Rating:  Summary: life or death book Review: I was at the end of my rope with dieting, I was at my highest weight and could not take it any longer. I ordered this book and read it. I mean I read the whole thing and then I followed it that was two months ago and I have lost 4 sizes and 30 lbs so far and I am still going and guess what I eat what I want and I keep on loosing. What diet plan gives you that. And most of all I am not hungry any more and like the book says I push my plate away now I never did that before.thank you very much Dr. Rachael and Richard Heller....
Rating:  Summary: Adkins Alternative Review: The nice thing about this diet is that it, while still being effective, allows you to eat a normal meal each day. It's much easier than the Adkins diet though perhaps it takes a little longer to reach your goal. It is certainly easier to keep up for life and probably healthier as it lets you have more carbs than others.
Rating:  Summary: Day one and already a difference! Review: I've owned the book many times over (throwing away, buying again) and tried it before but went to an extreme trying. Not eating enough, gorging at reward meal etc. etc. Well, today was my first day after years of not doing this diet, have to say, I ate a whole pizza, coke and salad and I had none of that drowsy feeing I ALWAYS have after eating lunch. (my reward meal is lunch). It was strange how I had accepted getting tired and drowsy after lunch was just normal. Well, not true now! I am not really overweight, actually am quite slim but I always had a problem with my sugar levels- thought I might be a hypoglycemic...anyway, it really does work. Just make sure you don't go to extremes at any of your meals. Like eating massive ammounts of sausages and bacon or eating the whole pie!
Rating:  Summary: Please Get Lifespan instead Review: This book was the forerunner of Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program and also the Heart Healthy Plan. Either one has more up to date information and will work better for you. Balance and timing restrictions are crucial to this plan working both for weight loss and to keep you out of metabolic trouble with ketosis as others have so eloquently shared. I have been on this plan for 2 1/2 years losing 70 lbs. and keeping it off. CALP has been the only diet that is workable long term for true carb addicts. If you are tired of weighing, measuring, counting, and being totally frustrated, please give Lifespan a look.
Rating:  Summary: Good book, but lacking info on meal balance Review: It's a good book and, of course, the diet is great -- actually you don't feel you're really on a diet.My complaint about that book is that it lacks information on how to properly balance the reward meal. They tell you that you can have anything you want, in short. Then they say you have to balance it, 1/3, 1/3, etc. They tell you not to go back for seconds, but on the other hand, I distinctly remember this sentence: "If you want more food, go back for all three -- 1/3 protein, 1/3 low-carb vegetables and 1/3 high-carb foods. The Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program is much, much better and there are more details on food balancing. As for veggies, you CAN have 2 cups for bkfst, 2 cups for lunch and for the reward meal, vegetables may be eaten in LARGE quantities, if desired. For those of you who are confused with this 1/3 business, it should be this way: Divide your plate into 3. On one part, place your desired protein, on the other part place your low-carb veggies and on the third part (this is the tricky one), you place your carbs INCLUDING DESSERT. If, say, you want a big piece of cake for dessert, place only 1 small potato, for example, on your plate, and MAKE ROOM FOR THAT BIG PIECE OF CAKE. If you find that you're still hungry once completing your meal, provided, of course, that you have not exceeded your one hour, go back for seconds OF EVERYTHING. Take a little piece of meat, a little bit of low-carb veggies and a little more carbs OR a little more of that scrumptuous dessert...
Rating:  Summary: this just might work Review: i've been on the diet for almost 2 weeks now. the first week lost nothing, but for the second week i decided to cut out breakfast. this seems to be working alot better and it's not difficult. i'll probably have lost a couple pounds resulting in my new eating habits. what i didn't know is that you're supposed to be portioning out the reward meal. is anyone not doing that and hade the diet still work for them? also is there a salad dressing that has no sugar? i'll let you know if there is more weight loss, let's hope!
Rating:  Summary: Diet Will Work With Realistic Reward Meal Servings Review: Ok, I had rated this book a 1 star until my friend let me read the new lifespan book. I am strictly against diets like atkins. I have also been reading peoples bad reviews and 9 out of 10 times they must be eating like pigs at the reward meal. For anyone who wants to try the diet here is the basics. For breakfast you can eat bacon, ham, or steak and eggs just like atkins. And for lunch you can eat 4 oz of meat with 4 grams worth of vegetables only!! So lunch can be a grilled chicken breast with a salad. For the reward meal you MUST balance the meal and make sure it contains ALL the 4 food groups. You MUST eat 2 cups of salad with every reward meal. You should drink a glass of milk at reward meals for calcium. You should take a plate and serve 1/3 protein, 1/3 carbs, and 1/3 veggies. You NEVER want to gorge on sweets. Yes you can HAVE dessert, BUT you cant eat a whole pie, or cake. You MUST finish the reward meal in ONE hour! If you really want use this diet get the new lifespan diet. It contains all the newer information. Here is a normal days meals. Breakfast: 2 eggs 4 oz ham coffee, or tea Lunch: 4 oz meat 1 small salad Reward Meal 2 cups salad 1 cup milk 8 oz steak 1 cup potatoes 1 cup green beans 1 slice of cake 1 dinner roll
Rating:  Summary: You must try this! Review: I started this diet 7/25/01 and have lost 20 lbs. It has been the easiest diet I have ever been on. Another plus...Prior to the diet my cholesterol was 265, my triglercerides were 325, today I received my cholesterol results and it is 206 and the tri's were down to 195. (and yes, I have been eating the heck out of eggs, beef and cheese) My Dr. is thrilled, says keep up what I have been doing. I originally decided to try this diet to help with depression, and have had good results in that area also. This book was well work it, give it a try! It can't hurt!
Rating:  Summary: Results with Chromium GTF Review: I'm just wondering if anyone has tried using the Chromium GTF, that the Hellers also suggested to use? I started using it about a month ago and have noticed pleasing results WITHOUT being on the diet.....I had to go off of it for awhile due to some major surgery, but the Chromium seems to be doing the trick, slowly but surely with a lot of patience.
Rating:  Summary: Chromium GTF Results Review: I tried this diet a few years back and wrote a review stating I had excellent results, a loss of about 15lbs, with about 10 to go. In the meantime I aquired a bacterial infection which caused me to lose a tremendous amount of weight too quickly. As a result, I stopped the program, thinking I would start up when I was through with the infection. I did so, losing this time very slowly, but that was okay. In Feb, 2001, I needed to have a hysterectomy, so I went off the diet again, to follow my physicians program. After healing and getting back on my feet once more, I started the diet again, this time losing NO weight, and actually gaining some. What I decided to do, is to take the Chromium GTF that the Heller's recommended. I am losing weight easier now and am NOT on the diet. I think the blood sugars are the culprit, and Chromium GTF is stablizing them. My appetite is less, and even when I do indulge like anyone else my weight has never crept back up. I feel really good about this. You need to get the 'biologically active' without any additives. I take 400 mcg a day. I would be interested to know if anyone else has been using this supplement along with the diet and what their results have been.