Rating:  Summary: Attachement Parenting = Parenting with love - unselfishly! Review: I have not read this book but by reviewing it see that there is a description of my parenting method - about to have my second child, I am registering for this and many other books. I have had to battle with other parents against my methods - dropping my child off at Sunday School, I would not leave him to cry - I sat off in the corner of the class for a few weeks so he knew I was there, I would show up the next week and other parents again would say just leave him to cry, "Baby Wise" parents, I would not and had some parents mad at me for my insistance to stay with my child - now, he can't wait to get out of my arms to play and go to Sunday School or anywhere I leave him - he is very confident and happy and when I pick him up I now get remarks that he is the happiest, friendliest, most loving child... he is very emotionally stable, secure, confident, outgoing and extremely independent at 20 months old - I am an absolute advocate for Attachment Parenting!
Rating:  Summary: A rebuttal to criticisms of Dr. Sears Review: In response to various criticisms of Dr. Sears's books being autocratic and unscientific, it seems to me a little "projecting" is going on. The one main thing Dr. Sears states time and time again in his books is that if at anytime you start to feel resentful of how AP is affecting your personal time or relationship, stop and reevaluate and change things. What he discusses in his books and makes very clear is that this is an IDEAL. To use an unrelated example, the more servings of fruits and vegetables one has the better, with 7-10 servings being ideal. It is unlikely the average American consumes this amount, but would anyone argue that this is beneficial? I read this book when I was pregnant and was all primed and eager to institute every suggestion to its optimum. As it turned out, my child's personality required nothing less than AP. However, I could not "wear" my baby as much as I would have liked due to back strain. He did sleep in our bed, but that was because it was convenient for me, and I was able to get the best sleep that way. I did not continue to feed him through the night after 6 months, though, because I wanted some sleep, and he didn't really need it nutritionally. Listening to Dr. Sears, I did what felt right and made me feel least resentful, and I weaned him from nightfeedings with the help of my husband (also a Dr. Sears suggestion). I also weaned him to sleep beside our bed, rather than in it, when it became too uncomfortable. None of these things were difficult to do because it was just a natural progression. I think the main point Dr. Sears is trying to get across is get in touch with YOUR child. Pay attention. Trust your instincts, not some experts' generalization. He, of all people I'm sure, would agree that applies to him as well. As for there not being any scientific facts to prove that the AP approach is a better approach. Just engage your brain. Which would you have rather had as a child: A caring, involved parent or an efficient nanny?
Rating:  Summary: Not so bad -- the best is its cover!! Review: These days the Sears has been popular among Japanese parents since the Japanese version of "The Baby Book" was released in last October. Also was I caught with Dr.Bill's magic words, and have collected every publication they (Bill/Martha) wrote. However, the most impressive thing in this book was its cover, a beautiful baby stares at you...you will find nothing brand-news if you are the person who read their other books before. My opinion is that "Christian Parenting""The Baby Book""The Fussy Baby Book" are worth reading. As for breastfeeding, I found other books like "Bestfeeding" more helpful than their book.
Rating:  Summary: The Attachment Parenting Book: A Commonsense Guide... Review: This book does a grave diservice to competent, responsive parents that are highly attuned to their children's needs. Because it uses a new label, "Attachment Parenting", it has created an "air of superiority" among new parents today. This "new" concept is no different than the "bonding-responsive-parenting" of the 1980's and 1990's. Yes, I am the parent of a daughter born July, 1989, and a son, born July 1992. I consider myself highly responsive to my children in every conceivable way. They are two very distinctly different individuals, even though they were parented in very similar ways, ie. highly responsive to their individual needs. My peers envy the relationship and connection that I have to my children. My daughter and son have also consistantly scored "highly superior" on independant and standardized tests. Neither child slept in our bed as a newborn, but they were within close proximity for us to respond to their needs on THEIR schedule. Some new parents that I know today, consider this book, and the author, THE expert on childcare, and anything less than this philosophy is not optimal or responsible parenting. I agree 100% with the reviewer that brought up the fact that this author has written numerous books that are repetitious, that many feel they must buy, or if they don't, they are inadequate parents. Shame on this author for taking advantage of new, insecure parents who only want the best for their babies. This author did not footnote scientific evidence for his beliefs. My background??? I am a R.N. with 25 years pediatric and nursery experience. My husband is an OB/GYN M.D.
Rating:  Summary: Good overview book of AP Review: This book is a good overview of Attachment Parenting. It is true as others have pointed out that much of the book's content is also covered in past Dr. Sears books. However this book is especially useful as a good overview of AP....or as a gift to a new mother or mother-to-be who has never heard about AP...or to give to grandparents or family members who don't understand why you are raising your child in an AP manner. I feel that my money was well spent by buying this book.
Rating:  Summary: Great general guide to attachment parenting Review: This book is perfect for those interested in learning more about the wonderful philosophy of attachment parenting. While other books by Dr. Sears are more comprehensive, this is a great way to become familiar with his ideals. I recommend all of his books to new parents above any other author on the subjects of babies and parenting, and believe me, I have read them all!
Rating:  Summary: I loved this book! Review: This book is what every parent needs. I always enjoy Dr. Sear's books, and this is no exeption.
Rating:  Summary: A great guide for parenting with love and empathy! Review: Throw out your "baby training" books! The Attachment Parenting Book offers new parents a loving alternative to advice that goes against basic human intuition. The Searses new book goes into much more depth about the philosophy of Attachment Parenting and why it is a way of life for so many families. It's more than just another childcare book. With supportive research,it clearly lays out the importance of developing a strong connection with baby and how that connection can prevent so many of the difficult problems parents and children experience in our society. Babies learn empathy, trust and affection by having their needs acknowledged and responded to in a loving way. This is a "must have" book for all new and experienced parents!
Rating:  Summary: A great guide for parenting with love and empathy! Review: Throw out your "baby training" books! The Attachment Parenting Book offers new parents a loving alternative to advice that goes against basic human intuition. The Searses new book goes into much more depth about the philosophy of Attachment Parenting and why it is a way of life for so many families. It's more than just another childcare book. With supportive research,it clearly lays out the importance of developing a strong connection with baby and how that connection can prevent so many of the difficult problems parents and children experience in our society. Babies learn empathy, trust and affection by having their needs acknowledged and responded to in a loving way. This is a "must have" book for all new and experienced parents!
Rating:  Summary: A Big Disappointment Review: When I received this book after ordering it from Amazon.com, I was shocked at what a small, thin book it is. This book is really more like the size of a booklet or as one previous reviewer said, it is more like just a rehash of a single chapter from his bigger books. I didn't learn anything new from it that I hadn't already read in "The Baby Book" and his other books. I feel like Dr. Sears is trying to wring every last penny out of parents by repackaging his previous book *chapters* into book after book after book. I got much more out of 'Attachment Parenting' by Katy Alison Granju. It is the book I give as a baby gift to every pregnant friend and new parent.