently manifested by the desire to be a master rather than be true to ourselves. * Internal strength is true strength. Why? Because internal strength is both faster in action and more restful in practice. Relax, breathe, and move from the center; misdirect and avoid rather than confront directly; and seek always for maximum efficiency and mutual welfare. These are keys to success in life as well as the martial arts, says Mr. Smith. * If you practice your martial arts only in class, for awhile you'll get trophies and become better at your forms but in the end all you'll get is old. But if you pack your love into both fists and carry it with you everywhere you go, then by the time you become as ragged as the velveteen rabbit perhaps you will sometimes catch occasional glimpses of something more. This isn't faith or magic. It just is. One recommendation, though: if you observe significant differences between what you say in church or in class and what you do the rest of the time, then pay special attention to the chapters you probably skipped, namely the ones on books, music, and poetry. * We all need humor in our lives, if only to keep us from taking ourselves entirely too seriously. Put another way, life is too short to spend infusing everything we do with pseudo-samurai determination. If this includes your practice, then perhaps it is time to take up shag dancing instead. To summarize, this book represents Mr. Smith's best published writing in years and may be his best book ever. And, while its sometimes controversial statements may offend some readers, that is irrelevant because this book is autobiography rather than dissertation. I cannot recommend it enough.
Rating:  Summary: interesting read, but too venomous for beginners Review: Anyone can claim to be an expert in something that they have dedicated their lives to; but no one can claim to be an expert on everything. That is what Smith tries to accomplish. He wants to be the "final word" on everything martial. Smith's mean comments on Bruce Lee are unfounded and "anecdotal" (as Smith always says) at best (I will only offer my comments on the part about Bruce Lee/wing chun because it is the part I have the most knowledge in-unlike Smith I do not know everything!). First of all, to say that wing chun is a 'minor' boxing method is false. Wing chun is a complete system, and masters like Leung Ting have even made it the most widely practiced Chinese martial art in the world. To say that wing chun can't fight against kicks or pushes is silly. Just watch any video by Emin Boztepe or other accomplished masters. If the only true Chinese martial arts are internal, there where are the amazing Tai Chi fighters? Aren't Cheng Man C'hings "fights" anecdotal at best? Or did Mr. Smith simply fall for all the immovable stance/iron body chi gung (cheat-gung) tricks that most Chinese play on foreigners? Besides, If you have found the "ultimate martial art" or if you have found your "way", then why all the need to put everyone else down? Most real fighters never put down other styles. He says that Bruce was a spoiled punk that should have learned to relax. I think that it is Smith that needs to take a pill.
Rating:  Summary: MARTIAL BABLINGS Review: I gave this book 2 stars for what was some interesting info that I never heard anywhere else , but as for the other 4/5's of the book.....OI!!! Rambling, disjointed, and lacking any sense of direction, Martial Musings has to be one of the most frustrating reads I've ever done. Smith has obvioulsy rubbed shoulders with some of the best known martial arts greats in the second half of the century, but the information he gives on such luminaries as Donn Draeger, Jon Bluming, and Wang Shujin, to name a few, is so scanty that it's hardly worth the time it takes to trudge through this book. It did frequently offer diamonds from amid the dirt, but they came and went so seldomly, and in such meager amounts, I often sent my copy of Martial Musings flying into the wall. Smith would brush up against someone like Donn Draeger, give you just enough to spark your interest, and then meander off on some fatuous quote or self-aborbed monologue. He's obviously very fond of himself and while he may have studied under great neijia masters, the book isn't advertised as the autobiography that it is and, like most people, I wanted to find out about martial arts and martial artists, not be bored to tears with Smith's opinions on gun control or put up with sappy Halmark card references about his years of "married wonder...." Who cares??!! Tell us more about the people that made martial arts what they are today and what they did, not what you heard they did or bashing Bruce Lee who could have kicked Smith's *** while Smith was in his prime. Pardon my rant, but my best friend paid over $40.00 for this cloying paen of self-adoration, and the money would have been much better spent buying The Tao of Jeet Kune Do. Thanks for the tease Smith. Too bad we all can't get paid for writing poorly and saying almost nothing and if you had ever called Bruce Lee "a punk" to his face, he would have ruined yours.
Rating:  Summary: MARTIAL BABLINGS Review: I gave this book 2 stars for what was some interesting info that I never heard anywhere else , but as for the other 4/5's of the book.....OI!!! Rambling, disjointed, and lacking any sense of direction, Martial Musings has to be one of the most frustrating reads I've ever done. Smith has obvioulsy rubbed shoulders with some of the best known martial arts greats in the second half of the century, but the information he gives on such luminaries as Donn Draeger, Jon Bluming, and Wang Shujin, to name a few, is so scanty that it's hardly worth the time it takes to trudge through this book. It did frequently offer diamonds from amid the dirt, but they came and went so seldomly, and in such meager amounts, I often sent my copy of Martial Musings flying into the wall. Smith would brush up against someone like Donn Draeger, give you just enough to spark your interest, and then meander off on some fatuous quote or self-aborbed monologue. He's obviously very fond of himself and while he may have studied under great neijia masters, the book isn't advertised as the autobiography that it is and, like most people, I wanted to find out about martial arts and martial artists, not be bored to tears with Smith's opinions on gun control or put up with sappy Halmark card references about his years of "married wonder...." Who cares??!! Tell us more about the people that made martial arts what they are today and what they did, not what you heard they did or bashing Bruce Lee who could have kicked Smith's *** while Smith was in his prime. Pardon my rant, but my best friend paid over $40.00 for this cloying paen of self-adoration, and the money would have been much better spent buying The Tao of Jeet Kune Do. Thanks for the tease Smith. Too bad we all can't get paid for writing poorly and saying almost nothing and if you had ever called Bruce Lee "a punk" to his face, he would have ruined yours.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing at best Review: I purchased this book after spotting an ad for it in the back of Black Belt Magazine, a publication that, judging from Mr. Smith's writings, he would not see fit to wipe himself with. While there are several interesting sections of the book, including all too brief profiles of such greats as Donn Draeger and Jon Bluming, far too much of the text is devoted to the author's ramblings about things unrelated to the martial arts. Smith also appears to have never studied at all in Okinawa, the true birthplace of karate, leaving a signifigant gap in a book which purports to be a history of martial arts in the 20th century. Add to this his insistence on mixing his obvious liberal political slant to everything he writes, (One wonders how Smith squared his political views with his career as a CIA intelligence officer) and you have the makings for an irritating book. I was particularly insulted by his inclusion of a lengthy passage on the evils of hunting, and the virtues of gun control. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one, unless you enjoy being preached to by a pompous blowhard.
Rating:  Summary: Martial Musings, Smith Review: Martial Musings is indeed a good book. It has lots of interesting information on Smith's involvement with Judo, Taijiquan, and martial arts and life in general. I like it because he was there and most all of us (and his detractors) weren't. For him to personally try out many skilled martial artists and then to conclude that Zheng Manqing was the best of them, is significant. I enjoyed his chapter on Bruce Lee and Hollywood martial arts in general, and his comments on "boxers of the mouth corners" and ineffective martial arts systems. -We all should try harder to realize what is good, what is bad, what is fake, and what is real, and to criticize our own martial art. Anyways, a purely enjoyable book.