Rating:  Summary: These doctors know what they are talking about! Review: If you don't believe what Richard and Karilee Halo Shames are trying to share with you in this bestseller on hypothyroidism, then, PLEASE, take it from a previous, regular patient of many years, that first walked into their office, with the exact symptoms they describe! (fatigue, inability to lose weight PLUS much more!). This is AFTER I had had a thyroid test, ordered by another MD, who read the test as "nothing wrong with your thyroid!" Hopelessness overwhelmed me, until I found Richard and Karilee Shames, who, quickly set me on the right pathway and ordered the four main thyroid tests. The next next thing I knew I was diagnosed with severe hypothroidism and was given immediate treatment. My entire life changed for the better: I lost over 25 lbs. and no longer bored my husband with my unusual sleep pattern of falling asleep by 6pm. Please read this book...you will quickly feel someone, finally, understands your symptoms and you will soon be on the road to a much happier life.
Rating:  Summary: Your total health Review: If you or someone whom you know is suffering from thyroid problems, this book will be invaluable. It expalins in detail many type of thyroid and its side effects. There are many illness which you notice only when it has become too complicated. Their description of the disease is too good and anyone with thyroid should read this book and his next visit to the doctor will become all the more informative for him.
There are also interesting references for wellness products. The author does suggest you go off coffee slowly before you start the plan. This would minimize headaches during detox. I couldn't wait to get started so, of course, did it all at once and had the most horrible awful headache for 4 straight days. I finally broke down and had a 1/2 cup coffee one day instead of taking aspirin and that did the trick...for the moment. Now I'm completely caffeine-free and don't miss it at all. My doctor prescribed a wonderful replacement for coffee made from soya beans called "soyffee". I bought it online at www.S o y c o f f e e.com and cannot believe how good is the taste.
Rating:  Summary: A good addition to thyroid patients' info libraries Review: Richard and Karilee Shames are not only husband and wife, but doctor and nurse, AND thyroid practitioner and thyroid patient. For more than twenty-five years, the Shameses have been working with people who are "low thyroid" -- the term they use to describe hypothyroidism -- in their new book, Thyroid Power: Ten Steps to Total Health. Karilee herself is hypothyroid, as are several of the couple's children, and these experiences have informed both authors, who have struggled to help not only their own family, but many patients they have treated for thyroid problems as well. In a simply written, straightforward manner, the Shameses have organized some basics of hypothyroidism's causes, test, diagnosis and treatment into a ten-step program of information that can help patients get properly diagnosed and treated. One of the most interesting and innovative parts of the book is Step 9 -- "Improve the Underlying Autoimmune Condition." This section shares some of the results from Karilee's weekly thyroid recovery group meetings held with other thyroid patients. This chapter talks about issues patients have experienced with emotional sensitivity, self-esteem, perfectionism, maintaining momentum, being empowered, and more, and many of the "common characteristics" of people with autoimmune hypothyroidism struck a chord personally with me. For already diagnosed thyroid patients, Step Seven's overview of adrenal insufficiency is also a very useful adjunct, particularly for thyroid patients who do not feel well on what is considered sufficient treatment for hypothyroidism. A unique section is titled "How to Tap the Source of Boundless Energy," which talks about energy healing, the energy chakras, and self-actualization. While not specifically focused on the thyroid, this section is an excellent introduction to the concepts of energy work for those who are not familiar with modalities such as Reiki, healing hands, or laying on of hands. The main weakness in this book is the fact that many thyroid patients who read the book will not have access to practitioners who are even remotely as open-minded or holistic in their approach as Richard and Karilee Shames. While the Shameses are part of a growing body of alternative practitioners who are innovative their diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism, the vast majority of patients are still subject to very limited, highly conventional treatment protocols, and a very ingrained doctrine of thyroid treatment. Rigid