Rating:  Summary: Poorly written, but the gospel truth Review: The only reason I can't give this book five stars is because of its writing style. I'm guessing the authors were going for sisterly and coversational: it came out vacuous at best and grating at worst.Nevertheless, 6,000 (or more) years of the battle of the sexes has proven these ladies and their Rules right. Women, read this book and follow the Rules -- you won't regret it!
Rating:  Summary: This book makes my heart ache Review: The best thing about this book is the way it always reminds me HOW THANKFUL I am that 1. I didn't know about the rules when I started dating 2. I have the kind of relationship I do -- nothing like what the Rules prescribes. He loves me despite my strange aspects, even when I don't wear makeup, and when I'm grumpy or don't feel like being an enchanting person. I am so grateful to the fates (or whoever) for managing to avoid this sort of advice until I found him. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened. Certainly, if I'd never returned his calls he would have gone away hurt, and I'd never feel secure enough to be myself around him (especially if I'm expected to jog in lipstick). I am only reminded every time I read it how truly lucky I am, in many, many ways.
Rating:  Summary: If you want a serious relationship read this! Review: I picked up and read the book basically out of curiousity (after seeing the authors on Oprah while flipping through the channels on my Christmas break from college), and now 18 months later, my wedding date is 3 weeks away. I look back now and realize this book may have been a huge part of my presant situation. After enduring fun yet empty relationships all throughout college (which is something I highly reccommend as part of the colleg experience, this book pointed out ways that I could confidently control a relationship (serious or otherwise). The advice is really very, very simple and easy and actually protects women from letting their emotions take control of an initial infatuation, and entering a potentially dangerous serious relationship where the man is not going to be as committed as the woman. I had no intention of getting married anytime in my near future, yet after reading the book about 3-4 times, the instructions became part of my attitude and actions and bammm, into my life walked this great guy who is soo ready for marriage! He will be such an awesome husband because he is ready and feels that he has persued this relationship fully and has almost convinced himself he will do anything to keep me. I am still shocked day to day to witness the lengths he goes to, to please me or attend to my needs. Maybe he is one in a million, or maybe this is our fate to live happily ever after. Whatever it is, I believe this book has excellent instruction on the healthy characteristics that men are attracted to in women. If I have learned anything within our courtship, it is that we are definitely two very different creatures (male and female) and sometimes things that don't seem very logical to us makes perfect sense to them and lays the grounds for a very healthy relationship where each person has to learn more about the other. My only words of caution would be, take it seriously. If you put these ideas to work, men ready for a serious relationship are going to be attracted to you. It is not fair to play with their hearts if we are not serious. So if you attract someone who adores you, but you can't return the feeling, end it sweet, yet firm, so he can move on to the right woman that is out there somewhere.
Rating:  Summary: A feminist asks, "What if the rules work, what then?" Review: Yes I read the book, okay? Not an easy thing to admit as a woman who loves to quote Gloria Steinem and Naomi Wolf on burning feminist issues. But I'm also a closet romantic and would like to marry before I'm 40 (biological clock!). I have to say, however, that I'm not even tempted to follow these rules, prettily packaged as "advice our mothers once gave us". I do understand the point the authors are trying to make,"hold back, don't give too much, be mysterious, make him want you". But then what? Who has the energy to keep that up for the next 40 years even if it works in the short-term? It seems to me the safest and most practical approach would be to just use some common sense and be ourselves, the selves that would never chase, bate, manipulate or try to trap a man into something he wasn't ready or willing to do on his own. Men aren't stupid ladies and if they did allow us to treat them this way, how good of a marriage would it be? The goal should be a healthy, long-lasting and truly satisfying marriage, right? Not just a desparate dash for the altar. Believe me, I'm felt the impulse to ignore reason and common sense as my bio clock ticks at an all time deafening pitch(probably the moment when I broke down and bought this book!). But once the din died down the little voice deep imside me that guides my best self, reminds me that there are no short cuts in life and there shouldn't be to something as all-important as a marriage. So beware of authors who seem to be bearing gifts with their "old-fashioned" advice, they may just be promising the "moon and the stars" and delivering you straight to the divorce lawyer's office.
Rating:  Summary: Don't knock it until you've tried it Review: Most of these rules don't just apply to dating. This book reflects on self-confidence, self-respect, and patience. A lot of them can be used in everyday life. At first glance a year ago, I thought "You've got to be kidding." I wasn't going to be rude and not return phone calls and play mind games. Well, I finally decided to read it in it's entirety with an open mind. When I was done reading I decided to experiment for myself. Suprise, suprise, after 6 months of faithful practice, I have to admit, the writers were right.If you haven't at least tried them, how could you know whether or not they work. I have to admit I am still single, but I am also young, picky, confident, and sure that I will choose Mr. Right when my time comes.
