Rating:  Summary: The last "diet" book you will ever need Review: I started eating the Fit For Life way after I had my first baby in 1985. I had that last 10 pounds that would not budge, despite eating well and nursing her for 8 months. I bought the book, enjoyed reading it, started the method and the pounds melted away. This food is good - try the recipes! Try Marilyn Diamond's "American Vegetarian Cookbook" - those recipes are great! I occasionally eat chicken, fish, and sometimes beef! Who can resist a hamburger just off the grill? Not me. Just skip the bun, eat them with veggies, save the carbs for another meal. Sometimes I cheat, but so what? Birthday parties happen, and I'm going to enjoy! :) If you eat this way 90% of the time, your health will be terrific. I'm now in my mid 40's (that baby of mine is now 18) and my blood pressure and cholesterol numbers are low. This method of eating has stood the test of time for me. I love the salad dressing recipes, almond milk and food combos as much as ever! Try the grapefruit juice salad dressing. Sounds wierd, tastes great! This is by far the healthiest eating plan out there!
Rating:  Summary: Looking back 16 years ago: An honest review of Fit for Life Review: I remember how I discovered the Diamonds' books. It's was in the mid 1980's and I was watching the Merv Griffin Show. I was about 18 years old at the time. Harvey and his wife were on the show doing P.R. for their new book, Fit For life. As I listened to them, and saw their happiness and health and excitement, I felt a positive feeling about what they were saying. Something just clicked in my heart and I new it was something I should check into. At that time, I was always tired, out of shape, eating the Standard American Diet (which initials by the way are SAD) I knew that I needed something, and this was it. I was so excited. The very next day I got their book and read it cover to cover 3 times and highlighted parts that I wanted to remember. For about 6 years, I practiced the Diamonds' Methods. I stopped eating meat and dairy products, and threw out all of my white flower products and ate whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, Basically a vegetarian diet. Reading the Diamonds book was the catalyst that drove me deeper into a natural way of living. My whole life changed because of the Diamonds book, and for that I am eternally grateful. I started going to health food stores, making new healthy friends, reading books on natural living. Now, you have to remember, this was back in 1985 or so. Back then the fitness craze and "health food" was not as big as it is now. Many people back then thought health food people were "nuts". However, I didn't care, I felt like I had discovered something that nobody else new, and I was enlightened. For 6 years I lived the natural hygiene way. I also joined a gym and began working out 5 days a week ( mostly aerobic type exercises, I new nothing about weights then) . I made sure I combined my protein and starches correctly, ate my food at the right times of the days. Got plenty of rest. I held strict to the plan. During the first year, my energy level went totally through the roof. I felt better, My thinking wasn't as foggy, I wasn't tired, I had no depression, I slept well, and for the first time I looked younger than my age. I continued eating that way for about 6 years, until I was 24 years old. During that 6 year period when I was following the Diamonds books and eating a natural hygiene diet, here is what I experienced.... During the first 2 years, I felt great, I lost all my excess body fat, and was very thin. Looking back now, I was way too thin. My height is 6'2" tall, and I was 145lbs at my lowest. I was pretty skinny and had no muscle tone. (however, I wasn't working out with weights. I was doing heavy cardio workouts, and not taking in extra calories to make up for it) I realized that eating the natural way, required ALLOT of work because I had to prepare my own natural meals. During the 3rd year living the natural hygiene way, my life took a drastic stressful turn. ( life and job related things) so I no longer had time to really devote to making proper meals, I was not eating a variety of vegetarian meals, I would opt for whatever was the quickest. (Usually whole wheat pasta and vegetables.) So during that 3rd year on the natural hygiene diet, I began to feel tried and fatigued around the middle of the day. I was underweight, was lacking energy, and probably was not getting the proper nutrition that I needed. BUT let me say that looking back, it was NOT because of the natural hygiene diet. It WAS because I was not paying attention to making sure I was getting a variety of healthy foods in my diet. I wasn't eating enough calories to sustain myself. Eating a vegetarian diet or Natural hygiene diet, REQUIRES you to take the time and focus yourself on getting a variety of fresh wholesome foods in your diet. If you don't have the time, or the interest to