Rating:  Summary: The Rules will hook you up with players or deadbeats. Review: At the first glance, I thought this was a book of dry humor on dating. Later, the shallowness in this book turned my stomach inside out when I read it over in the book store. Although I didn't buy this book, it helped me reach a decision. That is, I would never date any passive and unable-to-think-for-themselves "Rules Girls", regardless their physical attaction. In the past, before I even knew about this book, I had turned down two pretty women who first played hard to get games and then got backfired by their own games. Why? Different spiritual species do not mate due to incompatible spiritual DNA's."The Rules" are derived from a set of narrow views about men. It became popular becasue it somehow strokes a target woman group's wounded ego. What type of woman readers would buy a book to dictate or fix their dating lives? Well, the answer is obvious so I'd rather keep it to myself for the reading courtesy. The publication of The Rules is one of those getting rich schemes by manipulating people's feelings and selling them false sense of security. Yes, the Rules will help some insecure or sleazy women to reconstruct their self esteem in dating. But, mostly, it screens out a great deal of quality admirers and leaves you with those desperate but safe men. By saying 'safe', I meant 'less marketable and desirable'. Unfortunately, not every man would react to the Rules positively in real life, especially those sensitive, intelligent and quality ones. Ask yourself this question, "Will a highly demanded and intelligent single man waste his time and put up with the garbage in the Rules in order to prove his persistant and genuine LOVE for you WHEN HE BARELY KNOWS YOU? In a fantasy little world, you may like to think so...........oh, yes, he REALLY LOVES me, he still wants me even after I treated him like a dog..........okay, knock, knock, time for the reality check, =R=O=A=D= =T=O= =T=H=E= =T=R=U=T=H => The more desirable and intelligent a man is, the better other available opportunities he's got to go after. If he's been sincere, he would have got hurt by now and turned away to prevent getting more hurt by your inconsiderate rules. You rules have just screened out a good catch. On the other hand, if he's a player, he would stick around while womanizing the other girls behind your back, because he knew your predictable dating schedule well. He could probably book up a couple of Rules Girls to kill time with. Or, the worst kind, your rules just scooped up the obssesive kind of men who can't think for themselves objectively and who are really desperate, i.e. Stalkers + The Rules = Restraining Orders. I wonder, after all those feminism movements, why would some women sacrifice their intuitions by playing a set of stiff rules? Don't both sexes enjoy the spontaneity in romance? Don't you respect your own liking and choice in men? Where are woman's rights and individuality promoted in this book that is supposed to better women's personal lives? It is better to think for yourself with common sense than following the Rules. Be decisive, spontaneous and careful with each other in dating. If the relationship does not work out at best, learn from it and move on for a better man. Nothing turns a sincere man off faster than knowing she was playing games to manipulate his feelings - - - this is true, unless he is a spineless pushover or pretentious player. In that case, he will not be a REAL MAN who would stand what is the right thing to do in adverse situation and protect you justly. Oh, before I forgot, the Rules intentionally brainwashes you to neglect the No. 1 truth, "MEN ARE FLESH AND HAVE FEELINGS TOO". Don't let the authors fool you. Don't waste money and time on this book. Use that $5.99 I saved for you to buy yourself a chocolate delight and ice cream. My treat!
Rating:  Summary: For women born without common sense Review: If I saw a house on fire, I would be very tempted to throw this book into its flames..... This entire book can be summed up by this: men don't like desperate women and they won't ask you out & marry you if you have no confidence or if you don't help elevate their status. This is common sense, however, exploited into a set of ridiculous rules to make one appear confident and unattainable to stir up the instinctive "hunter" within every male. How about getting some real confidence instead and pursuing your own goals so you actually are too busy to return his phone call immediately? Trickery and faking confidence are not exactly new ways to get your hooks into a man. Getting pregnant used to be a smart strategy to get your man to the altar, after all. I like to think that women have evolved beyond such deceptive planning, however, so this book shocked me. It's hard to believe a book of this nature has met with such success, as creating a little mystery about oneself is okay, but this book promotes marketing yourself as something you are not. Women aren't products, after all, and if you have to pretend to be a certain way to get someone to marry you....to the point where you're consulting a book to find out your next move....well, you need a serious session with a therapist. I recommend this book be bypassed!