adherence to TSH tests, "normal ranges" and levothyroxine as the sole treatment is the standard practice, and what standard practice is what is typically covered by HMOs and insurance companies. The Shames' use of TRH, total T3, free T3 and antibodies tests as standard, and their unbiased use of levothyroxine, synthetic T3, or natural thyroid products -- whatever product works best for each individual patient -- are encouraging, but still uncommon among most medical professionals. But overall, as a thyroid patient advocate, I can wholeheartedly recommend Thyroid Power as an excellent addition to any thyroid patient's bookshelf. Mary Shomon, Thyroid Patient Advocate, Author of "Living Well With Hypothyroidism: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You...That You Need to Know" and Editor of "Sticking Out Our Necks: The Thyroid Disease News Report"
Rating:  Summary: this was my illness, and yours? Review: Some illnesses can do a lot of harm because they are very slow coming. For the last few years I have suffered from a disorder of this type totally unknowingly. it started just when I needed my energies the most, because I had just moved abroad and was starting at work. time would go by without my getting much done or paying attention to things around me. I knew that the challenges ahead were not so "difficult". So why were things not working? I started to shift the blame and became a bit clingy, as if I needed somebody to sort my life out for me, but why was this?? People around started to warn me: you are too lazy, you are not doing this or that... but all I could think of was "sleeping". I became irritating, bad tempered, manipulative, vain, abstract, weak. I would get exhausted even though I was doing very little work. I quit my job and went home to recover energies but I became more exhausted, eventually I even lost my articulateness! What years before had been some small difficulty at concentrating, some physical tiredness, eventually led to a complete collapse of all physical and mental energies. The symptoms might look like a mental breakdown, deppression, but I have never been deppressed or disillusioned, all the contrary, many good things were happening in my life which i just could not control in the right way. it is a slow loss of important blood components stretching over a long period of time, and other people find it hard to understand it - are you hungry, are you sick? No, it was not somebody else controlling me or a thing of witchcraft. Fortunately there are scientific explanations for most things. I am still unable to do much work. But recovery should be a matter of time. I am already much better unless somebody in your environment knows about this and warns you soon enough, the process of decay is so slow that you get used to being unwell - and you end up VERY ashamed because you guess it might not have been nice to watch for others. You would like to be able to repair some things, to apologize or sort out, particularly if through this treacherous illness you feel to have failed those who were trying their best for you. Sometimes when we are ill and we don't understand it we start to lie to ourselves and we turn to other ill people who will support our diluted worldview, in a mutually destructive relationship. We want to believe that "we" are right and "the others" are phonies. But the others are "normal" and it is US who have been unwell. The worst thing about being ill is when people in your environment encourage you to keep going, perhaps through their own ignorance and weaknesses. Those are the worst. I can now appreciate the attitude of those who have given me honest warnings, like "you are too sleepy", "you have to try harder". Whereas others just allow you to drift and then put a notice of VICTIM or FAILURE all over you. perhaps the ones who tell you about your own faults, as things you can put a remedy to, are better friends than those who have stayed around doing nothing to prevent mistakes. Sometimes through our illnesses we can get to learn important things about ourselves and the world. perhaps when we are healthy we don't have the time to stop and "listen". but I now feel I've had enough of drearyland and I will be careful to distinguish real from unreal and right from wrong. I know how hard it can be when your organism is leading you to weakness and to delusion, I still find it hard to be firm and concentrate and get organised. There is still some chaos and mindboggling. but the good thing about reaching "rock-bottom" is that it is the best possible moment to change and if other people don't want to help us I personally will try my best to pull myself up because it's been too long and i can't wait to start changing my attitudes and approaches to things.