do this, you will surly fail and not get proper nutrition. You will then probably make the mistake of blaming it on the Diamonds book or Natural Hygiene. The results work only as good as the effort you put into it. THIS is what I have found out looking back after 16 years. If I had taken the time to make sure my diet consisted of a variety of fresh natural foods, I would probably have had a different result during the 3rd year on the diet. After the 3rd or 4th year on natural hygiene diet, I discovered body building. I needed to gain muscle and quality weight. I was just way too thin. So I started to incorporate fish in my vegetarian diet and eating soy protein shakes for extra protein and calories. I started to re-focus my energy on my diet and preparing healthy meals again. My weight started to increase back to a normal body weight, and I started to gain muscle. (however I was now working out with weights) During around the 5th and 6th year, I was about 24 years old or so then, I started to incorporate free-range, natural chicken into my vegetarian diet, along with the fish. BUT I continued to combine my proteins and starches correctly. Well, I filled out with allot of good muscle and stayed slim. I continued this way for the next 6 years. When I reached 30 years old, I had pretty much moved away from the Diamonds methods. However I am eternally grateful for them leading me into the path of natural living, health food, and health and fitness. I am blessed by Harvey and his wife and owe thanks to them. they truly inspired me 16 years ago, to get off my duff, and do something about my life. Finding and reading the Diamonds book, Fit for Life, changed my life for the better. Even though I don't practice their principals now, I still remember their teachings and the down-to-earth wisdom that they gave me. So anyway, now I am 34 years old. I eat a diet very high in vegetables and fruit and whole grains, with some fish and chicken and protein powders. I work out about 5 days a week at a local gym. I am still 6'2" tall, but now weigh about 205 lbs. of lean muscle. People still think I am 22 years old! I don't look my age or feel my age. I am a health and fitness enthusiast and will be for the rest of my life. ( thanks to that little push by the Diamonds 16 years ago.) Health and fitness is in my life forever. So in conclusion, living naturally and healthfully is a gift from God. I am telling you this from experience. If the Diamonds book does nothing more than jump start your life into the world of natural living, health and fitness, then It has done it's job. Nothing is more rewarding than feeling good, and looking good for the rest of your life. I am now trying to lower my meat consumption and increase my vegtables and fruits and still get all the high quality protien that I need for working out. With some education and work I can do it. Just remember...your health results can only equal the amount of effort you put into your lifestyle. I still remember the wisdom the Diamonds taught me 16 years ago. God bless to all of those who help others by educating us with their knowledge and wisdom of health and fitness. These people brining us closer to a world of healthy living and happiness.
Rating:  Summary: Great book! Review: After reading all reviews I decided to get this book, I try it out for one week, I didn't follow his receipes but follow his principle, have fruits for breakfast, don't eat protiein and carbohydrates together and don't eat after 8:00pm. I finally break in my 3 weeks plateau and lost 2 lb in one week and my stomach feels great. I don't feel hungry like I used to on other low calorie diet. I feel satify after meal. Thanks. I give a four star because I personnally don't agree with we should get calcium from plant not milk or dairy products and his view towards vitamin but no harm done. I think people should use their common sense and own judgement when following the program. General speaking I think it's a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Tried it for several years Review: Now in middle age (arrrgh), I am trying to shed some pounds gained to renew my physical health. I tried a few diets and the one that seems to be working is one that emphasizes raw foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts. I feel much better. But then I got to remembering a similar diet I practiced in college. It was the Fit For Life way of eating. I remember reading it, agreeing it was worth a try and eating more raw foods seemed to make sense. For three years I practiced the diet regiment and recall to this day how good I felt. Although I was not overweight, I needed to optimize my body's strength and endurance to cope with a 7 day a week schedule of university and work. I feel the Fit For Life Book was worthwhile and I am going to purchase it again to fine tune my current diet. Don't listen to the so called professional nay sayers. They are not as smart as they like to think. It worked for me.
