Rating:  Summary: DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY!! Review: I bought this book, and I am sorry I did. This is NOT a cure for all Cancers. My Mother has Cancer in the spine, and she followed the directions in this book exactly for 3 weeks, and its done NO GOOD. I tried to contact several people who left a review that this thing worked and none of the emails are accurate. Don't waste your money!!
Rating:  Summary: Weired and Funny Review: I did not make any opinion as I went through this book, because I thought, my knowledge too ordinary to comment. But somehow all theories looked very weird like - every disease in this world is caused by parasites and same herb works for all the parasites but to make accurate medicine out of that herbs is like bringing "sanjivani from kelash mountain" (Indian quote for - "a very rare occurring") Believe me, I tried hard to believe that every thing in this book was right...
Rating:  Summary: It worked for me. Why arent any Research Centers Listening Review: I have a degree in Biology. I understand perfectly her Flat Worm theory. Cancer is Cancer because some tissue cells grow independently from the original pattern of the Body. The thing that makes cells "grow" is not a mistery to Science. It is "Grouth Hormone" Now, every creature, great or small, produces its own brand of Growth Hormone precisely so they can develop their own life cycle. Parasites, unlike most other life forms, has three or four stages of grouth. (Just like the butterflies were also a worm.) Parasites have different stages, each developing inside its own carrier. We take our dog or cat to the Vet to be dewormed dont we? So why not believe what Dr Clark is saying? The bug simply hatches in the wrong place and starts immediately to produce its own brand oF Hormone. The body cells arrownd the bug dont know any better and react to the stimulus. They grow wild and out of control. "An instant tumor" My husband started on the herbal cure one week after being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. He flatly refused the only option given to him by the Doctors. "Cut it out and shelve it" they said. "The sooner, the better". Three months after the diagnosis, the PSA Level dropped to normal. This was over three years ago.Physical exams are normal.No tumor was found. I dont feel Dr Clark is exploiting anyone since she gives you all the information you need to make your own remedies and as economically as possible. Beatrice. My fax 410 953 8367 thanks
Rating:  Summary: A Classic and Bizarre Hoax Review: I have been a professional librarian for 35 years, and I don't think I have ever come across a better example of the classic medical hoax. This one is so complete in every detail, that it would be admirable if it were not so cruel.First of all, the reader needs to understand that Dr. Clark has her own definition of cancer. We are not talking here about curing people who have cancer as it is generally known. Dr. Clark has discovered not only the cure for cancer - she has also discovered the only method of diagnosing it. For her, cancer occurs when a person tests positive for a substance which she calls, "ortho-phospho-tyrosine." The only way to test for the presence of this substance is to use a device called the "Syncrometer," invented and owned by - guess who? Using this device she determines who is sick and who is cured. Not surprisingly, some of her cures are almost instantaneous. Was there a W.C. Fields movie about this? In between testing her "patients," the author uses a variety of methods, some benign and some not so, to effect the "cure." A number of her patients do not return, probably being reluctant to have all their teeth pulled, for example. There are others who never seem to leave - like the woman who has been "unwell" for ten years, but keeps testing "negative." For those not able to visit her office, Dr. Clark has kindly included a section on testing oneself for cancer at home, by making a variety of electronic gadgets to gauge one's progress. Now, this may be "thinking outside the box," but then psychotics usually do. I believe, in reading the language in this book, and taking note of the many medieval-style tests, that the author is indeed suffering from some extended type of delusion. A particularly telling passage is on page 494, where she shows you how to test for aluminum in your brain by using pork brains from the grocery store, contaminating them, and then measuring the "resonance" between these and your own brain. The entire book could be read as a collosal extended joke, and I was at first tempted to look at it in this way. It reminded me of some of the exercises we were given in high school to develop critical thinking. However, when I saw that there was no hint from the publisher or author that would even suggest such a notion, I came to the sad conclusion that this is actually a serious hoax. The author appears to be practicing medicine in Mexico, using her PHD in physiology to give her credibility. One can only hope that none of her readers have electrocuted themselves while trying to find out if they have cancer. Alternative points of view are important, but this is not one of the intelligent or even sane ones. As the spouse of a cancer surviver, I believe strongly that one needs to think critically about everything thing one reads - from outside and inside the medical establishment. For people who are interested in environmental causes of cancer and what they can do to help themselves, I recommend the work of Dr. Samuel Epstein. Dr. Epstein is a professor at the School of Public Health at U of Illinois. He is a maverick with credentials. His Safe Shopper's Bible has been very useful to our family, and I highly recommend it to anyone worried about contaminants in their food.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic and Bizarre Hoax Review: I have been a professional librarian for 35 years, and I don't think I have ever come across a better example of the classic medical hoax. This one is so complete in every detail, that it would be admireable if it were not so cruel. First of all, the reader needs to understand that Dr. Clark has her own definition of cancer. We are not talking here about curing people who have cancer as it is generally known. Dr. Clark has discovered not only the cure for cancer - she has also discovered the only method of diagnosing it. For her, cancer occurs when a person tests positive for a substance which she calls, "ortho-phospho-tyrosine." The only way to test for the presence of this substance is to use a device called the "Syncrometer," invented and owned by - guess who? Using this device she determines who is sick and who is cured. Not surprisingly, some of her cures are almost instantaneous. Was there a W.C. Fields movie about this? In between testing her "patients," the author uses a variety of