Rating:  Summary: Rules to live by Review: This book is one of the most uplifting, inspiring pieces of self help a woman in her 20s can read, particularly after a bad breakup or series of short, unfulfilling relationships. Although some reviewers claims the rules are common sense, I don't believe that is so. I know many women who foolishly call men and make idiots of themselves through insecure behavior. Men do it as well, and we are not attracted to them for it. To the men who think the rules is manipulative, you are nuts! This book simply tells a woman how not to do all the things that annoy you. I don't think that is all that evil. I also highly doubt that any of the men, and some of the zealot feminists reviewing this book have actually taken the time to read it! I know many guys who go on and on about how terrible the book is, and yet they have no clue as to its content. This book is not so much a guide for marriage, but it teaches you how to avoid making a fool of yourself, or get taken advantage of by men. The Rules are about self respect. Thanks to Ellen and Sherrie!
Rating:  Summary: The Rules AKA How to set boundaries with men. Review: I am surprised at how many negative responses this book has received but it does prove 1 point; it has struck a nerve with many people. This book teaches women to set boundaries with the men they chose to date. I must admit it does have strong sexist overtones but some men do enjoy pursuing a women. Who doesn't like the thrill of the chase? Take the book for what it's worth and use it to your advantage. I would recommend this book to any woman who has always been known as "the nice girl". You were always understanding and willing to meet them halfway...unfortunately, men do not always appreciate it. Good book.
Rating:  Summary: The More things Change Review: The more things change, the more they stay the same. This book is not so much about a novel approach to human relations, but a re-affirmation of what we should inherently know about relationships between men and women. Of course, how much has humanity really changed over the centuries? I love this book! It totally changed my life!
Rating:  Summary: Just Ignore It Review: This book reminds me of the saying, "If you are a person who likes this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing you will like." If the guy you're looking for is the type of meathead who will respond to childish games, then by all means follow the Rules. Best recommended for women who don't have much of a personality to lose and are mainly looking for a meal ticket/father for their children. When you boil down the advice here, it's nothing your mom didn't already tell you: look your best, don't act desperate, have some self-respect - oh, and don't date a married man: he probably will not leave his wife. Duh! The Rules are nothing but this advice taken to extremes. And the cult-style warning not to discuss the Rules with the uninitiated is creepy, but kind of amusing.Just for the record, I have been happily married for three years, and my strategy (not that I had one) was about the exact opposite of the Rules. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: how not to get a man Review: If you very rarely return his calls, don't talk much on the date, or talk to him on the phone for only ten minutes then he will get the impression that you are not interested. He will look elsewhere. How would you feel if a man did that to you? Put yourself in his shoes. Then you will understand. This is by far the worse book on the market. Read THE REAL RULES, By Barbra DeAngelis, Ph.D. She makes much more sense. Treat him the way you want to be treated! Men do not like women who play games. A woman that doesn't talk very long on the phone and very rarely returns his calls is one that isn't interested in him. He will tell you that. Give him what he wants. That's what counts. You should never throw yourself at a man, or center your world around him, but at the same time you should also show your interest... SO HE WILL KNOW! The Rules is a very damaging book that will turn too many men away, thus decreasing your chances in finding that right one for you. Just keep asking yourself this: "Would I want this done to me?" Show him your interest, but at the same time making sure he is the right one for you. Women are much smarter than this book. From a male reader.
Rating:  Summary: Should be titled COMPLETE WASTE OF PAPER Review: This book, while parading as a guide for the average woman, is really some sort of sick joke to keep women single and unhappy until hell freezes over. The 'Rules' in the book are nothing more than trite advice we have all heard from friends. But the thing the Rules forgets is that every woman is a unique person. Not everyone wears lipstick. Not everyone waits for the phone to ring. Not everyone should follow these rules. The truth is, if every woman followed these rules, no one would ever date again. My advice: Just Be Yourself. You can't act like a 'Rules' woman forever. Sooner or later, your mate will see you without makeup, so let him know who you really are. In the meantime, BURN this book if you happen to own a copy. I give this book one star for its usefulness as a door stop.
