Rating:  Summary: Playing the Rules Review: While this book did have some good aspects to it, there are some of the rules that should not be followed. For example, one of the rules states that a woman should never call a man (for anticipation). My male friend responded to this with, "Pretty soon the man will stop calling because he thinks she isn't interested". Some of the rules did make sense, and I do practice them myself. This book was good to read for fun by the pool, and I had a lot of fun discussing and laughing over personal stories with some of my girl friends, and analzying some of the rules with the opposite sex. I would not take the rules to heart, but it is a fun read, especially with a group of people to share it with. Good luck with the dating!
Rating:  Summary: "I wish every woman I dated had read this!"- A man from NYC Review: I originally bought a copy of this as a way to "get the other team's play book" and got intrigued with the authors' principles the more I read it. I often found myself saying out loud "Yes, Yes! I really really wish that _____ woman had done this because I would probably still be interested in her."If you're like me, you hate that we all have to play such games in dating, but let's face it - we do. I think that any woman who really practices what this book says will be able to improve her chances of "hooking" Mr. Right dramatically.
Rating:  Summary: Self-absorbed excursion into twit-dom Review: This book is written for vacuous, self-absorbed, materialistic "wittle" girls who have to use manipulative, childish methods of passive-aggressiveness instead of intelligence, warmth and maturity to win men. If certain kinds of men fall for the "rules" enclosed therein, they deserve to be pushed around like that, and need to grow up and become MEN, not remain prehistoric, neanderthal momma's boys. Appalling, wretched excess, and a contributor to the inherent stupidity of most relationships. Ugh!
Rating:  Summary: The ONLY relationship book that a woman needs! Review: I simply love this book because it is short, simple and straight-to-the-point. No ifs or buts or making excuses for men. Initially I did not like Ellen and Sherries bluntness but I think that is the only way to be as far as relationships go. The amount of women who I know who sit around wasting time analyzing and complaining about men who don't really love them is unbelievable. People who think it is about tricks and manipulation are wrong. Admit it men, you do not want to be with a woman who has no life and is constantly at your beck and call. The book is basically saying to women once like myself "Get a life and stop sitting around wishing and hoping that your man is going to be what you want". This just makes women look needy and desperate and a complete turn off to anyone. Well done to Ellen and Sherrie! I really take my hat off to you!
Rating:  Summary: Saved My Life !!!! Review: I am really thankful to the authors for bringing both Rules I and Rules II. I read these books at a time in my life when I was at my lowest. I was desperately clinging onto a man who did not love me back. I was hurt and my self-esteem was at an all-time low. When I first picked up the book in the library, I thought it was so stupid and shallow. But I decided to go ahead and read it anyway. All of a sudden everything started falling in place. I saw everything I did wrong when I was with the man I thought I loved. Eventually the relationship soured because of my neediness. All I can tell you is that the Rules helped me to gracefully let go of him. I got my self-esteem back and am beginning to love myself in ways I never thought possible. There is still a lot of learning and growing to do but I know I am in the right direction. Although I am not in the relationship anymore, when I am in contact with my ex, he wonders about my change. He is surprised at how different I am now. All of a sudden, I also noticed that he now talks to me with respect and wonder. I think he can't believe that I let go of him without a fuss. I still care for him but I no longer feel obligated to do anything about it. If he really wants me, he has to make the moves again. As for me, I am content finally. If there is someone in my life, that will be great. If not I am just learning to love myself more and more everyday. THANK YOU ELLEN FEIN AND SHERRIE.S !!!
Rating:  Summary: I would pick zero stars if it was available in the drop box Review: If there was ever a book that should be banned completely, this is it. All it tells women how to do is trick a man into falling for an act, and even if the woman can find a man who's really that stupid, she'll never be happy with him because she knows that he doesn't love the person she really is. If there is any use for this book at all, it is something on the line of firewood. Just be yourself. Don't be the b**ch this book tries to turn you into.
Rating:  Summary: Sad but True Review: I am a man who bought this book wondering if it might shed some light onto the mystery of the female character. Attractive and bright, I always wonder why I do so poorly with women. The Rules opened my eyes to many truths I was unaware of. The authors explain that what most women are interested in is not love or intimacy but an easy-to-manipulate husband who will pay for their kids and support them at old age. (Perhaps I am not so unlucky for having failed with women, after all.) They also suggest that the women who never look at me or decline requests for dates might actually be interested in me. I never would have thought of that. The picture the book paints of the dream hunk women desire is chillingly accurate. It is not looks or brains that matter, but the ability to disregard any amount of humiliation and disrespect by the female. Sensitivity and respect makes a man undesirable. Indeed, the book insists that shy men, like me, do not exist--at least not as males. The Rules tells women to be distant, cold, even nasty at times, right from the pick-up. Now I understand why so many men become gay or import wives from foreign countries where women still have a grain of respect for the male gender. The only claim I reject is that women forgot the Rules and need to be reminded of them. Women have practiced these rules on me long before the this book was published. This is an enlightening, painfully accurate book. It helped me understand women a lot better.
Rating:  Summary: men are providers, but that's all this book figured out Review: Aside from the self-esteem building advice in this book, it is lame. While the authors correctly grasp some elements of a guy's nature (his need to feel he is "providing" even if it only means picking up the dinner bill, or that men fall in and out of love more quickly than women), they go too far in advising girls to be incommunicative (don't call back, etc.) and coy. Ignore the advice of how you're supposed to treat guys and glean out of it the few useful sentences about the nature of guys.
Rating:  Summary: This book is incredible! Review: I would pursue a girl following "The Rules" for about five minutes. After getting brushed off once or twice, I'd move on to easier prey. Call me lazy if you like, but then, you have to call about 50 million guys out there lazy as well, because they're just like me. Hey ladies, why don't you, uh, be honest? It works better than playing stupid mind games.
Rating:  Summary: Works Like A Charm! Review: If having a relationship with a special man isn't your cup of tea, drop this book and get another. But for those who are (or want to be) in a blissful relationship or thinking of getting into a wonderful marriage, try reading this one --- you just might be in for a surprise. I don't know why some people are so skeptical about "The Rules", but they work for me unlike any other. I admire the men who are honest enough to say that "The Rules" do indeed work. "The Code" by Penn and Larose, a rejoinder to "The Rules", may just be proof that some of the male populace are somehow edgy that their secrets are now in the open. When Fein and Schneider said that "The Rules" work on all men regardless of race, age, etc., they weren't kidding. I'm not American (as the authors are) and yet, "The Rules" worked on the men in my country. Don't feel bad and think that you're being cruel to malehood; thrive on the fact that you're giving them the thrills that they want from hurdling over the challenge that is YOU. Don't take offense and think that a woman still has to play it coy at this day and age. Men love --- no, they thrive on --- challenge. Don't take that away from him and then wonder why you're not having the relationship you deserve. Now you only have to stick to "The Rules", and follow them very religiously.