Rating:  Summary: how do we ask questions to Mr. Diamond Review: since the time i read Fit for Life, I have been able to to put it into practice. But of course i do no follow it as a rule. The absence of meat and milk does not agree with my lifestyle and i have noticed instant hairfall and nail chipping when i remove these from my diet. Also it is not practical for me to obtain fresh juice for myself all the time and thus land up drinking the concentrated fresh juice which is sugar free. I have lost about 10 pounds by following the book at random for the past 2 months. But I do follow the "only fruits and juice until noon" theory. I am also excersicing moderately and it has worked for me. I would like to E-mail Mr. Harvey with so many queries. can u guide me? I would like to know if what i follow is valid. Whom can i ask questions regarding various foods not mentioned in the book. Also i want to know if the pace of weight loss is slow or normal.Will amazon help me or pls enlighten me with Mr. Diamonds e-mail address.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT RESULTS Review: I WENT FROM 33% BODY FAT DOWN TO 12% IN JUST UNDER 3 MONTHS!!!! MY BEST FRIEND & I DECIDED TO TRY THIS BOOK OUT WHILE STARTING A STRENGTH TRAINING PROGRAM TO GET OUR BODIES TONE. The meals were flavorful and creative. Now, everybody has a food or veggie they won't eat or think is gross and for a pickie eater like me, those veggies were in there, but I tried,(like mom always told you to do)and liked. Greatchen and I went to the Gym 6days a week. It wasn't overkill! We would do 30 minutes a day of cardiovascular & abdominal exercise. Out of those 6 days we would strength train 3 days. Low to moderate weight with more reps. Sunday was a day of rest. I lost weight and built muscle. I didn't use my weight as a guide. It went from 125# to 118#. The true test was when I had my body fat tested! Also I bought a pair of cheap panty hose and tried them on. All women know-they dig in at the waist and hurt. I was so happy when I realized they weren't doing that!!!!!! I have never looked or felt better in my life. Try it with an fitness program. Remember- ask your doc 1st.
Rating:  Summary: I definetly recommend this way of life! Review: I've read the book and have been following the "Fit For Life" plan for 3 weeks now. After just one day I realized how much "junk food" I was feeding my body. I must have said "NO" to 5 different things the first day that I normally would have eaten, and I believe it is paying off. I get on my treadmill for 30 minutes each day after work, and I actually look forward to it because I'm not tired after work! What also helped was I bought a small 13" TV and placed it in front of the treadmill so I could no longer use the excuse that I was missing my show. Meal planning wasn't so difficult. Fruit and salad throughout the day, and if I want meat or any protein, I just make sure I eat it for dinner with vegetables and a salad, but no bread. If I choose to finish the day with a salad in a pita, or stir fried veggies, I wind up with a bonus day! I would really like the food combining chart they mention in the book, for more suggestions. Does anyone out there know where I can get one? I'm not sure if I should trust the address in the back of the book, my book was quite old.
Rating:  Summary: Best "LifeStyle Change" Book Review: I went from 200 pounds to 107 in 6 months EATING! I ate whatever I wanted but just properly combined the meals the way the book taught. During the first month, I didn't think I was losing weight because of all the food I was eating but when I would try on my clothes they would be loose. Even when I go off the program and have pizza every once in a while, I can get back on the program and notice an immediate results. Fit For Life has worked time and time again. A lot of people may say the book is bogus but I guess I feel that way about some of the junk that recommends eating TONS of protein everyday. Fit for Life was the best book that allowed me to eat without feeling deprived. You can include or not include meat and dairy into the program and still lose weight. Many people argued about vegetarianism but it seems that the food pyramids are going back to eating large servings of fruits and vegetables a day. There is nothing unusual about the Fit for Life program. You can eat fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, dairy, etc. You are just eating foods in a way that gives your body energy, helps you lose weight, and get healthy without feeling deprived and having food sit in your body for days and weeks at a time. The thing about Fit for Life is it provides balance.
Rating:  Summary: Utter quackery written by idiots to scam the unaware. Review: Before anyone reads this book, they should probably be informed that Harvey Diamond's "credentials" consist of his having attended an unaccredited correspondence school in Texas which has since been banned from granting academic credits or degrees. It should also be noted that the principles of "Natural Hygiene" that this book espouses are about as scientific as the Medieval idea that illness was caused by an imbalance of bodily humours and vapours. Even though I was aware of both of these things before I read "Fit for Life" I was still not prepared for the huge number of gross factual errors it overflows with. This book takes psuedoscientific silliness to a new level with just how blatantly wrong virtually every concept it outlines is. A chimpanzee could have done a better job at writing a lifestyle and nutrition guide. I find it creepy that any grown adult could be so ignorant about health, the process of digestion or even basic science that they would actually follow the diet and advice set out in this work of utter nonsense. The only redeeming quality of "Fit for Life" is its abundant, soft pages which are far more absorbent than the old Sears-Roebuck catalogue.
Rating:  Summary: Vegetarian Guide Review: If you are thinking about becoming a vegetarian or you are dissatisfied with the health care you are receiving or maybe you just want to lose weight this is a pretty good guide for lifestyle change. I myself being a meat addict and also one who usually trusts the advice of doctors, have read this book but not have completely agreed with the opinions expressed in the book nor have I been able to follow the diet that is recommended. Stilll, I think becoming a vegetarian and using proper"food combining" is probably better for your health than following the Atkins diet. In any event this is probably the most interesting diet book ever written.