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Rating:  Summary: Re: Dr. James Wilson's "Adrenal Fatigue" book Review: After reading this book through almost twice...a rare thing for me to do, unless the book contains a wealth of useful information applicable to my own life, I believe Dr.Wilson has identified a very real syndrome in our society. More of us need to read this book, & realize that the awful heaviness, the feeling of plodding through quicksand for most of the day, the supreme effort it takes just to keep going ...in short the fatigue we are feeling isn't just "laziness", or "all in our heads". I was also impressed with the fact that Dr. Wilson gives you the names & amounts of supplemental nutrients to try taking, in order to support your adrenal glands. He lets you know that you can also buy them via his website, but he leaves the choice up to you. After having the book for just 2 weeks, [on loan from the local library], I have heard from 5 people who want to know where I got it ,& how they can get a copy, as they realize something is wrong in their exhausted lives. I know of many more who would benefit from it,& I intend to let them know. The small detail of adding more salt to my diet has already made a big difference in how I feel. Thank you Dr. Wilson, for your extensive research into a subject that many are pooh-poohing as not REAL. I'm not crazy, lazy, or depressed...I have adrenal fatigue.
Rating:  Summary: Not impressed Review: I purchased this book as I have symptoms of Addison's Disease although the diagnosis has not yet been made. As I do not fancy spending the rest of my life on synthetic hormones, I was looking for something with more of a natural approach. This book was not it.Instead, it is a hodge podge of information easily obtained from other self help books, so as stress relieve exercises and basing a diet on the glycemic index. Dr. Wilson maintains a web site devoted to adrenal fatigue, but he does not put the self diagnostic "test" on it, forcing one to buy his book. And, of course, the quickest way to regain health is to purchase nutritional supplements from this web site. The book repeatedly stresses that the traditional medical community does not recognize adrenal fatigue as a diagnosis, and after reading this book, I can understand why.
Rating:  Summary: Worked for me.......... Review: My doctor was unavailable and his locum recommended I review the book. Thanks to her inititative and open mindedness, after just two weeks of following the books recommendations I have lost 15 pounds and have an energy and mental clarity I haven't had for years. Yes you can buy the supplements per the book, but there's enough easy to read info to enable you to substitute local generics. I've made the life style changes required because I had every symptom and the stress timeline outlined in the book. I can believe the books premise that doctors and the medical establishment don't like this guy because basically he provides the info - you do the work; and theres NO LONGTERM DRUG sales for the industry to make money out of. If you're browsing the book and recognise the symptoms - buy the book and start living again.
Rating:  Summary: Be careful following this advice Review: This book is devoted exclusively to the possibility of an adrenal hormone imbalance - but does not consider the possibility of other hormonal imbalances which may have similar symptoms. For example, your lack of energy, immune resistance, and other symptoms might be related to a different hormonal imbalance, such as hyperandrogenism (a symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrom or PCOS) instead of an adrenal imbalance. Additionally, there is no need to buy vitamins or other special nutritional supplements, if you are willing to make dietary changes, instead. The book's primary purpose beyond educating the reader about adrenal fatigue is to hype the author's own nutritional supplements which can be ordered at http://www.adrenalfatigue.org/ - and they seem to be pricey. I would highly recommend the book "Hormonal Balance: Understanding Hormones, Weight, and Your Metabolism" instead (ISBN: 0923521690). It is written by Scott Isaacs, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.E. Dr. Isaacs' book will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about hormones, possible symptoms of imbalances (including overweight), and how to balance your hormones and maximize your metabolism using simple dietary suggestions - all in a very easy-to-read style. As a comparison between the two authors, consider their medical credentials. The letters after James L. Wilson's name are: N.D., D.C., Ph.D. Those letters represent: N.D. - Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, D.C. - Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine, and Ph.D. - Doctorate in Human Nutrition. Naturopathic doctors treat disease with "natural remedies." Chiropractors manually adjust the body to relieve pain. Nutritionists help design meal plans to provide specific nutrients. In the United States (Dr. Wilson practiced in Canada), Dr. Wilson would probably not be able to prescribe drugs. The letters after Scott Isaacs' name are: M.D., F.A.C.P., and F.A.C.E. Those letters represent: M.D. - Doctor of Medicine, F.A.C.P. - Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and F.A.C.E. - Fellow, American College of Endocrinology. Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine gland, hormones, and metabolism. The criteria for obtaining the F.A.C.E. designation can be found at: http://www.aace.com/college/criteria.php - the criteria require that the doctor be actively practicing and be a member in good standing for at least one year ... in addition to other requirements. In other words, Dr. Isaacs is a licensed medical doctor, who is actively practicing in the specialty area of endocrinology, which is the study of hormones and metabolism. Thus, I highly recommend "Hormonal Balance: Understanding Hormones, Weight, and Your Metabolism" instead (ISBN: 0923521690) - or at least read it first. Otherwise you may get incomplete information.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent resource for those with fatigue Review: This book was introduced to me by one of my patients. Since reading it I have discovered many others who suffer from the same symptoms. Most amazingly is the discovery that sodium and fat are essential to recovery. Naturally the choices one makes in how they get those is important. Personally I have found extra-virgin organic coconut oil 1 tbsp 3x day and Celtic Grey Sea Salt 1/2 tsp in water 4-5x day to work well without having any negative cardiovascular effects.