Rating:  Summary: Rules are made to be broken, not to live by. Review: The Rules, by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, may be considered a book of "Time-tested secrets for capturing the heart of Mr. Right," but for the younger generations they are useless. Reading a set of guidelines on dating may or may not be a woman's cup of tea. Personally, this set of dos and don'ts are outlandish and far-fetched. The goal of the book is for the reader to have a marriage, in the shortest time possible, to a man they love, who loves them even more than they love him. To a girl of sixteen, this is of no importance. The authors seem to be a pair of know-it-all, happily married women. Sure, their method may work on some men and for some women, but not everyone feels the same. Not all men like a woman who plays hard to get. Mrs. Fein and Mrs. Schneider have a long list of women that have and have not used The Rules. They use these innocent bystanders as examples and tools. Although The Rules may have led to outstanding relationships and marriages for these happy few; the unanswered question still remains. Do these guidelines work for everyone, and are they guaranteed? Many of the rules stated are commonsense, and those that are not are outrageous and unreal. The book is accessible to a restricted audience, this being women that are looking to get married in the near future. Whereas the authors consider the "ways" well argued and clearly articulate their opinions they do not convince this reader. However, opinions are just that, and these authors' writings and organizations illustrate a style of their own. Evaluating this book requires desire to try out The Rules. In so doing, the greatest strength of this piece is the confidence and assurance that The Rules work. Understanding this subject requires trying it out. Therefore the greatest weakness reflects desire. A reader must want a lasting relationship. My own values prohibit such desire at this point in my life. Overall, The Rules was an entertaining book and could work for some readers. It was no more than fun for this one. In conclusion, I am clearly not "a rules girl."
Rating:  Summary: Good advice/bad advice! Review: This book gives some good advice about how to act on a date and how to play hard to get. However, you need to pick and choose the "rules" that you think are right. Come on... always wear lipstick, even if you're out jogging?? (As suggested in rule #1) I don't know about other women, but I exercise for myself, not to find a man!
Rating:  Summary: The Rules are about Life, Not Just Dating Review: My mother told me the rules with a heavy dose of insults that with the way --I-- was, I'd have to keep from sharing myself too much, etc. so that men wouldn't see how I REALLY was. I had no self esteem and did the complete opposite, seeking acceptance through anyone who would pay attention to me and basically getting treated badly. One day as a divorced mother on Welfare and a struggling college student, I bought the book. I decided to fake it til I made it. I started wearing lipstick, primping and treating myself well. I discovered that I didn't need to tell dates that I was in bad shape and actually revealed good things about myself when I revealed them. I started shying away from jerks. Part of The Rules are being treated well not just by Mr Right, but by your family and of drawing boundaries. You should have seen their reaction when the ex's turn to have the kids and my parents invited me to Thanksgiving dinner three days before the event-- and I had made plans already at a homeless shelter! If you are already healthy mentally, you don't need the rules because you don't call your boyfriends all the time and you have a life-- you don't wait around for love because you have it inside. I wound up marrying Mr Right-- we had dated years before and when he saw me again, he noticed my confidence and self worth. In spite of my previous clinginess, he pursued me, and proposed three months later. I had three kids, huge college debt, but he wanted to share his life with me. Read this book for what it is worth-- it is about liking yourself enough to not beg to stay with people who don't love you.
Rating:  Summary: Rules are made to be broken! Review: OK, I first read THE RULES about two years ago mostly because all of my girlfriends were singing its praises and following it like The Dating Bible. Naturally, I was skeptical. However, after two years I find myself returning to THE RULES repeatedly. Mainly when I just start dating a new guy. Why you ask? Well for the same reason that I alway return to WHAT SMART WOMEN KNOW by Steven Carter and Julia Sokol at these times. Because it helps me keep my head screwed on straight and not jump off the deep end into Fantasyland USA when a new man comes into my life as I think most women are proned to do. Don't follow THE RULES verbatim just take it as a general guideline so that you treat yourself with respect. Remember that you'll never know weather or not a man really cares about you if you are always chasing after him. You have to give him the opportunity to show you that he cares. Don't jump into bed with a man that you don't know very well. Do take care of your health and appearance. Don't waste time at work obssessing over a man. Do I follow the highly controversial Rule #5 "Don't call him and rarely return his phone calls?' Well, lets just say I call him but I try to refrain from doing it too oftern. Like anything that you read, THE RULES has good points and bad points. The controversy that it has generated is quite interesting. I think people should remember that THE RULES, as with anything that you read, should stimulate thought. You don't always have to believe 100% in what an author says. You should always try to form your own opinion about something. I am glad that I read and continue to read THE RULES because I learned a lot about how to treat myself with respect and diginity.