Rating:  Summary: Don't dismiss this book Review: Ive been surviving each day in torment thanks to a horrible Mental illness this last 5 years,every day has been a struggle to even want to live,every day I wake I curse my body for not dying during the night previous..I used to think people with mental illnesses especially were a joke,that they are only 'putting it on'...let me tell those of you lucky enough not to have an illness like mine,please do not dismiss depressed people and think they'll 'get over it',because we wont-ive had 2 dear friends commit suicide due to their depression,my friends were not cowards and werent weak people,they were tormented individuals who saw no other way out,this book taught them how and what to do... it wasnt a split moment decision on either of their parts,they planned their deaths 12 months in advance.. every day for me is a battle to get through,I self-harm myself,I am addicted to over-the-counter drugs and one of these days soon I know I will end up doing something serious...this book is a great comfort to me,because I know firstly that my friends did not suffer too much and that my options are open to me now...i am sorry if anyone finds this offensive,please for a moment try and feel what it is like within my head every second of every day.
Rating:  Summary: How -To Suicide Text Review: Mr Humphery says that this is just options for those that are terminally ill. I had a friend in College whose parents were always screaming at him for his grades, he made Bs and As but they wanted all "A"s. The week of exams, he did not show up for any of them, his parents did not know where he was. He was found that Friday, with a plastic bag over his head and an empty bottle of pills. He left a note explaining that his parents drove hom to this for not making good grades. By his side was a copy of "Final Exit". I wonder how many depressed people read this book and took their lives.
Rating:  Summary: Appreciating Life Review: My father died after fighting metastatic cancer for almost five years. The last six months of his life were horrific for him and for his family, and eventually, he did end his own life. If readers whose "worldview" is unalterably opposed to the ending of one's existence at cause are appalled at this text, let them channel at least some of their holier-than-thou energies into finding a cure-or at least more effective treatments than today's "cut-burn-poison" armamentarium, which is only slightly better than Victorian technology can do. At the same time, I am also saddened at the stories, here and elsewhere, of people who had no terminal affliction who simply chose to terminate their life, apparently somehow encouraged by this book. My father didn't have this book and neither did the vast majority of other suicides, famous or otherwise. I have often wondered whether it wouldn't be more responsible to distribute this book under controlled conditions, as some law enforcement and locksmithing books are. However, that probably isn't feasible.
Rating:  Summary: Edition for 2003 Review: Note: This paperback is the 3rd edition of 'Final Exit' (2003) and is extensively updated and revised from the l991 hardover bestseller -- Author.
Rating:  Summary: Edition for 2003 Review: Note: This paperback is the 3rd edition of 'Final Exit' (2003) and is extensively updated and revised from the l991 hardover bestseller -- Author.
Rating:  Summary: Useful book for the terminally ill person and their family Review: Persons ethically opposed to this book need not, and should not read it. For almost ten years, Final Exit has been the accepted handbook for self-deliverance and assisted suicide for the dying person whose suffering is unbearable to them. Useful chapters on the law, communicating with others, and precise 'how to' end it details. There is no such other book available on the open market. Thousands of people have made good use of it to make their own decisions.
Rating:  Summary: This is the revised 2nd edition, l997. Review: Readers are advised to purchase this latest edition of
'Final Exit' which gives the most up-to-date information on the subject of self-deliverance and assisted suicide. This book is ONLY for use by dying persons and their close families.
..............Derek Humphry, author, April 1997
Rating:  Summary: Update Review: The paperback is an updated and improved version of the hardcover, which was on the New York Times bestseller list
for 18 weeks. 'Final Exit' is also available in libraries
for those who might not be able to afford to buy, and is
available in 11 translations worldwide, details of which
are in the web page listed above. Derek Humphry. Oregon,
USA. June 5, l996
Rating:  Summary: Bringing 'Final Exit' right up to date Review: There is now (August, 2000) a separate edition bringing the l997 edition of 'Final Exit' right up to date. It is entitled "Supplement to Final Exit" and explains the technique of self-deliverance from a terminal illness by means of inert gases. Both books available from Amazon.com
Rating:  Summary: Supplement to Final Exit Review: There is now (August, 2000) a SUPPLEMENT TO FINAL EXIT, which brings the information in the book right up to date, including the method of taking one's life if terminal with the help of helium gas.