Rating:  Summary: The real story behind The Metabolic Typing Diet Review: Having read all of the negative reviews on metabolic typing diet, I would like to shed some light on the criticisms of the book. I have, off and on, been studying customized nutrition for the last decade of my life. There are two critical questions to ask with regard to diet: 1) Is there a one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone? And 2) If not, what is the best approach to customized nutrition?To answer the first question one has to go no further than reading one of two books. Upon reading one of those books the open minded reader has no other rational conclusion to draw than the fact that everyone is unique and therefore there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The two books are Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price and Biochemical Individuality by Roger Williams. The answer to the second question can be found by looking to see who has researched all of the available data on customized nutrition and put together a program that the average person can follow. William Wolcott is by far the leading authority on customized nutrition. He has read all of the recent discoveries and has also read what the pioneers in the field have written. In addition, he studied under William Kelley (a pioneer in the field of customized nutrition). He has come up with the most intelligible, comprehensive system available today for people to discover their metabolic type. I am sure by now you are trying to reconcile the conflicting reviews on the book. Some criticize the book for lacking science or evidence for what is said in the book. Others say the book is excellent. I think a great deal of confusion lies in the assumption that his critics are making regarding the book's intended audience. His intended audience in the book is the masses of people in America. Those masses typically aren't very analytical or scientifically minded. If he had written the book to the scientifically minded he would have alienated a much larger audience, the average American. When I first read his book I was relieved to find that it was so easily understandable to a layperson. Yet when I dug deeper into William Wolcott and his organization Heathexcel I found the tremendous amount of science behind his work was second to none. I highly recommend this book and believe the information in it to be absolutely life changing. If I had to choose this book or any other ten books combined on the subject of diet I would choose this book hands down. The book is worth every penny you will pay for it and more importantly it is worth the time you will invest reading it. There is more information on his web site healthexcel.com. brettwbauer@hotmail.com
Rating:  Summary: I use it in my healing practice Review: Let me state up front that I am not undertaking the Metabolic Typing studies, nor do I intend to, just am incorporating into my healing practice the protocol of what is undoubtedly nutritional wisdom that many will benefit from. I am a registered nurse with a specialty in nutritional studies. Unlike the few reviewers who gave the metabolic test to their friends to take, and discovered they were all the "Mixed-Type" metabolic profile, I have used this method in my healing practice and so far have found the opposite: That the Mixed types seem to predominantly come from those who hail from Mediteranean or Oriental/Asian ancestry, and that there were a significant number of Protein types, whose predominant ancestry hailed from Northern Europe. I have come across only one Carb type so far, an individual whose ancestry is in tropical climates. So far the clients following their metabolic type diet are losing fat when they do follow it, (per skinfold caliper testing and inches lost) and gaining weight and feeling symptomatic again when they consume too many foods from the other meal plans for the other metabolic types. (Mostly when Protein Types are eating foods better suited to the Carb Types, and fail to consume enough protein on a regular basis.) The book is well written, not difficult to follow at all, is designed for the lay-reader, and I have also followed up and bought the books by the other researchers whom Dr. Wolcott mentions either inspired his interest, or who started the ball rolling a century ago in this direction. Some of Dr. Wolcott's work is incorporated in Ann Louise Gittleman's nutritional works as well, and she cites him as one of the sources for her advocating increased protein in her "Your Body Knows Best" book. Her Fat Flush Plan also incorporates increased protein, though is not a spin-off of either any of the meal plans here or of any of the higher-protein and fat diets like the Atkins diet. ALG is another well-respected nutritionist in the field. Current research is continuously showing that people can lose weight and not increase their cholesterol levels or blood pressure when following a higher protein meal plan. This means that for those whose metabolic type thrives on this type of diet, they will do fine following a plan for that. For those whose metabolic type thrives on a higher carbohydrate diet, there is a meal plan for that too, of course. The mixed type can eat from both plans, but there is tons of valuable information about how foods are metabolized, how different nutrients react in different people. I did