Rating:  Summary: I used most of the rules and have the man of my dreams.. Review: I've read some of the reviews about this book, but don't knock it until you've tried it. We all know that there are basic differences between men and women and how we react or respond to different situations. Why would we believe dating and lasting relationships would be different? "The Rules" give you an understanding about what the differences are, why they make sense when you think about human needs and behavior and how to act so you can find someone and both be happy. Now I'm not going to say that I used all of the rules, but I did use many of them. At first it felt strange, but the more I followed them and saw the results, the more I realized that the author really understands men and what they really need and want. If you're still not convinced, then ask yourself the following questions: How many times have you been in what you thought was a good relationship, only to find out that he never had the same committment? Or you jumped straight into bed with him and wondered why he didn't call afterwards? Or better yet, you're actually in a relationship (one where you DIDN'T USE "the Rules") and you wonder why you fight all of the time, you always feel like you're having to track him down, he makes excuses for not spending more time with you, and you're more unhappy now than you were before the relationship? If you can relate to any of those, you might have better results using the rules. Or at least keeping an open mind about them...What do you have to lose? Or maybe I should ask....what do you have to gain? Someone who cherishes you, wants to be with you, treats you with love and respect and can't imagine their life without you in it?
Rating:  Summary: Why grow culturally when we can all stay retarded? Review: This book is one giant step backward into the dark ages. Why don't we give up the vote while we're at it? Fein and Schneider reduce gender to a flat stereotype and ignore race, religion, ethnicity... Real people are complex and diverse. Only the desperate or the clueless could ever believe that _any_ set of rules would apply to everyone. This book does make one useful point, albiet one a modern woman should already know: that there is more to life than who you're currently dating. Neurotic women with low self-esteem who feel incomplete when single and define their identity around their boyfriend/husband might find some value in the tone of this book...as long as they don't take "the rules" themselves as gospel.
Rating:  Summary: it's not a game Review: Relationships aren't a game - nor are any two relationships identical. By all means - 'play by the rules' - but when people get hurt or things go horribly wrong, you have only yourself to blame. Perhaps then you might realise that it's time to start acting responsibly and in a mature way about your life and how it affects other people.
Rating:  Summary: Too bad I can't give it zero stars... or even negative stars Review: Girls, do yourself a favor and steer clear from garbage like this. I was following this stupid book to make my already good relationship "the rules" one. As the result me and my boyfriend of 7 years are now separated. This book is all about stupid mind games. They backfire 100%. Believe me, it hurts too much to realize that you let some stupid book to get between you and the person you love. Trust your instincts, they are the best rules you can get.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, you too can get a man to marry you... Review: ..if you just follow these Rules. But will they help you KEEP him? I dunno... And Ellen Fein is getting a divorce. I rest my case.
Rating:  Summary: Not all men are the same Review: I am a man. I read this book out of pure and simple intellectual curiosity, just to stimulate thought on the subject of dating. It shocked me that anyone would assume all men are alike to the degree that this book does. I'll also tell you that if you applied the Rules to me (a film production creative) I would flee. Some guys, and definitely me, simply want honesty and openness. I know what type of women I like, and who I want to be with. When I find my type, I do everything I can to make things work out with her. If someone is not my type, then they can only fool me for so long. No amount of calling or not calling is really going to change anything either way. Just show me respect and a modicum of genuine consideration. The rest is all about who you really are, which you can't honestly change just for me, and which I would never want you to anyway. The problem with playing hard to get is that it's simply playing. I hate being played, and don't have the time for it. Then again I am neither a former football jock nor a current corporate lawyer. I'm an "artist type". If you are looking for frat-boy types of average intelligence or less, then probably this stuff would work. (Actually I can't really tell you.) However, if you would want to be with someone like me, then please, buy another book.
Rating:  Summary: helps you realize your self-worth! Review: I got this book after a bad breakup, and it made me realize that I had been groveling, making a fool of myself, and generally wearing my heart on my sleeve. After years of operating this way, trying to "get" a guy, you lose your self-esteem. The Rules made me remember to hold my head high as a single (albeit lonely and unhappy) person. If you fein confidence long enough, it becomes contagious to those around you. I didn't follow the rules to the letter--c'mon, you take everything with a grain of salt and some common sense--but it worked for me! I couln't ask for a better life. I wholeheartedly recommend this book for those women who have been hurt, taken advantage of, etc. and would really like to settle down with Mister Right. If you're enjoying the dating scene, have no problems with saying "no" when you mean "no", and aren't looking for commitment, then this book will seem stupid. The Rules teaches you to re-discover and revel in your self-worth, and to maintain your precious *dignity*--if you happen to snag a prince as a result, all the better!
Rating:  Summary: This book is for the mindless Review: A book of rules for mindless, low self esteam, can't think for themselves type of girl. This book will teach you how to be someone you are not. So if you your desire is to be fake, shallow and unreal...follow the rules.