Rating:  Summary: Not impressed Review: This is an incredibly informative and reader-friendly book about a common debilitating medical condition that goes largely undiagnosed and untreated. ADRENAL FATIGUE: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome is a very empowering work cram-packed with vital information about a condition that very likely affects millions of people. Author Dr. James L. Wilson gives us both the bad news and the good news about this situation. The bad news is how this illness is devastating so many lives, how so many people are being left without hope, and why traditional (allopathic) medicine has failed to recognize or remedy this tragedy. The good news is that this condition can be diagnosed, can be treated, and that there is hope. And Wilson ought to know. With 3 doctorate and two master�s degrees all from different disciplines (including Human Nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, and Bio/Nutrition), Wilson lectures extensively to physicians and is an internationally acknowledged expert on alternative, holistic approaches to health. Supporting Wilson�s claims about adrenal fatigue are his 25 years of clinical practice and a depth and breadth of research based on over 2400 scientific references. But don�t be daunted by the academic and scientific pedigree of the author; this book is a very easy read�deceptively so for the quality and import of the material. The book opens with an overview of the function of the adrenals, and how they are prone to chronic fatigue given our hyper-stressed contemporary lifestyles. This is followed by a section on how to tell if you have adrenal fatigue, which includes a questionnaire, several simple at-home diagnostic tests that you can perform yourself, as well as thorough information on the availability (and usefulness) of different laboratory tests. The heart and soul of Wilson�s book (and where you get a sense of this doctor�s caring �bedside manner�) is the lengthy section on the treatment of adrenal dysfunction, �Helping Yourself Back to Health.� This is the good news section. It includes detailed information and sage advice on multiple strategies for treatment, such as lifestyle, food, food allergies and sensitivities, dietary supplements, adrenal cell extracts, and replacement hormones. This section concludes with a suggested daily program for adrenal recovery, advice on what to expect on your road back to adrenal health, a very helpful list of questions and answers, and even a trouble-shooting guide if you discover that you still need help. The final section of the book is the most scientific; it details the functions of the adrenal glands. This section (as well as the entire book) is supported by helpful�and often entertaining�illustrations. I discovered through answering the book�s questionnaire and performing two of the self-diagnostic tests that I probably do not suffer from this ailment (although I�ll bet that I have numerous friends who do). I do however suffer from migraine headaches, and since much of the book addresses general wellness, I read on with great interest. Most of Dr. Wilson�s information and advice on lifestyle, food, food allergies and sensitivities (for me, especially this one), and dietary supplements, is material we can all benefit from�the infirm and the healthy among us alike. For the millions of people who do suffer from adrenal fatigue, there are several aspects of the book that I imagine will be most welcome. Foremost will surely be the confirmation that yes, there is something identifiably wrong with you, and the clear beacon of hope for recovery that his program projects. Especially for those readers who are afflicted with adrenal fatigue but are not quite ready to give up on traditional western medicine, Wilson presents a very balanced picture of what you can and cannot expect from your physician, and plenty of good advice for how to negotiate the interface between traditional and alternative healthcare. Lastly, Dr. Wilson has created a website,[URL], that offers updated information and advice, including information on the availability of products and services sure to be of help to sufferers from adrenal fatigue. Comprehensive, yet very friendly; empowering and very hopeful, this book is certain to help a lot of people.
