Rating:  Summary: 100% Pure And Concentrated Evil Review: And women wonder why some men become misogynists. Why can't women (and men for that matter!) just *be themselves* instead of having an agenda? I am all for self-esteem but this book is exactly the *wrong* thing for relationships between the sexes.
Rating:  Summary: Want self esteem, happiness and A husband? Read the RULES Review: Dear Single Sisters, What can I say? I was a "Rule Breaker" for years. And now at 32 I'm happy to report as I gaze down at the huge Rock on my finger I met and will marry the man of my dreams - Thanks largely to that silly little paperback that taught me to behave with self esteem and truly be a partner to the *RIGHT* man. Sure some of the stuff in the books you have to take with a grain of salt - but if you want to be married [which I did] then it's survival of the fittest - be the one girl who does the Rules in a sea of "2002 Women" who have no clue on how to behave - break Rules and wonder why at 42 years of age they are husband and childless. Forget the modern [stuff] out there - Be a Rules girl - as old fashioned as it seems - and be treated like a queen for life. It's your choice ladies - I personally will opt for being my man's queen - and he's certainly my King. The Rules work and that's a fact.
Rating:  Summary: Fat and Over Fifty -- but the Rules Still Work! Review: Frankly, I was about to give up on men, sex, romance and love for the rest of my natural life. I read the Rules a couple of years ago, and it seemed to me that my best relationships had been when I had inadvertantly done The Rules, or fate had applied them for me through time, distance, travel, whatnot. But deliberately sticking to The Rules seemed too much trouble, too manipulative. Watched younger friends get married following The Rules (although they may not have known they were) and as a last shot, I recently bought both books again, and began applying them to a couple of hopeless cases, just for the practice. I belong to an organization -- mostly women, a few very dweeby AND impossible men -- but a couple smart, attractive guys recently joined. I realized I had messed up with one of them by responding to his first stir of interest too strongly, and another simply didn't seem to know I was alive. Then I applied The Rules -- and I've watched flirtations grow with each as long as I play by The Rules. Whenever I stray from the rules, the flirtations cool. But the best part is The Rules protect me: I no longer have to worry about what I need do to attract them, or whether or not I can keep their interest with plenty of other younger and more attractive women in this world. I have time to lean back and assess THEM -- O.K., they're attractive and intelligent, but time and The Rules will tell whether or not they have character, whether or not one of them is a man I can be intimate with, and trust. A longterm friend and lover, maybe husband. And if not, I trust to The Rules to bring me even better candidates. Thirty-five years of dating, grrrls -- I have the experience to tell you The Rules work!
Rating:  Summary: Didn't work on me... Review: Hi. I'm a guy. I recently dated a woman who seemed to be following many, if not all the rules in this book. After 3 weeks in this relationship, if you could call it that, I simply stopped bothering. Why? Because I wanted to be with someone who thought of herself and acted like my equal. I didn't want a Stepford wife, I wanted a companion. Someone who didn't have the guts and honesty to follow their own heart would never have what it takes to be a lifelong partner.
Rating:  Summary: The Rules Work!!!!!!!!!! Review: I bought The Rules years ago and I have read them several times from front to back. Simply put, they work. (Basically it's playing hard to get.) The Rules help you to weed out men who are not worth your time. They tell you how to distinguish which man is really and truly interested in you for the long haul.I thought the book was highly entertaining, as well as being helpful. The truth is that men do like to court and be the hunters. Sure, there are men out there who will date you and even marry you if you pursue them. But what kind of marriage will you end up with? Personally, I've had two men tell me that they love me but are not "in love" with me. That hurts. There is nothing like someone loving you AND being in love with you too. The first time I tried The Rules, they worked really well, but I had already been in the relationship for a few years and the damage was done. You see, I had pursued him relentlessly. (And he had given me practical Valentine and birthday gifts, just like the book mentions.) Needless to say, we ended up breaking up - - after five WASTED years! I met a guy two weeks ago. I have already broken a few of the more obscure Rules because I couldn't find my Rules book. But I just found The Rules today and plan to execute them fully because I feel like my friend is starting to act like I really like him (I do but it ruins the balance for him to know so). I believe, that if you really stop and analyze your partner's behavior in the very beginning, you will see that he is gauging how much you are into him. The less you are into him, the more he'll be into you. It's that simple.
Rating:  Summary: Rules to turn men OFF ! Manipulative rules. Review: In this world where people, especially women are seeking for equality of sexes, I can't believe anyone is still reading this book, and nodding their head! The authors give you rules to learn how to be manipulative in relationships.. ...
This book's 'rules' only makes women seem cold, unfriendly, stuck up and no personality kind of person! Which men in this world would want a woman like that! Try to see it from a man's point of view. If you are a man, would you fall for a girl who follows the "Rules"? Do you want a COLD MAN? DOes a man want a COLD WOMAN? WHat is this thing about not calling a man, even if you want to? In a research, it is found that majority of shy people in the world are MEN! And in a seminar (of about 90 people), they asked which men would like to girl to be more open, maybe giving them a call if the girl likes the man. AN amazing 100% of the men raised their hands! No men like a cold human being. Neither do you. It doesnt mean you have to go all out as a desperate [person] to make men fall for you, but how about acting with sincereity, kindness, friendliness, and you will attract more people liking you. Why follow the rules, when you can be someone better and more worthwhile?
Rating:  Summary: great ! Review: The message of this book is, have some self-respect, and have a life. Or, at least act like you do. It's very attractive. I've just bought this, and Rules II for someone I know who just got dumped by a guy that she was pursuing desperately like he was the last unmarried guy on earth.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks To the Authors! Review: I had read alot of relationship book, and I think this book is the greatest. My boyfriend just proposed to me recently, and believe it or not, we just date each other for around 1 month, but had known each other for quite a long time. He dated alot of girl before, even his ex is involve in modeling job, surrounded by beautiful girls all the time, but he just thought his feeling for me is so different, and never had so deep feeling for his ex's before. I don't follow the rules strictly, because I am not a very dicipline person, but as simple rules, don't call the man first, act like a queen bees, and most importantly, this book teaches woman how to be more confident in themselve. Thank you so much, Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, for written this great book!
Rating:  Summary: Tsk, Tsk ultra feminists Review: Hello....I read "the rules" and I must say that it makes a great deal of sense to me. And contrary to what some ultra feminists are writing, this book teaches you to stand up and act like a woman, NOT a man. Also one woman who criticized this book and said that there are other women and men won't put up with these rules I have one thing to say to her....well if a man won't put up with me not jumping into be with him....bye bye!
Rating:  Summary: do not bother unless you are REALLY desperate and even so... Review: These rules are a mix of common sense and absurdity (do not even let me start). Please do not waste your money unless you want the typical guy--beer drinking, football watching, wanting a typical woman. If that's what you are after, go ahead. If you really want to find your soulmate, follow your heart, no rules will help you.