Rating:  Summary: other alternatives Review: I read the book, and totally agree with the whole 'fruit and fruit juice only' before noon, but I find some of the basics of the whole diet undesireable. Two years ago when I lived in London I joined a 'healthier eating' club whose principles were based on not mixing proteins and carbohydrates at any meals for a whole day. In other words, one day just carbs, the next just proteins. That still left room for a lot of variety, and you don't have to give up meat! Also, avoid sugar and fats where you can - don't cook with oil (use cooking spray), don't put butter or margarine on your sandwhich, and curb your dairy intake to a small glass of milk and an ounce of cheese for the whole day. On my carb only days I would typically have 2 slices of wheat toast with marmite (yeast extract spread) with orange juice for bkfst; a baked potato with baked beans and cheese for lunch; and a large bowl of pasta with sauce made from fresh tomatoes, onion, garlic and peppers. I would eat at least 3 servings of fruit throughout the day. On protein days - fruit for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch, and steak (grilled) with steamed veggies for dinner. I allowed myself one treat every day - one small chocolate bar, or a glass of wine with dinner. I lost 15lbs in a month, and I felt good. I still ate french fries, I just made them in the oven with fat free cooking spray. I never went without any nutrients, I was allowed to drink as much water as I wanted, and I was never hungry!! That worked for me, and I plan to do it again - starting tomorrow!
Rating:  Summary: fit for live Review: It was a nice book to read. I red it in dutch. You can follow the program easely. Some thing are realy strange. Don't have milk and meat. That's not so easy. I hope to lost weight with the book. I have some questions. Is there anybody how can anser my questions?
Rating:  Summary: Great eating for living, not dieting Review: This is a great plan that can easily be accomplished in everyday life. I have never felt like I was on a "Diet". I do not agree with some of the plan's ideas (such as limiting water intake) but for the most part everything makes sense. I also like that it is easy to follow for those of us that are vegetarian. I have lost 10lbs in about 8 days (I attend the gym daily as well..). I am so glad to have finally found a plan to help me lose the last few pounds! I would suggest this to anyone looking for a healthy new plan for life, not just for weight loss.
Rating:  Summary: a common sense diet that works Review: I have only had this book a few weeks and I have already lost several pounds even with a little cheating. The diet works because it is based on common sense. The authors have you eating almost no processed, packaged foods. Instead you eat (in generous portions if you wish) fruits, veggies, breads, even some meat and fish (and, in my version of the diet, a few cookies here and there). There are some rules you need to follow for success which are based on the body's metabolic cycle. For instance, you take only fruits or fruit juices before noon, and you do not eat within three hours of bedtime. The authors give detailed explanations for the theory behind the practices they advocate. Many of the explanations made sense to me, but others sounded rather off-the-wall. No matter--the diet works, no matter what the explanations. This is healthy eating meant for the rest of your life, not just until you drop your excess weight. It will get you looking slimmer and having a lot more energy--without being hungry all the time.
Rating:  Summary: Great health diet and more ENERGY! Review: Anthony RObbins used to be co-partners with the authors of this book, and Tony himself follows the diet in this book. You will notice Tony sharing some of the diet in Unlimited Power. And notice how much energy and vitality Tony has! Food combination may not make sense to you at first, but if you put yourself to the test, that is try eating a meal with rice, eggs and meat together, note how you feel after that. Then the next day, eat carbo without protein mixed. You will feel that you wont feel so tired after that meal, more energy and you can eat more, because the food is turned into energy so quickly. Mixing different type of food makes it hard or imposiible to digest, causing weight gain and constipation. Howerver, the cutting of protein from diet altogether, although was great- i tried it and my energy increased- but I also wanted to build up my body, so i need protein for muscle building etc. Many other topics are worth a good read, and test it for yourself before you make any judgement. I think most of whats in this book is great and healthy, except I don't follow the 'aviod meat for protein' rule now, at least until I have gained my ideal body mass and muscle. If you're overweight however, you will find you can lose weight easily, without cutting down on meals. A healthy diet guide. Also a good guide is Shelton's "FOod Combining Made Easy", .............
