Rating:  Summary: This book saved my life! Review: I read "Panic to Power" about 4 years ago.....I couldn't believe that others were going through the same things that I was...I thought I was going nuts!!! Believing that I was going to pass-out-----have a heart-attack or just plain lose control..... I think what makes this book unique is Lucinda's honesty....allowing us to see her own weakness and life experiences)......She says........WE can control our own thoughts, weaknesses, strengths, and ultimately our own destiny..... And she doesn't push throwing a pill down your throat...... I still feel panic trying to take control of my mind and body at times, as if its' a separate entity, but I take control and scream >>>>No WAy!!!! I have passed "Panic to Power" on to many others.....It's pages are now highlighted and well used..... And I know that the fingerprints on her pages have grown into individuals who have finally taken CONTROL over their unwelcome anxiety....... FREEDOM IS BEAUTIFUL!
Rating:  Summary: The Only Anti-Anxiety Book You'll Ever Need! Review: Several months ago, I started having panic attacks and overwhelming anxiety on an everyday basis, and I didn't know where to turn. Finally, in desperation, I bought this book...and well, this book literally changed my life! It made me realize that I was 100% in control of my anxiety and panic attacks, and only through changing my thoughts could I conquer my fears. Now I haven't felt overly anxious or had a panic attack in over 6 months, and my life has been so much better!! I also loaned this book to a close friend of mine who suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, and the next day, after reading almost the whole book in one night, she gave me a big hug and thanked me profusely for recommending it to her, because she now knows that she, too, can recover!!!! I can't say enough good things about this book!! If you have anxiety and/or panic attacks, buy this book! Buy this book! Buy this book!
Rating:  Summary: Some strong, positive focus phrases Review: Professionally I'm a very effective teacher, administrator and facilitator so I wasn't looking for setting goals of what I want to accomplish in that segment of my life. Lucinda encourages that. However I am just climbing up out about 3 years of life's extremes and in recent months panic attacks, which I've experienced during times of extreme stresses over the years, had returned full force. This book gave me some hand-holds to grab and has meant a great deal.Lucinda's quote by Shakespeare led me to be able to name what I really was seeking....."My crown is content". CONTENTMENT. That in itself is a goal. If what I'm doing doesn't lead to contentment then it needs to be reassessed and possibly eliminated. She also reinforced for me that *I* am my own place of safety and that "everything is alright EXACTLY AS IT IS". She led me to check my foundation and then to act on it. I am very grateful for finding this book right at this time.
Rating:  Summary: This book changed my outlook on life. Outstanding! Review: Lucinda Bassett offers practical and easily applicable techniques for overcoming anxiety disorder. The techniques can be applied right away. Everyone who has anxiety can benefit from this book. I have read A LOT of books on this subject, but most were not very personable and just overloaded me with theories that just did not hit home. However, this book really helped me to look at the reasons for anxiety attacks head on. It explains why people "create" attacks as an avoidance mechanism of the *real* issues they just don't want to face in their lives. Each person has the power to talk themselves out of the negative ruminations, the anxiousness, and the scary feelings. So anytime I feel anxiety coming on, I just pick up this book and refer to the sections I highlighted so that I can put what I am dealing with in perspective and face life with more courage. As Lucinda said, life is lived in each moment, in the little things we do. I think it is important to appreciate that, because those moments are all we have. It's a shame to waste away so much energy and potential on anxieties that are merely imagined! Why not focus precious time and energy on making a better life and reflecting on things you can control and deal with in the here and now? Lucinda Bassett shows you how!
Rating:  Summary: This psychotherapist highly recommends this book Review: As a psychotherapist, I highly recommend this book to any person who is experiencing general stress to full-blown panic attacks or agoraphobia. I have truly found this book to be a success in treating patients. It is easy to read and comprehend, full of examples and real-life success stories. The book provides excellent, proven techniques to help conquer anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, and agoraphobia. One of the most beneficial aspects to the book is that the author herself shares her struggle with panic disorder and agoraphobia and how she won her battle back to a healthy, relaxing life. She is able to teach us how to look within ourselves to see what is creating our fears and anxiety and how we can change these behaviors and thoughts to create a balanced mind and life. This book is truly a life saver and gives readers the hope and confidence they seek.
Rating:  Summary: Ready for a change Review: I bought the book "From Panic to Power" while I was waiting for the Attacking Anxiety program to arrive. I had had all I could take of being anxious and depressed all of the time. I had decided that this was it, and a change would have to take place. With that in mind, I literally ate every word in the book and put to use every tool that applied to my situation and my daily life. I highly recommend the book and the Attacking Anxiety program for anyone who has made a definite decision to change their lives and reduce/eliminate anxiety and depression. It really made me realize that I had all of the control over my situation, my thoughts, my attitude and ultimately my destiny. I have passed the book on to others that I know are having similar difficulties with anxiety and they have also provided positive feedback.
Rating:  Summary: This book saved my life! Review: I read "Panic to Power" about 4 years ago.....I couldn't believe that others were going through the same things that I was...I thought I was going nuts!!! Believing that I was going to pass-out-----have a heart-attack or just plain lose control..... I think what makes this book unique is Lucinda's honesty....allowing us to see her own weakness and life experiences)......She says........WE can control our own thoughts, weaknesses, strengths, and ultimately our own destiny..... And she doesn't push throwing a pill down your throat...... I still feel panic trying to take control of my mind and body at times, as if its' a separate entity, but I take control and scream >>>>No WAy!!!! I have passed "Panic to Power" on to many others.....It's pages are now highlighted and well used..... And I know that the fingerprints on her pages have grown into individuals who have finally taken CONTROL over their unwelcome anxiety....... FREEDOM IS BEAUTIFUL!
Rating:  Summary: Same Old Useless Rhetoric Review: If you have a serious anxiety problem, you won't find help in this book. First of all, the author seems to be more interested in telling her own story than addressing ways of overcoming anxiety, and her anxiety was minimal. She fusses about being afraid of taking a plane trip to Mexico with a boyfriend (while working full time). Anyone with truly severe anxiety isn't working full time and couldn't consider a trip out of the country. Second, the author repeats herself over and over again. Third, the information in this book is old. If you've read a book about anxiety during the past thirty-five years or so, you already know everything found here. Everything. There is nothing new. I've had anxiety disorder since I was a child, and I'm now fifty-five years old. Because of a series of family losses, heart disease, and other recent traumas, I now also have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This book just added to my anxiety by irritating me with its sophomoric rhetoric.
Rating:  Summary: NO meds? Review: I run a panic website and it's proven that panic is hereditary. I've been researching this for years. Meds are necessary in most cases. I didn't totally agree with book, but I gave you high reviews anyway.
Rating:  Summary: the book that saved my life! Review: I was at a time in my life where I had tried everything. I had been on medication, I had been to therapists, and I just didn't get better. In fact I was feeling worse from the medications. I didn't even know who I was anymore. I was in the bookstore searching for an answer, something to help me understand what I was going through, and that's where I found Lucinda's book. I sat down and began to read and I couldn't put it down. She was writing about me! This book as saved my life and my sanity. It is written with such understanding and warmth. She shares so much of herself here and gives the reader tons of skills. For the first time I felt like I wasn't alone and I knew I wasn't crazy. I am flying again, soicalizing comfortably, and doing all kinds of fun things. Life is good again thanks to this wonderful book. If you want to get control of your anxiety...read this book!