Rating:  Summary: Sad, sad, sad Review: It is really sad that a book like this was actually written andpublished. I am sorry, but marriage is not the ultimate goal for everywoman. This book just insults independent, intelligent women everywhere. Right when you think there is progress being made towards an egalitarian society, this type of stereotypical c**p is published. This book should have been titled, "The Stupid Games/Things That Women Think They Must Do to Get and Keep a Man". At least that title is honest.
Rating:  Summary: A "MUST" READ Review: Despite the many attacks that this book has been under(man hating feminists,etc.), it is a very useful guide for women who do NOT want to get hurt. Basically, if you don't make a fool of yourself(by chasing after someone who isn't interested), you won't get hurt. If you aren't the one making all of the moves, then you can't get rejected, right? Itworked for me-I'm getting married in Nov.!
Rating:  Summary: I'm really into this!! Review: OK, so I catch onto trends a little late, but... I just discovered this book and think there's a lot to it. After just being in a hang-out-on-the-couch type of relationship, following the Rules has put a lot of the fun, mystery and romance back into things. I'm now having a lovely time having real dates and going out to dinner. I think it's everyone's tendency (mine anyways) to feel you don't need (or deserve) the formalities of courtship. I do feel this book has done wonders for my dating state of mind and I recommend it completely.
Rating:  Summary: Rule #1: Don't Buy This Book! Review: Maybe the "Rules" worked in the 1950's or whatever decade this book was written for, but it's an embarrassment to all women if they work today. By following the rules, you are masking your true personality and putting on a false pretense to attract a man. The men that are worth something today are the ones who fall in love with a woman because of her personality, not one that rarely returns his calls! It is not worth the effort and eye strain to read this book. A much better method??? BE YOURSELF.
Rating:  Summary: From a guy's point of view Review: I'm a single guy (25), and I borrowed this book from a buddy who bought it to "know the enemy" and figure out why women are always so irrational and confused.After reading it through, I wish this were required material in school. Every woman should read it and make up her mind about it. When a woman is the first to make the move in a relationship, consider it doomed forever. A guy LOVES a challenge. It's the meaning of life for most of us. If he has to fight hard to get a girl, believe me, he will treasure her forever. If she was too easy (or worse yet, she takes the initiative) he will always take her for granted. If a driven, ambitious guy really, REALLY likes you, he will bust through as many obstacles as possible to get to you. If that's the type of guy you like (the type who's insane about you), then "The Rules" are a requirement. If you don't mind being with a nice, simple, unassuming, conservative, non-passionate guy who will be content with any opportunity given to him, then you can safely ignore "The Rules".
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic Pathetic Pathetic Review: I m sure it is possible to attract some guys using the "techniques" explained in this book ( which is basically nothing new and same old play "hard to get" philosophy)but I certainly don't want any guy who can be attracted that way. If I have to play "hard to get" with the guy to attract him than I don't want him anyway. I want a genuine man who will be interested in me without resorting to the psychological warfare that this book recommends. And I DO believe such men are out there and can be had. I m not so pessimistic about male/female relationships that I need to use "rules" or "methods" to be in successfull, happy relaionships. A huge thumbs down to this book. I feel sory for all the women who have to use it to get a man.
Rating:  Summary: must read for single teens and women Review: I wish I had read this book when I was single. I plan on passing it on to my daughter when she's old enough. It puts dating in the proper perspective. If you follow the rules, you won't waste your time on Mr. Wrong, when you're searching for Mr. Right. But I honestly think that if you meet Mr. Right, it's so incredibly obvious, that you won't need the rules.
Rating:  Summary: The Rules are NOT games!!!! Review: Anyone who thinks the rules are games misunderstands the book. They are about looking out for yourself and avoiding getting hurt. Anyone who has been heartbroken from breaking the rules will know what I'm on about.
Rating:  Summary: Would you even want a man who these tricks would work on? Review: Okay, I admit it, even though the premice of this book went against my grain, I had to find out what all the hooplah was about, so I barrowed it from a friend. Well, I think this book is terribley destructive for women, men, love and relationships in general. The real problem I have with this book is that it is telling all of us that as women we can only find love if we pretend to be someone we are not. I hate that, and I don't believe it! I wouldn't even want a guy who was stupid enough for the rules to work on! There is book I highly reccomend called MASTER DATING! This book teaches women how to meet and attract quality men by being and showing who we really are. Using the honest techniques the book described, I was able to break through all the barriers with men and got all the dates I wanted (and with great guys too!). For the first time, I really enjoyed being single, wich is a good thing since now I am in the best relationship of my life and will most likely (in time) marry this incredible man. We've been together for 6 blissful months, he knows exactly who I am (warts and all) and he adores me. He is the one talking marriage, and he was not a marriage minded man. When it's right, it just clicks! How can you even figure out if he's right for you or if you are compatible if you are not being yourself? How can he ever fall in love with YOU if you aren't being YOU? Another thing I liked about MASTER DATING is that marriage is not considered the only way to happiness and when it's right requires no "tricking the man into it." Instead it tought me how to find the right man for me, who naturally wants to marry me. I think the rules will lead to a lot of miserable marriages (for both the women and men involved) and future divorces because the relationships are being built on a false foundation!
Rating:  Summary: A must-read for any woman Review: This book has changed the way I view dating, forever and for the better. This book can only help, not matter what the circumstances you are in. People who are blasting this book have truly missed the point. Why be yourself if that means treating the guy you like like a therapist or one of the girls? Although I sometimes modify the rules to personal circumstances, the truth remains the same, men know what they want and men go for the challenge.