Rating:  Summary: Sigh... Review: This book helps to confirm the widely held theory that life, unfortunately, is simply a continuation of high school.
Rating:  Summary: There are women who can learn from The Rules... Review: ... but the advice is best not taken literally! Having enough self-esteem to recognize & not chase after men who will never love you, and keeping a busy schedule & full life is not simply a matter of ACTING like you do. Taken literally, The Rules advice is not for everyone. Just the cover of this book tells you it's for women who see pursuit as a control game, and the prize is a diamond ring! My opinion is that being a "Rules Girl" is a primer on becoming a "Trophy Wife". There are indeed men out there who want "A Woman Like No Other", so if that's the kind of guy you want, read this book and more power to ya that his image of you doesn't tarnish. I'd recommend reading this book so you can form your own opinion, but if you're just looking for laughs, an even more concise, funnier book on having the upperhand in a relationship is by Karen Salmansohn: How to Make Your Man Behave in 21 Days or Less Using the Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers
Rating:  Summary: Take it with a grain of salt Review: So many responses to this book! There are some very non-90's ideas in this book, and yes, they are games. The fact that some of the men who responded agree that the techniques work sadden me. But there are some good points. You could look at the book in two ways: 1) It is old-fashioned, manipulate mind-games, etc., etc. or 2) It tells women to respect themselves and try not to want a man so badly that they end up getting hurt if he breaks up with her. And THAT is very, very good advice.
Rating:  Summary: How to attract stalkers! Review: A great book on how to attract aggressive guys and stalkers. Guaranteed to scare off any men who care about other people.
Rating:  Summary: A waste of a perfectly good tree! Review: Folks save your timex and money and spend it on a real woman. If you must read the book, borrow it from the library. Don't encourage this sort of nonsense. END
Rating:  Summary: The logical conclusion. Review: We start with the basic premise that men want what they don't have. To the authors, this is graven in stone. Now, you play by the Rules. The man can't have you, you don't accept dates after Wednesday, you never call him, etc. Therefore, he wants you. To get you, he has to marry you. Ta-dah! You have it made! Now the man is married to you. But his basic nature hasn't changed. He is still a virile male who WANTS what he CAN'T get. And he can get you. You are sleeping with him, seeing him every day and, in general, available. Such is the nature of marriage. So the man stops wanting you. And he starts wanting the women whom he can't get. This is the logical conclusion to the authors' premise. Ladies, if you believe the saying that men WANT what they CAN'T get, you only hope is to play by the Rules all through your marriages. You can never let your guard down, because otherwise the man will stop wanting you! God, what a life. I'm so glad the authors' premise is as much drivel as the rest of the book.
Rating:  Summary: Congratulations to Ellen and Sherrie Review: I've read the reviews on this page and come to the realization that most of the "The Rules Haters" are those who are not skilled in analytical/ critical reading (or just haven't read the entire book). Fein and Schneider have not written a book for (1) Causal Dating and Daters, (2) How to Become a "Manipulator" or (3) How to Portray a Person Whom YOU are NOT. The authors EMPHASIZE that this book is for women who are looking for a SERIOUS relationship that is potentially headed for MATRIMONY. Instead these rules are all about: 1. Women learning to "get a life" (i.e. furthering their careers, taking up a hobby, etc) and becoming a fulfilled, attractive WHOLE person BEFORE she hopes to attract Mr. Right. This includes having healthy SECURE relationships with ANYONE, man, women or child. "The Rules" are a way of life. 2. Women learning to EXPECT men to RESPECT them and treat them in a certain fashion-- NOTHING less will do! Besides, people treat you the way that YOU allow yourself to be treated!
3. Women learning about HOW NOT TO GIVE so much of themselves right away (i.e. your history, your time, your emotions) to a "causal date". Instead "The Rules" teaches women how to listen, analyze and measure the qualities and POTENTIAL of their dates. Not to rush in, "tell all of your business" get caught up in the moment, or have sex with someone only to be possibly used, hurt or disappointed about the relationship later on. This saves everyone involved heartache and drama, men & women.