Rating:  Summary: Some Points are Good - Some aren't Review: The Rules give some good pointers and encourage a woman to lead a life outside of pursuing a man. Rules like "Don't Accept a Sat. Nite Date after Wed." are basically saying "Don't put your life on hold or be so readily available" if a man asks you for a date which I think is good in building self-confidence. Other Rules such as "Don't call him or rarely return his calls" - I don't necessarily agree with. I think it's rude not to return calls from anyone. The Rules also encourage the woman to be aloof and play hard to get but to me, I think men are more attracted to a woman who is friendly and outgoing as long as you don't go overboard. The dating game is mostly common sense - this book basically enforces this.
Rating:  Summary: If you hated this book, you're probably single Review: Although written in a flippant and somewhat sophomoric tone, this book is invaluable to women who have a pattern of falling in love and pursuing men who want nothing to do with them. I read this book fo rthe first time three years ago and thought it was a load of cr*p. But I had to admit that what I had been doing was not working. I always had boyfriends and was attractive to men, but they lost interest in 1-6 months and I eventually was in the position of resenting them for not giving me what I needed. I started following the author's advice, even though I thought myself to old (32), too successful, and far too modern for it. What idiots could possibly fall for a woman who only occasionally called them? Wouldn't men become irritated at me if I expected them to pick up the tab? The answer was no. I became the ideal Rules girl. Not only did my love life do a 180 degree turnanround, but so did the rest of my personal life as well. This book is not about manipulation as much is it is about setting boundaries with men, and giving a relationship a chance to flourish before you smother it and him. It teaches women how to avoid being our mothers who followed our fathers around, cooking and cleaning for them.
Rating:  Summary: A waste of ink, shelf space, time, & paper... Review: GOD! What era are Ellen & Sherrie living in? I laughed & laughed at this stupid piece of trash that called itself a book. But the scary part: some women fall for this stupid crap! I mean, get this: "Hike up your skirt...Never go dutch or call a guy...act cool & disinterested" Come oooon! This is the nineties. On top of that, it's absolutely RUDE not to return calls and to always expect a guy to be the one to pick you up and drive you around and pay for everything. Barbara DiAngelis had the right idea when she wrote the "Real Rules" "The Real Rules" talked back to this stupid excuse of a book!
Rating:  Summary: A great treat for easily influenced women Review: Sure is hard these days finding the right man for anything but exploiting the subject by manipulating the mind of women with this, please! Some of this so called "Rules" have surelly being said to me sometime in my life. I don't know about U.S.A. but here in Panamá, Central America, I applied some of this "Rules" because a friend told me they worked and guess what? everytime another girl got the man because did call him back!!!! So girlfriends just be youself and keep away from this book!!! (Unless you want a good laugh)
Rating:  Summary: How-To Guide for being a successful Mistress/Call Girl Review: I do agree with the authors' points about men and all their insecurities and how to handle them by playing out the Rules. I'm currently experimenting them on a guy that I don't intend to be serious with (since he doesn't intend to be serious with me and he's not all that), and they work. I called him a few times and chatted for half an hour each. He never called me to make plans for the upcoming weekend. Then he called me next Friday night to make plans for the next day. I said Yes but then stood him up. He left a message on Sunday to ask how things had been with me. I didn't return his call. So he called me on Monday at work (a little tinge of desperation in his voice "I was under the impression that you were trying to avoid me") to see how things were and promptly made plans for the next Saturday. Recently he had the flu and so I called him several times to check up on him. Over a week had passed and I still have not heard from him. Maybe he'll call again, maybe he won't call again... Either way, I enjoy working with lab rats... My verdict: These Rules work if you want to be a successful mistress or high class call girl, since you need to retain and entertain and challenge clients all the time. Bur it's not practical to be on your toes all the time and keep on practising the Rules on some ordinary, middle-class, run-of-the-mill Joe Schmoe that you hooked a marriage from. Think of it this way - all the efforts that you put on snagging an ordinary guy, you could've used those efforts to be more successful in Hollywood, or serving those who're successful in Hollywood. Sure, by all means, get a hubby by using the Rules, but make sure that the hubby is extremely wealthy, 'cause you'll be thankful for the alimony later on when you relax on the Rules and cease to enchant him any more. To get a real husband, follow the Real Rules by Barbara DeAngelis.