Rating:  Summary: The courage to connect fluoride to thyroid disease Review: The authors of this book are to be commended for taking a stand against water fluoridation, which is a major source of fluoride intake for most Americans. They tell the story of how fluoride was used decades ago as a medicine for patients with over-active thyroids. It was quite effective in reducing thyroid function. With fluoride ingestion increasing greatly in the last 50 years it's no surprise that we now see many people with under-active thyroids. Synthroid is one of the top selling drugs in the U.S. The Shames state what thyroid patients should do about their fluoride exposure. On the right hand side of the web page listing "Thyroid Power" is "Mary Shomon's Recommended Books for Thyroid Patients." Mary Shomon has also written about fluoride and it's effect on the thyroid gland. The Shames and Shomon's stand on fluoride will probably be upsetting to public health authorities who are pushing for more water fluoridation in the United States. Writing about fluoride may reduce their chances for publicity by a mainstream media that shies away from this controversial issue. However, for the thyroid patients who buy this book it means they are getting the truth about something their doctor may know little about.
Rating:  Summary: BOOK IS A LIFESAVER!!!!! Review: This book changed my life. I've looked for answers as to why fibromyalgia happened to me and after reading this book, it appears that it was just one more thing my thyroid created. I had symptoms all along but was treating each individually. If you or someone you know is suffering, read this book and share it with as many people you know. I began taking an over-the-counter thyroid supplement and had results within two weeks and continue to get better: allergies, migraines, headaches, migraines...all are connected to your thyroid; and for me, they're disappearing!
Rating:  Summary: FMS & CFS Answers Review: This book changed my life. I've looked for answers as to why fibromyalgia happened to me and after reading this book, it appears that it was just one more thing my thyroid created. I had symptoms all along but was treating each individually. If you or someone you know is suffering, read this book and share it with as many people you know. I began taking an over-the-counter thyroid supplement and had results within two weeks and continue to get better: allergies, migraines, headaches, migraines...all are connected to your thyroid; and for me, they're disappearing!
Rating:  Summary: BOOK IS A LIFESAVER!!!!! Review: This book opened my eyes to the fact that "traditional medicine" just didn't have all the answers. As a practicing physician, I too had been telling my wife "all your thyroid tests are normal." We finally both read this book and discovered many of the truths that are not learned or stressed in medical school re:autoimmune diseases. Her antibody levels were OFF THE CHART and after a trial of multiple different medication regimens, she is now feeling better on Armour Thyroid. READ THIS BOOK or GIVE IT AS A GIFT to anyone who may be ill with thyroid problems or need a "NON-SANCTIONED" alternative approach! It opened MY eyes! Bravo and thanks to the authors!
Rating:  Summary: This book taught me how to take charge of my thryoid disease Review: This book truly changed my life. After reading it, I not only advocated for the proper dosage of meds for my condition, but joined Weight Watchers, tailored the diet to suggestions in Thyroid Power and have lost many pounds - for the first time in years! If you, too, want to feel empowered and have some control over your condition, I'd say this book is a must. In addition to a very detailed description of traditional thyroid tests and treatments, Shames has the courage to discuss what could be WRONG with some of these tests, including questionnaires to help individuals gain information about their condition. For years, I had many of the symptoms described in this book: vauge aches and pains, overwhelming tiredness, bouts of anxiety and depression, weight gain, sleep problems and more. And yet I believed I was on the right dosage of medication because my doctor said so and the tests said so. But as Thyroid Power notes, there is more to thyroid conditions than lab tests alone can reveal. Shames also takes a look at foods which affect the thyroid and various vitamins, minerals and herbs that could be beneficial. If you like to take the best of conventional medicine AND holistic treatments, don't pass them one up.
Rating:  Summary: FOR EVERYONE!! A PRIMER ON GOOD HEALTH Review: Thyroid Power was a pleasure to read. It is clear, easy to follow and understandable to me, a non medical person. The information is presented in a manner that is conscise and VERY helpful to my everyday life. The '10 Steps' are things that I can accomplish and in fact most are very easily adaptable to any lifestyle. I noticed that I found myself nodding my head often, feeling that here at last are experts who truly understand MY experiences and are able to tie together and make sense out of what had seemed to me disparate symptoms/issues. I am encouraged and feel supported to make the positive changes spelled out by the Drs. Shames and additional I am better armed to work with my primary care physican with good questions and ways I can do more to help get me what will be optimal care. I expect great results.