Rating:  Summary: GARBAGE i t i s GARBAGE Review: Sorry, this is such garbage. BUT some people have great success with this book and what it advises. And I mean great success, and it has a cult following, so there must be some value in it. Many of their conclusions are wrong. Just plain wrong. For a start, some humans HAVE to eat meat, some humans are primarily carnivorous. And others are very much vegetarian - that is their genetic makeup. I am sick of people concluding from their own physical makeup that ALL humans are one or the other, most are a mixture. For you personally, try to find what works for you. Example of their stupid conclusions: "humans should not eat meat, because meat eating creatures like dogs, cats, lions etc.. have high acid content in their stomach, and humans don't". Well, derrr those animals don't just eat meat, they eat BONE and SINEW. Might I remind the authors that many purely vegetarian animals they admire so much like the cows have multiple stomachs ? So apart from "the world should be vegetarian" nonsense that insults you .... like I said, some people have great great success with this book. But don't buy into their reasonings ....
Rating:  Summary: Read the book 'cuz of Bryan Adams Review: O... i m a great BA fan, he always says this book is good and that's why i read it. It's true the suggestions are cool and useful, however, i still some how disagree with the idea of not eating carbohydrates and proteins at the same time. As a Chinese, we always eat Tofu and rice at the same time. So according to this book, it's a WRONG combination.( Tofu contains Protein, Rice's "pure" carbohydrates ) Personally just think that it's NO BIG DEAL. Afterall, the book is nice to read, at least i follow the natural body cycle it mentions. Since i m of a normal weight range, i couldn't lose any lbs! :( That's bad... afterall, I M HEALTHIER!
Rating:  Summary: USE WITH CAUTION Review: I did very poorly following this book, although I do know people that have done well on it. It's full of nice ideas about food, but for sound physiological advice on diet I recommend Dr. Abravanel's Body Type Diet book. There you can find a program that works for YOUR body. Because of that book, my days of chronic exhaustion, fatigue, mood swings, cellulite and fat I just can't lose are over! I finally don't live just to take care of an annoying body! My body runs well and I am free to live.
Rating:  Summary: Fit For Life, more than just physically Review: I have read both "Fit For Life" I and II, and am now enjoying a much healthier and happier life than ever before. Having life long poor health, I never imagined the impact that a properly funcitioning body could have on not only my physical health, but on my mental and spiritual health. The principles of "Fit For Life" have completely changed my way of thinking about health, food, nutrition, and the food companies. I have learned about proper food combining, fresh raw vegetable nutrients, the importance of nutrient balance, and the lack of value in processed food. I now enjoy fully tasting food, craving nutritious living food, and very importantly, NOT being hungry all the time! There will always be those that try to discredit something honest, informative, and benefical to the people (you and me) that they, the discrediters look at as mainly a source of profit, through half thruths, paid of reserchers, and just plain lies. "Fit For Life", "earns their keep" by providing accurate useable information, the "where, when, and how", and most importantly, the TRUTH. Thank you to the Diamonds.
Rating:  Summary: This works like magic Review: I was 260# 40" waist and could not lose weight, Doctors offered to operate on ym stomach as the only solution they could come up with. My back hurt constantly I was always hungry yet I still gained. I was about to graduate to a 42", then I discovered this book. In 9 months following these recommendations I was under 200#'s. After a year I was 185, wore size 32 pants and had more energy than I ever dreamed of. I saw my doctor in the grocery store 14 months after I started. He did not recognize me. I told him who I was, and he congratulated me on the success of my surgery. I laughed at him and said I did the Fit for Life method. "Oh," he replied, "That doesn't work." Folks, this works if you follow it. Naysayers like to nit pick the terminology, but it based on common sense and logic, plus did I forget to mention that it works. I did this 12 years ago and I still weigh under 190 and wear size 32 pants. It works so fast you will not believe it. For one period when I was really strict I lost a pound every other day. I even cheated a lot, and still lost weight. I have more energy, feel stronger, and can outrun several people who have said that FFL is nonsense. All I can do is laught at theie close minded ingnorance. If you have tried it all to no avail, buy this book today.