Rating:  Summary: There's more to health than.... Review: After reading Fit For Life, you'll understand that there's more to health than simply knowing WHAT to eat, there's also the when, why and how...Fit for life gives you great insights into understanding the whole picture. I recommend it highly to anyone whom I consult as well as in my own "Vegan Journey Roadmap" on my site.
Rating:  Summary: Our bodies adhere to the "rules" of chemistry... Review: An amazing book. The authors basic eating principle is "to stay alive, eat live foods." To die a slow and painful death, eat dead foods. I find it very hard to argue with this principle.My real reason for writing this review is to take a poke back at the nay-sayers and people who didn't like this book. "They don't have any credentials" - both Marilyn and Harvey are graduates of the American College of Health Sciences. Granted the college is not "accredited". But accredited by whom? The drug-establishment, of course. "Protein doesn't leach calcium..." - multiple studies have been done and written up in the Lancet, New England Journal of medicine, etc. all CITED by the authors in their second book, Fit for Life II. Articles that can be EASILY found and verified. Excessive amounts of protein in the diet DOES in fact cause calcium leaching. The eskimos of northern Canada are prime examples. By the ages of 35-38, most child bearing women are hunched over from osteoporosis because of their diets and multiple children. The beauty of the "program" is that it ISN'T a program. It teaches us to respect our bodies, that our bodies can't TAKE 17 different foods at once (a typical thanksgiving dinner) and expect to get much out of it. Granted most of America is alive, but it also happens to be the MOST drugged nation in the world. Like the authors said, it isn't a coincidence, that the number 1 non-prescription drug 3 years running is an Ant-acid for heartburn. Imagine if EVERYONE tried fit for life? Where would those pharmaceutical companies make their profits? "We're still alive at 80, and not food combining." There are different levels of ALIVE at 80. Most 3rd world cultures do not have the luxury of having more than one or two foods at their dinner tables come supper time. They've been food combining for ages without knowing it. It's only been in our western society, with our western afflictions and ways of curing them (how about a spoon full of mustard gas for that colon cancer?) that we've been running into the problems of affluency. Moderation is indeed the key. The Diamonds have been able to divulge the reasons why in fact moderation is the key to a long happy, and pain free life.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Information For A Better Quality Of Life. Review: All you have to do is to try this easy system for two or three days and you will be amazed. Who would think that something as "healthy sounding" as a turkey sandwich could actually have a somewhat toxic effect on your body? Instead, skip the bread and have a turkey and vegetable salad. It's all about "proper food combining". I can not understand why this system is not more "mainstream". All anyone has todo is try it for couple of days to experience ovewhelmingly positive results!
Rating:  Summary: "Nothing but the absolute truth!" Review: I have read most of The Diamond's books, (Fit For Life, 2 & 3, Breast Cancer, Vegetarian Cooking...etc.)and found all of them equally enjoyable, I periodically re-read sections to myself, and to family members. I truly beleive the material to be accurate, as what motive would the Diamond's have to lie about the material written? It has all been deeply researched and documented. I have been following many of the suggestions for about 4 years now, and taking the "Greens" supplement for about 2 years and not only feel healthy, my Doctor says that I am. I fall off the wagon on occassion and I always feel lousy and/or get ill. I have a terrible passion for chocolate and when I indulge I always regret it! Anyways I could go on and on, just read the book and you will see what it is I am trying to convey. I wish the Diamonds the best and thank you for writing such a down to earth book. Sincerely, Nancy Roy
Rating:  Summary: Inappropriate Review: I found the book to be enjoyable reading but exercise is equally important in any kind of total health plan and I don't feel it has been emphasized enough. And please enough about carrots already!
Rating:  Summary: This book is intelligent and gives amazing results. Review: Try this book's plan and watch the pounds fall off!
Rating:  Summary: It's All Starting To Make Sense Now!! Review: For the past seven years, I've been trying to find that "magic" book that would just jump from off of the shelf and turn my life upside down. "Fit for Life" runs a close second to the Bible as far as I'm concerned. Now I know why I feel so lethargic after eating "improperly combined" meals. I now know why my body gets thrown out of wack sometimes...it not only had to do with what I was eating, but also when and how I was eating it. "Fit for Life" has made me a firm believer in eating only fresh fruits and drinking fruit juices between the hours of 7am-12 noon. I simply cannot stomach eating anything that does not apply to the 70/30 principle outlined in the book. Sure, I was skeptical at first, but mark this: for all of you nonbelievers out there, you have to give this lifestyle change a once over...give it a chance!! You'll thank yourself in the long run --- TRUST ME!!
Rating:  Summary: What next? Review: I read this book from cover to cover and the only thing I got out of it was an stomach full of acid from the fruit! Where did these people come up with this? And spring water affecting your cholestrol levels by raising it????? What next?
Rating:  Summary: A phenomenal practical book whose principles are A1 Review: My daily affirmation statement for my business includes: "Today I practise the principles of Fit for Life". Of all the books, magazines and other articles I have read in the past 10 years about nutrition, Fit For Life's principles are the most logical. You do not need any physiological or any special metabolic insight or knowledge to realize that these principles are sound. Most importantly, they work!
Rating:  Summary: This book is on the book shelf next to The Holy Bible. Review: This book saved my life. The author's principles of diet and exercise game me the tools that I needed to loose weight and maintain the weight loss over the last 10 years.