Rating:  Summary: Outlaw this book???? Review: >>> I mean our government is so controlling you would think they would outlaw a book like this.This is CRAZY!!! Believe it or not, everyone who reads literature such as this are not planning to actually synthesize the compounds. There is a freedom of Speech Amendment for a reason! If you must know, I am beginning my research to conduct my honors thesis in Chemistry on how to INHIBIT the easily available clandestine production of methamphetamine by specific addictives to some of the Over the Counter precursors that would hinder underground production yeilds. Hopefully these underground armchair chemists will finally realize while they may derive egotistical amusment from posting their "ingenius" discoveries, they are also, in fact, helping people such as myself determain anylitical ways to stop them.
Rating:  Summary: Outlaw this book???? Review: >>> I mean our government is so controlling you would think they would outlaw a book like this. This is CRAZY!!! Believe it or not, everyone who reads literature such as this are not planning to actually synthesize the compounds. There is a freedom of Speech Amendment for a reason! If you must know, I am beginning my research to conduct my honors thesis in Chemistry on how to INHIBIT the easily available clandestine production of methamphetamine by specific addictives to some of the Over the Counter precursors that would hinder underground production yeilds. Hopefully these underground armchair chemists will finally realize while they may derive egotistical amusment from posting their "ingenius" discoveries, they are also, in fact, helping people such as myself determain anylitical ways to stop them.
Rating:  Summary: Progress strethces futility Review: Doubling (at least) the avenues available for illicit amphetamine manufacture, this book opens new doors to clandestine manufactue that can only be controlled by total surveilance of the entire chemical/food/cosmetics/textile and fragrance industry. It is now clear that too many common chemicals are easily subverted into illegal uses. State repression of illegal narcotics manufacture must increase if the tidal wave of drug abuse is to be survived. Because of this book, there are no more innocent chemicals. Reliance on previously obscure methods requiring mercury (and the waste generated) make this book especially despicable. MEthods presented for dealing with this waste are subminimal. Fortunaltely environmentally friendly syntheses might be easier for limmited access, bucket manufacturers. A must for law enforcment.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book on the synthesis of MDMA Review: Excellent book on the synthesis of MDMA and associated amphetamines. Great for the novice and more seasoned chemist alike with a lot of explanatory notes that seem to get omitted from a lot of journals. At least a couple of semesters of organic chemistry lab are still a requirement though; face it guys, there is no getting around some real chemistry knowledge if you want to even think about attempting a lot of stuff in this book.
Rating:  Summary: Loved the book but some downfalls!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I read Total Synthesis 2. In the book strike tells the reader, Step by Step, How to prefrom the manufactor of MDA, MDMA, MDEA, and whatever. I think tweak. All I wanted was to see the MDA/MDMA. (XTC) :) Anyhow, I have not tried anything he wrote but I learned alot from his writings and could picture step by step what to get and how to do it. He has Pictures to show you what things look like and what to buy. The only thing I did not like in this book is that some of his examples on synthesising these drugs are NOT TESTED and really have NO MERIT. If he did not perform the operations how would he really know they work in further case why even write them down and sell it in a book. Thanks Strike, Great book
Rating:  Summary: Loved the book but some downfalls!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: I read Total Synthesis 2. In the book strike tells the reader, Step by Step, How to prefrom the manufactor of MDA, MDMA, MDEA, and whatever. I think tweak. All I wanted was to see the MDA/MDMA. (XTC) :) Anyhow, I have not tried anything he wrote but I learned alot from his writings and could picture step by step what to get and how to do it. He has Pictures to show you what things look like and what to buy. The only thing I did not like in this book is that some of his examples on synthesising these drugs are NOT TESTED and really have NO MERIT. If he did not perform the operations how would he really know they work in further case why even write them down and sell it in a book. Thanks Strike, Great book
Rating:  Summary: Wow enough said!! Review: If you ever wanted to know the insight on how all these drugs were made this is it. He goes threw everything you need with great examples and detail. This is a very all around good informational book.
Rating:  Summary: interesting Review: quite interesting. in health class we watched a special that had been on nbc and it was about extasy and strike. so i thought i check this out. noone would want this if they saw the tape of the kids from arizona on extasy and they used strikes book. strikes name is hobart huson or something like that and it's really sad that he's doing this but it evidently does give all the info you need but i wouldn't reccomend it
Rating:  Summary: SAD DAY! Review: Strike is now languishing in jail. Be careful out there kids, Big Bro is watching!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The absolute best book on this subject... Review: This book has every avaliable practical clandestine method on the net placed in succinct and witty passages. More thorough and in depth than any book on the market and great reading for the begginer. Only problem is, the begginer is going to have a hard time with everything in the book without prior knowledge of Organic Chemistry. Seperating, Aspirating, washing...etc, is never clearly explained and many solvents and thier usage are assumed knowledge by the author. In short, this is the only book on the subject you need, but sadly you'll need to know Organic Chem Lab procedure to utilize it to it's full. Still, even a novice with some rudimentary iternet meandering would definitly find many recipes easily conducted, though the legality of such actions is strictly at users own risk and would reqiure a considerable investment.