not find the research either skimpy or underreported. The change in diet is not so radical for those who typically eat what their cultural group or ancestors typically ate. Many ethnic groups eat what their families ate for generations. The USA nutritional information on which they based the food groups block of years past, and the food pyramid currently in use, is from studies of an African tribe who did not display cardiac disease. Their diet was about 60-65% carbs, and little fat, small amounts of protein. It was assumed that Americans would thrive on this type of diet, but most Americans at that time hailed from Northern European ancestry, and we began feeding the nation too many carbs, too many flour-foods, (pastas, breads, refined cereals) and of course combined those flour foods with sugar, cakes, cookies etc. What this book shows is that many indigenous groups eating high fat or high protein diets, also have no cardiac disease, or diabetes, or cancer, as long as they are following the diet of their ancestors, within reason. When these indigenous cultures come to America, or begin eating a diet similar to the Western influences of increased carb, sugar, and flour, they too develop diseases similar to the rates of Americans. We grain feed our livestock, rather than range feed, so that the meat contains far less Omega-3 fatty acids, and it is the Omega-3s that signal the brain that the satiety from a meal has occurred. Consequently in the US we consume far larger portions of meat that still do not provide a sense of fullness. Luckily there are farms now devoted to range-fed livestock, poultry, eggs, and bakeries producing sprouted-grain and whole grain products. Dr. Wolcott's method is just the tip of the iceberg for getting people onto a healthy nutritious regimen for themselves and their families. The whole food industry needs revamping, and parents and educators need to become involved so that nutritious food can be served to our children at home and at school, as they will be the ones to ensure that the food industry makes progess in the future.
Rating:  Summary: ANY COMMENTS? Review: Found the quote below on Dr. Kelly's website. Would anyone like to comment? "In the mid 1980's Mr. William L. Wolcott found a paperback edition of Dr. Watson's Nutrition and Your Mind. At the time Mr. Wolcott was an employee being trained by Dr. Kelley. Wolcott was unable to comprehend the Kelley Metabolic Typing Paradigm, his employment was terminated. Wolcott then appropriated Dr.Kelley's copyright name of "Metabolic Types." Wolcott furthermore produced a most defective nutritional program marketing it through Dr. Kelley's trained Physicians and Technicians. Nutritional Programs being promoted from Watson to William L. Wolcott and Dr. Harold J. Kristal, D.D.S. and a multitude of other con-artist are defective to their very core. Like so many other establishment frauds, these creatures have tried to change the definition and meaning of Metabolic Typing originally developed and established by Dr. Kelley. Because of their limited mental capacities they cannot comprehend the total parameters of Metabolic Typing. These gentlemen want to rename and limit Metabolic Typing as Fast and Slow oxidation, which is a gross error." at http://www.drkelley.info/articles/archive.php?artid=320
Rating:  Summary: Addressing the Poor Reviews of This Book Review: I'd like to address some of the reviewers who rated this book poorly. One reviewer writes: "And although the idea that we are genetically different may have plenty of merit, this book does not convincingly demonstrate that we are different to the extent that some people should eat a high-carb diet whereas others should eat a high-fat diet. That involves a radical genetic difference, indeed." Perhaps. But traditional and indigenous diets worldwide vary in fat content from well over 70% of calories (Aleutian natives) on down, and degenerative diseases are unknown among indigneous peoples. This suggests that there is, in fact, wide genetic variation in the diet requirements of humans. Secondly, there is not as much variation in the diets as Wolcott's names (Protein, Carbo, and Mixed) make it appear. There is a fairly large amount of carb in the Protein diet (more than, say, an Atkins or South Beach diet), and the Carbo diet includes a fair proportion of protein. Finally, all types are advised to avoid refined sugar and cut back on refined grains, which will aid in controlling insulin and blood sugar. The reviewer is critical of the book on this ground, but if he had read the book carefully, he would realize that these diets (because there are multiple diets presented in the book) *will* lead to improved insulin and blood sugar control. To the vegetarian reviewer, and the reviewer with Epstein-Barr: I wonder if you followed Wolcott's tests properly. One of the major points of this book is that there is no one right diet for everyone. So, if you try one of Wolcott's suggested diets, and do not do well on it, perhaps you need to adjust it. That is exactly the point of the book. I'm having a hard time imagining why one reviewer writes that s/he did not do well "on all that animal protein," when only one diet in the book contains significant proportions of animal protein. The very fact that this reviewer found relief in a different diet, and that the vegetarian reviewer remains healthy on