Rating:  Summary: How to Sell Your Soul for Comfort. Review: Buy this book with "The Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli (author) today! This is a modern manual for women on how to be control freaks. Should be read only by non-control freaks in order to see how the other half live.
Rating:  Summary: Never judge a book by its cover. Review: The title of this book says what you want, but the content does not deliver it. Hot guys didn't fall for these rules and I didn't like the kind of men drawn by these rules. My Mr Right has to be genuine, kind and intelligent. Someone I can relate to.
Rating:  Summary: How to be treated as a trophy - a glittery object on a shelf Review: The rules keep a man from actually getting to know you. Keep men at a distance and you encourage men to decide whether they like you based almost entirely on what they can tell about you from a distance - your physical attractiveness. When playing by "The Rules", women who do not quite fit Madison Avenue's ideal standard of beauty end up getting the short end of the stick from the get-go. She doesn't let any men get to know her well enough to appreciate all the things that make her a beautiful and special woman worthy of care and attention.The most physically attractive women seem to win. Or do they? The assumption in The Rules seems to be that the man who is most competitive is the man who will be the most successful in life and the man who competes most for you will love you most. Time for a reality check. The man who is most competitive with women loves the chase and the challenge. Once married the challenge is gone, and then attractive women who play by The Rules wonder why she is treated like a trophy on a shelf while her man moves on to new challenges (hopefully his career or a hobby or a sport - and not other women), rather than in a healthy growing relationship. No problem - just keep your husband at a distance to maintain the challenge. Great idea for a strong marriage, huh? One of the "Rules" authors tried that approach - and was just divorced by her husband. It's true - some men do admire the ice queen. Probably the same men who view women as a challenge, an object, a trophy. For me, a distant cold woman is inherently less attractive to me regardless of her physical appearance. It's the woman who is both physically attractive and genuinely warm, open and caring - a woman who gives me at least a glimpse of her soul - who gets my attention and is worth pursuing. When are men most confident and competitive with women? When he meets a woman he is most taken with? Oh, I might wish it were true. The reality is, I'm most confident and competitive about women when two things are true: 1) she is physically attractive AND 2) when I don't really care about the outcome. It's only when I meet a bright attractive charming and caring woman where I see real potential for a fantastic relationship that I care about the outcome - and that's when I get nervous and care most about whether she returns my feelings. I suspect that's the reality for a lot of other men as well. Playing a little hard to get is one thing. No, it isn't absolutely necessary for a woman I'm interested in to return my phone calls (in the beginning). I will call her without reaching her - for a little while. At the same time if I don't hear back, I usually won't leave more than one message (at most two). After that I'll continue to call a while longer and hang up any time I don't get an answer. If I believe she has a callerID (including a cellphone) I won't call as many times. And if I don't get through after so many calls (depends on how much I already know and like the woman) she won't hear from me again for a very long time - probably not until she takes some initiative. Other guys will have different reactions, of course. That's why there's no one set of rules that will work with every guy. For a man, it can sometimes be amusing to watch "Rules" women act cold and superficial and then wonder why they end up with cold superficial men at their side. But then to watch a fantastic sister or female friend passively choose the guy who competes most for her attention - and she ends up neglected on a shelf in an unhappy marriage for a lifetime - is not the least bit amusing. It's heartwrenching. Who knows? Acting distant, superficial and manipulative may in fact land you in a close, caring supportive love relationship that lasts a lifetime. Strange things can and do happen. But it's far more likely it will lead to more of the same: a distant, superficial manipulative relationship. Ladies, consider the kind of relationship you want to be part of and ask yourself: what does your heart and mind tell you?