4. The "real deal"-- that men (despite their innnocent looks, protestations and because of their hunter's instinct) consider their "Dream Girl" the ones who are SUCCESSFUL, ATTRACTIVE(mentally & physically), HEALTHY (mentally & physically)and SLIGHTLY UNATTAINABLE! Fein and Schneider are not saying to be rude, obnoxious or snotty. Men always seem to want women that are not needy/ clingly, but busy, HAPPY and satisfied without inserting themselves into his life early in an untested relationship. Is this SO terrible? (Women--don't try to lie to yourself or rationalize; remember the men YOU liked who paid just a little attention to you or dated you? Remember after one passionate night you can see kids or long term committment in your future? So of course you bend over backwards for him or you totally take the lead and direct the relationship, etc. Now think about the times (99.9% of them) where you later found out he wasn't REALLY what you wanted, but a nice fantasy.) Well, with "The Rules" these types of scenerios wouldn't take place. You would get to know him without entanglements of superficiality, sex or desperation. He would get to know and admire the wonderful, talented human being that you are and respect you, slowly, like vintage wine....to be appreciated, savored and cherished. And incidentally, "The Rules" apply to EVERY race, creed and orientation because being a man or being a woman are universal.
Men, Uber-Feminists and "Rules Haters" alike should read, understand and applaude "The Rules".
I KNOW these "Rules" work; I have a attractive, educated African-American man who: Brings me flowers just because, cooks for me (Like a true "Rules" lady, I appreciate the effort even if it tastes terrible), does ANYTHING and gives me ANYTHING that I request (of course, I reciprocate and don't take advantage of his generousity). I AM HIS DREAM GIRL!! (Sistahs-- we ALL can exhale if we follow "The Rules")
Why? Because I FOLLOWED THE RULES! However, I got a head start. "The Rules" only confirmed what I already knew. I'm 22 and my parents (Mom, DAD & Grandma) have drilled me on "The Rules" since I was a child-- Act, dress and speak like a lady, Expect QUALITY treatment from everyone you meet (and return it likewise), and don't wear your heart on your sleeve. Access your expectations from a relationship and analyze will this man (or woman) interact with you in the way that you want? Can you compromise with him (or her) in a diplomatic fashion? If not, save both of you trouble-- NEXT!!!
Rating:  Summary: truth hurts... Review: Accurate and to the point, but should not be a surprise. The overwhelming fact is that most of the women readers who wrote in lambasting this book for one reason or another are either A)staring at the four walls and sitting by the phone waiting for "him" to call; B) lesbians who haven't figured out where they want to be in life, (or undecided whether they wish to remain lesbians); or C)those who say they want one thing, but respond to another. Critics aside, this book is the hard truth for some to accept, and second nature to those that have happy, fulfilling relationships.
Rating:  Summary: Crime against men and equality. Review: I would really not rate the book 1, but -10 (not 10!), especially if we include the book Rules 2. I think, that if men will not be warned of this movement, very many of them will get hurt, so I tell all my male friends to check wether their girl-friends are rules girls, and if they are, break up immediately. If we read Rules 2, we can find the following scenario: a poor man spends a lot of money on a woman --> and she should consider dumping him just because he is poor. (imagine how that will hurt him) I thinck, that as a result of this book tens of thousands of men may be hurt; and I guess tens would kill themselves. Unfortunatly, I do not have money to take the authors to court on these grounds, but I do thinck, that their souls bear the responsibility for many men hurt or killed (suicide) as a result of their advice.
Rating:  Summary: Just starting to try "The Rules"--Thank Goodness!! Review: Hello Folks...I just started using the rules VERY RECENTLY...(like 2 wks. ago!)...Although I haven't met any gentlemen that catch my eye, I am finding that I feel a WHOLE LOT BETTER/STRONGER/HAPPIER than during the times I DIDN'T stick to the rules...also, after reading this book, it cast a whole new light on "WHY WE SHOULDN'T GET/FEEL SO NEEDY!"...I feel that I'm an attractive, sexy lady...I've always been a 90's gal & would "go after what I wanted"--(which included men)-- but their interest in me always ended up having a "brief shelf life"......all my single adult life was spent doing everything--I mean EVERYTHING--opposite of what's written in that book & ended up getting dumped, hurt,lied to, used etc....so what have I got to LOSE--besides a loser-- by being a "Rules Girl"?...I can still go after what I want in terms of my career & such but, when it comes to the animal kingdom, things haven't really changed a whole lot when it comes to males hunting down the females.....Think about it....It finally sunk into my head that all I need to do is "kick back & enjoy-don't try so hard!"....Oh, before I sign off: I got ahold of your new book, "The Rules II"...which is excellent!...I recently read an article (in the April '98 edition of "Vanity Fair") about the life of a VERY WEALTHY woman by the name of Jocelyn Wildenstein...Ladies, you NEED to read that article & ask yourselves: "Was/Is she a "Rules Girl"?...(NOT!!!)