a vegetarian diet, only supports Wolcott's point that there is no one right diet for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: WARNING! WOLCOTT is NOT the originator of this diet! Review: The man whopo started the Metabolic Typing Diet was Dr. Kelley when he needed to cure his own pancreatic cancer, not Dr. Wolcott or any other person who infiltrated the Kelley program (sponsered by the pharmaceutical industry) Check Wolcott's credentials and you will see he does not have the knowledge or experience to improve the Kelley protocol. In figuring out the metabolic nuances needed to treat and reverse his cancer, Kelley was able to come up with a protocol which enabled him to help many people cure their cancers too. The cancer/pharmaceutical industry caught wind of what he did and gave him a really rough ride(there's a suprise). In the end they couldn't stop him so what they did is a warning to everyone in this forum. They had several people infiltrate his organization, then start up their "new improved" systems which according to Kelley, were designed not to work. It was a way to use marketing and disinformation to cloud Kelley's successful work and results with a new improved method that WILL NOT WORK. Classic disinfo propoganda measures. According to Kelley, William Wolcott is the main disinfo person who is now author of the best selling Metabolic Typing Diet which has lots of sexy, interesting notions in it but is designed to be off base(just enough to not be effective). Kelly wrote a letter explaining what I am saying here. I will track it down and post it along with Dr. Kelley's phone number so you can speak to him in person about it. More on Kelley here: http://www.drkelley.info/articles/archive.php?artid=269
Rating:  Summary: Awesome!! Review: This book is incredible and a must read for anyone who eats. This book is so much more than losing weight. Actually weight lose is a by-product of the metabolic typing system, not the goal. While I am in 'good' health and come from a long line of long livers I feel the changes in my life due to this book will vastly increase my chances of living a long and healthy life.
Rating:  Summary: Save your money! Review: I bought this book on the recommendation of my physician. I'm glad if it was able to help others, but the amount of animal protein I had to consume on this diet made me ill after a week and I had to throw in the towel. The author totally ignores the ill effects of all that cooked meat and how it contributes to acidosis. As a sufferer of Epstein-Barr Virus/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I ultimately found relief and help from raw foods, hydration, and less protein -- measures that alkalized my body.
Rating:  Summary: a waste of money Review: the book tells you everyone is different so you may have to eat differently afterwards you will get a poorly set test (with no reason given to why and how your type is decided , just for so and so points you fall into so and so group but no reason given), after that you will realise that the majority of people will need equal/right amount of carb and protein-A balance diet. Forget about the book by the way, I am a vegetarian,people say i might not get enough protein but many veg do contain very high amount of protien so I just eat different varieties. I have not suffered from any cold or flu since undergrad, I am now doing my PhD. I try to reduce intake of refined sugar, dextrose , salt and artifical flavorings.
Rating:  Summary: Exaggerated Review: ...P>My criticism of this book primarily relates to the lack of references to scientific research. The authors do not analyze any research; they merely present a book based on one single concept: "Everybody is genetically unique." This concept is repeated on virtually every single page throughout the book, but the authors fail to make a sound case for this statement. Thus the book builds upon assumptions that are not convincing for the critical reader. And although the idea that we are genetically different may have plenty of merit, this book does not convincingly demonstrate that we are different to the extent that some people should eat a high-carb diet whereas others should eat a high-fat diet. That involves a radical genetic difference, indeed. For sound objective information that applies to every single human being, I strongly recommend "Natural Hormonal Enhancement" by Rob Faigin ...P>I feel that Dr. Wolcott exaggerates the need to individualize the diet according to one's metabolic type. Significant health improvements can be achieved for the majority of people merely by controlling insulin and blood sugar. To that end detailed personal protocols are likely unnecessary, at least for the majority of people. Bottom line: Read this book critically and scrutinize the validity of Dr. Wolcott's arguments. They may seem convincing and logical but they may also seem exaggerated and weak if one looks beyond the "propaganda."
Rating:  Summary: Just Another Diet Book Review: There were only about 100 pages of this book that were worth reading and then I discovered that everyone I gave the test to came up the same (Mixed-meaning balance of Protein and Carbs each day). Based on what I see the book is just promoting a health diet since everyone came up with the balanced diet and not either all protein or all carb. I was really disappointed by this book.