Rating:  Summary: This book has one HUGE error Review: I agree with the general premise of this book: have an active, busy, rewarding life that is full of so much positive energy that a man will surely want to be a part of it. Don't sit around waiting for a man to save you, be your best and everything will take care of itself, etc. However, let's make one thing perfectly clear. This book has a huge error when it tells you to never return a man's phone call. NEVER!!! I cannot tell you how wrong this is. End the call first, avoid seeing him on a weekend if he hasn't called by Wednesday (because you've made plans!!)... but you MUST return his calls. These authors are wrong when they say, "If he's interested, he'll call again". WRONG, wrong, wrong. In addition to being rude and inconsiderate, when you don't return a man's call what you are saying to him is, "I'm NOT interested in you, STOP calling me, what are you a stalker or something, can't you get the hint!?!". If I called a woman and she didn't return my call, I MIGHT call again one more time (good chance I won't too), and if she didn't return that second call, I 100% guarentee that I would never call back. This has nothing to do with interest. I might be totally head-over-heels for the girl, but if she doesn't call me back, I would absolutely think that she is not interested. TRUST ME GIRLS .... THIS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE IS 100% WRONG!!
Rating:  Summary: The book is funny in its naive craftiness Review: Always hang up within 10 mins (set the timer)? Always terminate the call first? Never return calls? Oh. You do that twice and you'll have no calls to return. Unless, that is, the other party, too, is a "Ruler" of some sort, and is "hunting the hunter" as it were. An acquanitance of mine was being ecstatic about this book, so on my way back home I stopped at the bookstore and thumbed through this piece. I'm sure most people have common sense and know better than "implement" the stuff unqualifiedly, but, just in case, as a public service (and at the risk of sounding pedantic): there are two things wrong with these two yentas' advice -- first, to act as suggested would be grossly unethical, and second, such little antics are bound to be ineffectual: they're too transparent (anyone over eighteen years of age will immediately detect a stratagem -- and eject, because who needs the trouble.) The art of seduction is a) much more subtle and b) does not imply disingenuousness. That said, the book is way too ludicrous to aggravate; sure to be a harmless conversation piece, it's good for a chuckle; it's funny in a perverse way... I'm almost tempted to recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Worst possible 'guide' ever published Review: This is the most despicable piece of work ever published, in my not so humble opinion. The fact that our culture pushes women so hard to find "Mr. Right" is something to be decried, not celebrated and wallowed in. If a woman is willing to manipulate and fake her way into any relationship, she doesn't deserve to be in one in the first place. What's happened to being genuine human beings? Men and women are not as at odds as popular media will have you believe. Throw away this book, sit down face to face with another person, and USE YOUR WORDS to have a conversation. Free and clear of deception and fakery is the best way to go. Don't waste your time, money or energy on this tripe.
Rating:  Summary: Manipulation beomes her... NOT! Review: This is a book on how to kill a romantic relationship before it has a chance to start, period! I don't like to be around manipulative people. I will die if I have to live with someone like that or become one myself. I like the warm feelings of trust and support from the relationship. Calculation and head game don't work the same for me. I recommend to bypass this 0-star book in spite of its colorful reviews. Instead, learn more about communication skills and patterns of human behavior. Get an education and a life FIRST before jumping into bed with any men. Modern women deserve men of their own choice. Why would someone rely their marriage decision on whatever result from a set of fixed rules, when these rules were poorly written by two authors with one of which being divorced? I wouldn't! Wise up, it's your life.
Rating:  Summary: critics, cry on Review: Yes, there are some sentences of the book that might seem shallow or outdated. But, think big and look at the overall message: be happy and busy, have your own life, don't cling, don't be at a man's beck and call. This is great advice for anyone! Who could possibly say otherwise? When I started following this advice recently, my relationship w/ my boyfriend of 2.5 years changed drastically. A 180 degree shift took place. We've never been happier. The main changes I did: I stopped calling him (I used to call daily and want to talk for hours), I stopped acting possesive and jealous, and the biggie: I was happy and busy and developed interests of my own. In fact, I'm currently applying to graduate school and hope to start this January. Five weeks after applying the Rules to our relationship, he proposed to me yesterday! This was the best book I've ever read. I will always hold these values in the highest regard. Thank you so much!!
Rating:  Summary: magic but real Review: This is the best book on finding Mr.right i ever read.
Rating:  Summary: It worked for me Review: My husband is rich and good looking, and loves me dearly. I used the rules on him while we were dating, and they worked like magic!