methods, some benign and some not so, to effect the "cure." A number of her patients do not return, probably being reluctant to have all their teeth pulled, for example. There are others who never seem to leave - like the woman who has been "unwell" for ten years, but keeps testing "negative." For those not able to visit her office, Dr. Clark has kindly included a section on testing oneself for cancer at home, by making a variety of electronic gadgets to gauge one's progress. Now, this may be "thinking outside the box," but then psychotics usually do. I believe, in reading the language in this book, and taking note of the many medieval-style tests, that the author is indeed suffering from some extended type of delusion. A particularly telling passage is on page 494, where she shows you how to test for aluminum in your brain by using pork brains from the grocery store, contaminating them, and then measuring the "resonance" between these and your own brain. The entire book could be read as a collosal extended joke, and I was at first tempted to look at it in this way. It reminded me of some of the exercises we were given in high school to develop critical thinking. However, when I saw that there was no hint from the publisher or author that would even suggest such a notion, I came to the sad conclusion that this is actually a serious hoax. The author appears to be practicing medicine in Mexico, using her PHD in physiology to give her credibility. One can only hope that none of her readers have electrocuted themselves while trying to find out if they have cancer. Alternative points of view are important, but this is not one of the intelligent or even sane ones. As the spouse of a cancer surviver, I believe strongly that one needs to think critically about everything thing one reads - from outside and inside the medical establishment. For people who are interested in environmental causes of cancer and what they can do to help themselves, I recommend the work of Dr. Samuel Epstein. Dr. Epstein is a professor at the School of Public Health at U of Illinois. He is a maverick with credentials. His Safe Shopper's Bible has been very useful to our family, and I highly recommend it to anyone worried about contaminants in their food.
Rating:  Summary: A dozen people told me Hulda has saved their life. Review: I have worked for a major bookseller that has sold all three of Dr. Clark's books for years now. Over those years I have taken hundreds of book orders for many different books, but Hulda's books are the only ones people call back repeatedly ordering books for their friends and loved ones because their life or that of a someone they know was saved by them using her program. Nothing is ever guaranteed in this life. This program is not 100% successful for everyone... then again NEITHER IS ANYTHING YOUR DOCTOR WILL DO! This has got to be one of the cheapest, most thorough cancer treatment programs you will ever find. What if it would have worked but you did not give it a try!!? Is a life worth $25, some changes and some effort? Bless you, take the first step...
Rating:  Summary: It's not weired and funny Review: I need to do correction in my old review of weird and funny, after reading more about cancer and causes, the modern medicinal and holistic approaches. I will say this book is pointing to the very right direction, better then modern scientific myths about cancer. But its novice and lacks explanation like what's going on at cell level, to rigid blaming only one type parasite cause of cancer. I will recommend Cancer Cause, Cure and Cover-up by Ron Gdanski a must for anyone on this subject.
Rating:  Summary: Please be cautious when applying this theory. Review: I read this book a few times, and I still don't see evidence that the authors premise, that parasites cause Cancer, has been proved. Without that proof then the cure ends up being dangerous when done instead of traditional care, or just expensive when done along with traditional care. As a nurse, in the alternative field, to date, I've not seen one person get better for having read this book, but that doesn't mean that others havn't benifited, I just don't get the premise and havn't seen the cures personally. I certainly hope it can be true, how great for cancer patients if it were. Thanks
Rating:  Summary: Wellness coming of Age in America! Review: I really appreciate all of those who have pioneered the path to natural health remedies and holistic healing. We all need to spend more time reading and researching wellness methods, then practicing and teaching them to everyone we love and meet. In the last 7 years I've been helping people with Magnetic Therapy and as many other natural health technologies as I can find that are safe, natural and effective. Please feel free to email me as we share needful information that can change world health one blessed family at a time. Appreciate this book and it's insite to the "#1 Overlooked Health Epidemic in America today!" Parasties! I believe everyone should drink pure clean living water, find and stay on a great nutritionial program, cleanse their bodies regularlary, sleep on a quality magnetic mattress and study the art of prevention, instead of just trying to treat our illness and disease once we get it and then basically only treat the symptoms of it.... Become part of the Health and Wellness Age, rather than remaining a customer of the Sickcare Industry as we know it today. Cheers and good health to you all. Ron Browning
Rating:  Summary: judge the book for yourself Review: I thought I would comment on this book after reading the dismisals of it as a quacky hoax. True, Dr. Clark makes very strong claims that sound weird to the western mind that is used to alopathic medicine ruling our lives, but I think that if you're in a desparate situation and 'normal' medical procedures aren't helping you, you'd be a little dumb to not at least be willing to learn about other lines of thought. When I first started reading Dr. Hulda's theories, I also thought she was just paranoid and trying to tell you that you everything was dangerous. But when you have no other alternatives, you start to be willing to try things you once thought were ridiculous. I can, however, affirm the validity of many of her ideas that resonate with common-knowledge nutrition and herbology. Also, bioelectric testing is definitely not her idea-- it's being widely practiced in Europe and I have witnessed its reliability on myself. A natropathic doctor used it to correctly diagnose and then treat various viruses that I had that were not appearing in normal bloodwork (as often is the case) and symptoms cleared up. All this to say, don't write off something that sounds strange without being open-minded enough to try it yourself. Notice that the reviewers who had loads of negative things to say didn't say they'd actually tried these things themselves.