Rating:  Summary: Incredibly informative and reader-friendly book. Review: This is an incredibly informative and reader-friendly book about a common debilitating medical condition that goes largely undiagnosed and untreated. ADRENAL FATIGUE: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome is a very empowering work cram-packed with vital information about a condition that very likely affects millions of people. Author Dr. James L. Wilson gives us both the bad news and the good news about this situation. The bad news is how this illness is devastating so many lives, how so many people are being left without hope, and why traditional (allopathic) medicine has failed to recognize or remedy this tragedy. The good news is that this condition can be diagnosed, can be treated, and that there is hope. And Wilson ought to know. With 3 doctorate and two master's degrees all from different disciplines (including Human Nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, and Bio/Nutrition), Wilson lectures extensively to physicians and is an internationally acknowledged expert on alternative, holistic approaches to health. Supporting Wilson's claims about adrenal fatigue are his 25 years of clinical practice and a depth and breadth of research based on over 2400 scientific references. But don't be daunted by the academic and scientific pedigree of the author; this book is a very easy read'deceptively so for the quality and import of the material. The book opens with an overview of the function of the adrenals, and how they are prone to chronic fatigue given our hyper-stressed contemporary lifestyles. This is followed by a section on how to tell if you have adrenal fatigue, which includes a questionnaire, several simple at-home diagnostic tests that you can perform yourself, as well as thorough information on the availability (and usefulness) of different laboratory tests. The heart and soul of Wilson's book (and where you get a sense of this doctor's caring 'bedside manner') is the lengthy section on the treatment of adrenal dysfunction, 'Helping Yourself Back to Health.' This is the good news section. It includes detailed information and sage advice on multiple strategies for treatment, such as lifestyle, food, food allergies and sensitivities, dietary supplements, adrenal cell extracts, and replacement hormones. This section concludes with a suggested daily program for adrenal recovery, advice on what to expect on your road back to adrenal health, a very helpful list of questions and answers, and even a trouble-shooting guide if you discover that you still need help. The final section of the book is the most scientific; it details the functions of the adrenal glands. This section (as well as the entire book) is supported by helpful'and often entertaining'illustrations. I discovered through answering the book's questionnaire and performing two of the self-diagnostic tests that I probably do not suffer from this ailment (although I'll bet that I have numerous friends who do). I do however suffer from migraine headaches, and since much of the book addresses general wellness, I read on with great interest. Most of Dr. Wilson's information and advice on lifestyle, food, food allergies and sensitivities (for me, especially this one), and dietary supplements, is material we can all benefit from'the infirm and the healthy among us alike. For the millions of people who do suffer from adrenal fatigue, there are several aspects of the book that I imagine will be most welcome. Foremost will surely be the confirmation that yes, there is something identifiably wrong with you, and the clear beacon of hope for recovery that his program projects. Especially for those readers who are afflicted with adrenal fatigue but are not quite ready to give up on traditional western medicine, Wilson presents a very balanced picture of what you can and cannot expect from your physician, and plenty of good advice for how to negotiate the interface between traditional and alternative healthcare. Lastly, Dr. Wilson has created a website,[URL], that offers updated information and advice, including information on the availability of products and services sure to be of help to sufferers from adrenal fatigue. Comprehensive, yet very friendly; empowering and very hopeful, this book is certain to help a lot of people.
Rating:  Summary: At Last - A Doctor Who Knows It's Not All in My Head! Review: When I read this book I laughed and I cried because I finally found something that made sense out of how bad I've been feeling for the past few years. I got more practical help and more hope from this book than from all the fruitless visits I've made to various specialists. One thing that was great about Dr. Wilson's book is that it was so clear and easy to read. The illustrations and the anecdotes from his patient files were entertaining and a lot of them touched me personally. This book is like an ideal visit to a trusted doctor who takes the time to help you understand what's wrong, why it happened, how you can get better and how to prevent it happening again. While reading the book I thought of at least a dozen people I know who have symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue. In fact, when I look around, I think just about every adult and teenager would find something useful in this book. It's not just about "dealing" with stress, it's about keeping the stress we all live with from harming us. I hope there are some doctors out there who will read it too.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book if you have low energy and do not enjoy life Review: Wish my doctor recommended this book to me when I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue this year. This book is a life saver. I finally have a name to put to my illness. At least it is treatable.
The book helps you to understand how your adrenal function affects your everyday life; what causes adrenal fatigue; who suffers from it; signs and symptoms; why medicine has not recognized adrenal fatigue; how you got this way; tests for adrenal fatigue; helping yourself back to recovery.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book if you have low energy and do not enjoy life Review: Wish my doctor recommended this book to me when I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue this year. This book is a life saver. I finally have a name to put to my illness. At least it is treatable. The book helps you to understand how your adrenal function affects your everyday life; what causes adrenal fatigue; who suffers from it; signs and symptoms; why medicine has not recognized adrenal fatigue; how you got this way; tests for adrenal fatigue; helping yourself back to recovery.
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